1996 Fall Assembly

LAUC-B Fall Assembly
30 October 1996
Morrison Room, Doe Library

I. Meeting was called to order by Terry Dean, who introduced the current members of the LAUC-B Executive Committee.

II. The Minutes of the Spring Assembly were approved.

III. Statewide LAUC activities (Gary Peete):
A. Cultural Diversity Committee -- given a charge to review the earlier report "The Many Voices of Diversity" to see if its recommendations should be expanded to include gay/lesbian issues. The CDC appointed an ad hoc committee to review the report. Their recommendations will be discussed at the Statewide Fall Assembly.
B. Committee on Committees, Rules, and Jurisdiction -- given a charge to look at the calendar, to see if it is in synch on all campuses
C. Committee on Governance -- will review the salary survey, and determine which institutions should be considered "comparable" for parity issues
D. Committee on Scholarly Communication -- reorganized to become an editorial board, with their web page treated as an e-journal
E. Digital Library Initiative -- will be the focus of the November Statewide Assembly, with Richard Lucier as speaker

IV. CAPA (Camille Wanat)
After reviewing the statistics of completed and pending evaluations, the Chair focused on several issues from the Committee's full written Annual Report. LAUC-B members are urged to follow guidelines for briefer, more clearly organized self evaluations. Timeliness is a severe problem, with delays being caused more often by reviewers than candidates. CAPA is recommending that HRD not hold supporting materials from all candidates until the reviews for everyone in that cycle are complete, since that has resulted in a delay of up to two years, and some candidates find that they need to resubmit publications, etc. if they come up for another evaluation before the materials from their previous review have been returned. CAPA recommends that all non-confidential supporting material from completed reviews be returned by October 1st.

V. Ad Hoc Committee on Sexual Orientation Issues (Grace Mills)
The Ad Hoc Committee welcomed comments on its report concerning "The Many Voice of Diversity." William Benemann suggested that the report, while a fine beginning, was not sufficiently focused to promote discussion of the issues involved, and recommended that it be returned to the Ad Hoc Committee for revision and expansion.

VI. Plans for the coming year (Terry Dean)
LAUC-B will be presenting three Fall programs on aspects of the peer review process. We will once again sponsor a Spring Conference on Copyright; the program is being organized by Michael Levy. LAUC-Statewide will be presenting a two-day Technology Conference at UCLA. Terry Dean will be coordinating a series of forums for LAUC-B members on the future of librarianship.

VII. Presentation by Carol Christ, Vice-Chancellor and Provost

The State budget for FY 1996-97 includes a 6.7% increase in University funding. Most of this amount will go for salaries, some for deferred maintenance. State budget support should remain stabile for the immediate future, but there will be no increases. Fund-raising has been particularly successful in the last year, with $189,000,000 received from private donations. The University is exploring several options for the future: increased fund-raising, recovery of costs and reallocation of resources.

The University Administration considers the Library to be the center of the campus, but fiscal support of the Library collections will be drastically affected by the explosion in the amount of material being published and the accompanying rise is the cost of books, by changes in information technology, and by new developments n the area of copyright and intellectual property. It is clear that in the future, access is going to be more important than ownership.

The immediate priorities will be: 1.) collections, which should be closely coordinated with academic programs; 2.) the digital library, taking into consideration what different disciplines need; 3.) library service, provided in smarter ways and supported by better training, 4.) cost recovery, especially from other institutions which use our resources; 5.) collaboration with other UC campuses, and other research institutions.

The presentation was concluded with an extensive question-and-answer period.

VIII. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.