2006 Fall Assembly

LAUC-B Fall Assembly 
Tuesday, November 07, 2006 
8:30  10:00 a.m. 
Morrison Library 
Handouts: Fall Assembly agenda; Committee Reports 
I. Call to Order at 8:30 a.m. (Lucia Diamond, Chair, ExComm) 
II. Welcome and Introduction of New LAUC-B Members 
L. Diamond: For the benefit of new members, review of LAUC, its mission and its 
Tom Leonard, UL: Welcome to the Fall Assembly and recap of UL/Librarian meetings in 
November: Fall Assembly, monthly meeting with Chair and Vice Chair/Chair Elect of 
ExComm; meeting with SOPAG; 
L. Diamond: Regarding new members, there are open librarian positions that are 
currently in the interview process, but since the Spring Assembly 2006 the only new 
LAUC-B members are Chuck Eckman, AUL/Director of Collections, and Jeanne 
L. Diamond: We have lost a number of LAUC-B members as their temporary positions 
have ended. They were very active LAUC members while they were here, and we thank 
them for their service to LAUC and to their libraries. 
III. Call for Additional Agenda Items or Concerns to be Taken to the LAUC Assembly in Davis, 
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2006 
Official delegates to the Statewide Assembly in Davis are Lucia Diamond, Armanda 
Barone, Susan Garbarino and Jennifer Nelson. 
Already on agenda are the following items: 
o Examining how LAUC business is conducted, i.e. that some committees have no 
charge but nonetheless require commitment by members to be ready to work just 
in case. Examine possibility of transitioning some groups from Committee to 
Task Force status that can be more flexible and able execute on a task but then 
be dissolved. Membership asked to weigh in new ways that LAUC might conduct 
business more efficiently. Please send all ideas to Lucia Diamond. 
o UC as Destination Place (catchphrase of UCOP). What makes UC a place 
where people want to work and build their careers? How can we recruit and 
maintain an outstanding and diverse group of librarians? 
Membership asked to contribute additional agenda items or voice concerns in advance of 
the Statewide Assembly. Please send contributions/comments to Lucia Diamond. 
IV. LAUC-B Committee Reports (highlights from Committees welcome) 
1. Mary Ann Mahoney, CAPA

Final report is available here: 
Report reflects work of 2005/2006 CAPA whose members were: Mary Ann Mahoney 
(Chair), Myrtis Cochran, James Eason, Elizabeth Edinger, John Gallwey, Susan Koskinen, 
Corliss Lee. Highlights for the last review cycle include: 
o 29 cases reviewed:18 in the library and 11 in affiliated libraries 
o Of these there were 16 merit increases; 5 remained at current level; 4 accelerated 
increases; 4 achieved career status; 5 promotions. 
o 4 ad hoc groups to review cases 
o Academic review workshop held October 3rd, 2006 
o 8 position descriptions reviewed 
o Interviewed for 13 positions with 2 or 3 candidates for each 
o Dossiers received on time (quality was good overall) 
o Reviews of librarians moving from V-VI who already had distinguished status 
(the 2006/2007 review cycle will include V-VI advancement cases of librarians 
who do not already have distinguished librarian status) 
2006/2007 CAPA members are: Susan Koskinen (Chair), Myrtis Cochran, James Eason, 
Elizabeth Edinger, Manuel Erviti, John Gallwey, Gary Peete. 
2. Paul Hamburg, Chair, Committee on Research 
Thank you to Michael Sholinbeck, outgoing Chair, and to David Sullivan, outgoing 
Statewide representative. 
Current members: Paul Hamburg (Chair), Virginia Shih, Jennifer Nelson, Linda Vida 
(Statewide representative). 
Forthcoming announcement of informational brown bag for LAUC research grants (early 
Informational brown bag for Townsend Fellowship will be held in February. 
Winners of last years LAUC Research Grant were Maryly Snow, William Benemann, 
and Paul Atwood. 
Winner of the Townsend Fellowship last year was Karen Munro. 
3. Allan Urbanic, Conference Committee 
Conference committee members are: Allan Urbanic, Jean McKenzie, Karen Munro, Jim 
Ronningen, and Dean Rowan. 
Theme of conference: Libraries 2.0. 
Conference will be held early December, 2007 probably at Clark Kerr Campus. 
Website for information and registration TBA. 
4. Tom Leonard: Tours available by appointment for the C. V. Starr East Asian Library and Doe 
Annex. Contact the office of the UL for information. 

