LAUC-B Executive Committee
Meeting No. 1999/2000 (2)
13 October 1999
10:30 - Noon, 303 Doe Library
Present: Suzanne Calpestri, Barbara Glendenning (Chair), David Farrell
(Secretary), Chuck James, Phoebe Janes, Hideyuki Morimoto, Andrea Sevetson,
Beth Sibley, Beth Weil, Alice Youmans
Absent: Barclay Ogden
Handouts: Agenda; Draft minutes (Meeting No. 1, 9/15/99); Bridging the Bay
exhibit funding request
1. Minutes
The minutes of meeting no. 1, 9/15/99, were corrected and approved.
2. Anouncements & Reports
A. Chair:
(1) Glendenning reported on final arrangements for the INCOLSA
Teleconference entitled "Building Earth's Largest Library" on 10/28 in 117
Dwinelle at 12 noon- 1pm. Total LAUC cost for teleconference and campus
arrangements is $200. Announcements will be posted in CU News and
allusers; Ogden will be the contact person.
(2) The CAPA Laptop order is in process in Systems.
(3) The LAUC-B budget request was submitted on 10/4.
(4) Systemwide LAUC meets 11/19 in Santa Cruz; attending will be
Glendenning, Farrell, James, and Janes (substituting for Ogden).
(5) Meetings:
a. Glendenning and Ogden met with University Librarian Lowell 9/28: the
Distinguished Librarian award (he'll support funding of the DLA award this
year if TVC does not supply that in our budget, and will supplement funding
to bring award totals up; upward evaluation (he will fold the proposal into
the "organizational culture" process that is examinating review and
evaluation procedures); adding steps to the librarian series (ULs have
discussed it with the vice chancellors and all are supportive; UCOP has
concerns about implementation and collective bargaining issues); AUL update
(AUL-CD position has been reopened).
b. Glendenning attended the Systemwide Division Chairs meeting last week;
discussion included the allocation of LAUC research funds; UCOP use of the
Berkeley Financial System; SOPAG and SLASIAC reports.
c. Glendenning has forwarded names of ExComm members for consideration
for appointment to the EAL director screening committee.
B. Vice Chair: Glendenning reported for Ogden. She attended the Academic
Senate Library Committee meeting of 9/22; discussion included a digital
library report and a faculty request for quiet study space.
C. Secretary: Farrell noted the updating of the rosters and listservs on
the Web and invited members to continue sending updates and corrections.
D. Treasurer: Sibley announced the budget balance at $27,438; and that
she is sending out LAUC travel forms this week (due 11/12).
3. Old Business
Discussion of the LAUC Laptop Use Guidelines was postponed.
4. New Business
A. Funding request: The request for funds for a campus-wide library exhibit
was reviewed; funding was denied. ExComm will consider the need for a
policy on funding such requests in the future.
B. Fall Assembly: Tom Leonard, Senate Library Committee Chair, and Patsy
Inouye, LAUC President, will be invited to address the Assembly 11/16.
Farrell is arranging for the room and refreshments.
C. ExComm coverage of other divisions: The following members will serve as
monitors of LAUC meetings systemwide, reporting items of interest to ExComm --
UCLA (Janes); UCSD (Calpestri); UCD (Sibley); UCSC (Youmans); UCR (Weil);
Irvine (Morimoto); UCSB (James)
D. LAUC-B mentoring program: Janes was appointed coordinator of the program
to mentor new librarians.
E. Emeritus librarian status: Sevetson will collect information on
emeritus appointments systemwide for future discussion and possible policy