2 November 2000
Handouts: Agenda; Draft LAUC-B Spring Assembly Minutes; 1999-2000 CAPA report
I. Welcome
Barclay Ogden, LAUC-B chair, called the meeting to order at 8:30 and welcomed the members.
II. Announcements and Introductions
(A) N. Kobzina reminded those in attendance about the University Librarian interviews beginning Monday, November 6, 2000. She encouraged everyone to attend the early birds and drop-in sessions. A. Sevetson asked why LAUC Ex Comm had not been formally scheduled to meet with the candidates apart from the informal lunchtime meetings. Members of the Search Committee responded that the Search Committee felt it was infeasible though concern had been raised by librarian members. LAUC-B Ex Comm agreed to make sure there was adequate committee representation at the early birds, lunch meetings, and drop-in sessions to ensure that Ex Comm could make a credible and responsible evaluation and recommendation.
(B) B. Ogden announced the names of new librarians: L. Prichard, B. Quigley, N. Reich, D. Sullivan, and M. Singh.
III. Minutes of the 2000 Spring Assembly
Approved with no corrections.
IV. Speaker - Paul R. Gray, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
P. Gray began with a statement on the importance of libraries and library staff to campus life. He mentioned significant improvements in library funding over the past three years, due to Chancellor Berdahl's commitment to the libraries. He promised he would do everything he can to support the library in the future. He referred those in attendance to a recent issue of The Berkeleyan (October 25, 2000) describing the action plan for university. Highlighted issues include the campus physical infrastructure, growing enrollments, faculty hiring, staff workload issues, instructional technology and distance learning, and university relations with external constituencies, especially industry.
Gray noted that the campus is in a better situation today than it was a decade ago. Responding to a question about the quality of undergraduate education, Gray indicated that UC Berkeley should support this initiative with a specific development goal. Responding to a question regarding the role of libraries on campus, Gray described the libraries as having three roles: as a repository of resources and archives, as a place to study, and as a place to access information and resources. Responding to a question about rebuilding the librarian staff, Gray said he could imagine a strong case could and should be presented during the budget solicitation process and commented there were tremendous opportunities for designing new library services.
V. Reports
(A) Chair
- LAUC Statewide Assembly will be held on the Berkeley campus on November 17, 2000. The registration form is on the LAUC web site. B. Ogden thanked R. Lhermitte and M. Phillips for their work on the local arrangements. Registration is required only if LAUC-B members wish to have lunch or have a name tag prepared.
- Procedures and forms for LAUC travel support are on the LAUC web site. B. Ogden urged all in attendance to submit a request for support, so has to have a "marker" in place. Support per librarian is currently set at $364, the amount specified in the MOU. This amount may increase, if fewer than expected librarians apply.
- The LAUC-B 2000-2001 budget request was approved as of November 1, 2000. The request included funding for a Spring 2001 program tentatively described as, "Library Values in the Digital Age."
- Emeritus Librarian privileges proposed by LAUC-B have been approved by Library Administration with the exception of continuing access to the Faculty modem pool, which must be approved by I S & T. The matter has been referred to I S & T.
- Two salary actions are currently in the works for non-represented librarians: the implementation of the new salary scale for librarians and administrative stipends.
(B) CAPA - B. Anton
B. Anton submitted a formal written report to the membership. She mentioned the large number of interviews in which CAPA participated over the preceding year and how well the timeliness of submissions this past cycle worked. She encouraged librarians to discuss how the new series is to be implemented and urged LAUC-B Executive Committee to take the lead.
(C) Committee on Professional Governance - M. Cochran
The committee has not met or communicated since Spring 2000. It was charged with reviewing LAUC position papers and guidelines. They reviewed the guidelines and recommended minor changes to them. They decided not to review the position papers themselves because of the implementation of the new salary scale for librarians. M. Goral, UCLA, chaired the committee. A final report will be submitted to the LAUC President. G. Irving is the incoming Berkeley representative to the committee.
(D) Cultural Diversity Committee - L. Castillo-Speed
State-wide - Making use of video and teleconferencing, a reinvigorated committee concentrated its efforts on the following tasks. The committee recommended changing its name to "Diversity Committee," and expanding its charge to include diversity beyond ethnicity and race. It's not certain if this name change is official yet. The committee also combined recommendations from the "Many Voices of Diversity Report" with those from the "Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to Review the 'Many Voices of Diversity Report' with Regards to Sexual Orientation Issues." Objectives not yet accomplished in the intervening time since these reports were issued are being organized into a five-year plan.
The committee is putting together a proposal to create an ongoing position for a Diversity Officer responsible for facilitating implementation of the recommendations and preparing appropriate statistical reports. It is also revising "UC Affirmative Action Guidelines for Recruitment and Retention of Faculty (UCOP, Academic Advancement, April 26, 1999" to more clearly relate to librarians. Members are identifying and locating important reports and documents that chronicle the work of the committee. Links will be added to the committee's web site. Lastly, the committee has established a working relationship with the Office of the President in the person of Sheila O'Rourke, Executive Director, Academic Compliance to secure needed data and advice to support our work. Kathryn Blackmer Reyes (UCSC) is the incoming chair of the committee.
UC-Berkeley - The Berkeley Committee commented on recruitment procedures for librarians and may sponsor an earlybird in Spring 2001. Staff concerns over librarian positions not being widely advertised were passed on to Patty Owen, Academic Personnel.
VI. Old Business - None
VII. New Business - None
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.
Submitted by:
Patricia Davitt Maughan
LAUC-B Secretary 2000 - 2001