V. Announcement from the Webmaster, Randy Brandt (via Jennifer Nelson) 
Please submit any materials or updates for the website through the LAUC Secretary. Do not 
submit them directly to the webmaster. 
VI. Report from the Chair, Lucia Diamond to outgoing ExComm (members) 
Thank you to the outgoing members of ExComm (Chris Tarr, Brian Quigley, Manuel 
Erviti, Teresa Mora, and Rita Evans). 
Current members are: Lucia Diamond, Armanda Barone, Lily Castillo-Speed, Jennifer 
Nelson, Harrison Dekker, Susana Hinojosa, Jean Dickinson, and Susan Garbarino. 
Major topics for this 2006/2007 ExComm are: 
o Diversity: Looking at recruitment and retention (with LHRD and APO), with a 
special focus on diversity, but also looking at recruitment and retention of 
librarians in general and diversity in a broad sense, including librarians with 
young children and librarians who are new to the profession. 
o Recruitment: This includes local recruitment from among our own student 
workers (both graduate and undergraduate), providing them information about the 
profession and about the wide range of opportunities in librarianship. 
VII. Questions and Other Announcements - none 
VIII. Guest Speaker: Shelton Waggener, CIO and AVC-IT 
Campus home page: http://cio.berkeley.edu/ 
Formerly CIO at Lucent. 
Came to Berkeley to help build campus IT infrastructure. 
Full Campuswide Information Technology Strategic Plan can be viewed at 
Critical areas of opportunity and challenges are (text adapted from this page of the 
website http://technology.berkeley.edu/index.html): 
o Teaching, learning. How IT can support the teaching and learning activities at the 
heart of UC Berkeley's mission. 
o Student experience. How technology can support the experience for prospects, 
students, alumni, donors, and supporters in interacting with the campus. 
o Research. How IT can support research in all disciplines, and serve to connect the 
campus with the greater Bay Area research community. 
o Security, reliability, access. How the IT environment can be made secure and 
reliable while maintaining the kind of access required of an open university. 
o Governance, funding, structure. How IT governance, funding, and structure can 
be improved to advance UC Berkeley's IT Guiding Principles, and effectively 
serve the IT needs of users for teaching and learning, research and discovery, and 
student services and administration. 
o Expertise. How to attract and retain the dedicated IT professionals needed to 
maintain a high-quality IT infrastructure. 
Oversees Information Services and Technology for the Berkeley campus. 
As of May 2006 the IST division was restructured to consist of the following four 
departments (text adapted from this web page http://ist.berkeley.edu/ist-division/) 
o Client Services: Serves as primary contact for current and potential clients of IST 
and works with individual customers and departments to meet customer needs, 
providing expert assistance and service management. 
o Application Services: Provides application systems development and best 
practices for enterprise and unit-specific application software in support of 
administrative functions, academic functions, and public service. Also provides 
application operations services such as testing, quality assurance, production 
control, and release management. 
o Data Services: Provides stewardship of both academic and administrative data, as 
well as tools for data presentation, visualization, analysis, and collaboration. 
Helps prepare the campus for the convergence of IST, Library, ETS, and 
appropriate external providers. 
o Infrastructure Services: Provides core infrastructure technology services to the 
campus, a common, reliable, standards-based technical environment, and cyber-
infrastructure for research and education. 
Important area of collaboration between CIO and libraries is security. Libraries store a 
great deal of personally identifiable information about patrons that needs to be protected. 
Other areas of commonality between IT department and the library are: 
o Librarians are applications experts. 
o Librarians are not just consumers of information and applications; they are also 
producers of information and applications. 
o Changing perception of where information is: library users do not necessarily 
come to the library for information; information is everywhere. 
Question: How do we move towards a common campus-wide archive for images and not 
place the IT and cost burden on small units to create and store digital images. Answer: 
Storage is similar across departments; it is access needs that are different. Instead of 
departments storing images in separate silos, it is prudent to investigate the possibility of 
having a single archive of all images funded by the institution (or possibly even with the 
help of industrial, i.e. private, partners), but have different service layers by which 
departments can access the images depending on their needs. 
Question: What about virtual worlds (i.e. Second Life, bSpace) and telepresence 
options? Answer: There is no question that Berkeley is content-rich, i.e. that there are 
many virtual places where students and faculty can collaborate and share information, the 
question is how to harness all of the resources in the best way and to anticipate not only 
what is useful today, but also in the future. 

IX. Adjournment at 10:00 a.m. (L. Diamond)