Executive Committee Minutes 12/20/09

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, December 10, 2009
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
303 Doe Library

Present: J. Bolstad, L. Diamond, M. Phillips (Chair), S. Koskinen, L. Jones, M. Burnette, C. Lee,
R. Martinez, S. Tao, I. Wang.

I. Announcements

- There will be a brown bag session on professional development funds at noon on December
- The current travel/training/development request form is in need of some changes. It is also
unclear whether it is required to obtain all necessary signatures prior to submitting the form. M.
Phillips suggested changing the name of the form because it is vague, and also suggested
adding a line for membership fees. She will talk to Kris Leonardo about it.
- S. Koskinen is updating the LAUC blog. If members have items to post, either send them to
her, or ask her to set up their permissions so they can post.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang)
The balance is $146,126.69.

B. Meeting with the University Librarian (M. Phillips, S. Koskinen)
- T. Leonard reported that Dan Greensteins comments to the Ithaka technology group (as
quoted in Inside Higher Ed) in September are being re-written for publication. Greenstein
claims to have been misquoted in that article and says that the article to be published will be
less provocative.
- The Library Advisory Board would like to be able to give more advice, and so, would like to
hear more feel-good stories about the Library. T. Leonard sent them information about the
recent Music Library news.
- G. Breslauer will speak at the Early Bird on January 11 about the budget.
- The Library holiday party is on December 16.

C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of Academic Senate (C. Lee)
- C. Lee attended the November 17 meeting in S. Koskinens place.
- The Water Resources Center (WRC) closure was discussed, as were the possibilities for the
Water Resources Center Archives (WRCA) to find new home. The assumption is that the
archives will find a home, but it is unknown whether that will happen. It is also unclear whether
just the archives will be retained, or whether the staff will also be kept on board. Berkeley is
interested in continuing to house WRCA, but does not know if that is possible. Some ExComm
members felt that L. Vida should have been invited to the meeting. R. Martinez will contact L.
Vida to discuss her possible attendance at a future meeting.
- Diane Harley (Center for Studies in Higher Education) is studying the faculty peer review
process. This will have long-term consequences for scholarly publishing and may affect the
Librarys budget in the future. There are several different disciplines being looked at. The main
issues involved are peer review and getting publishers to lower prices.
- T. Leonard stated that the Library is not going to have layoffs. He also met with the Bain
management consulting group the campus is using and does not believe that the Library needs
to worry.
- Two faculty members and C. Eckman are working on a project involving e-books and ereserves.
S. Koskinen will ask Z. Listro for clarification on what this project is.
- There was a discussion about the Google Books Settlement.

D. LAUC Statewide Assembly and Executive Board Meeting (L. Diamond, M. Phillips)
- The assembly was on December 3 and went well. The afternoon program allowed librarians
across 10 campuses to talk to each other. This was the first step to acknowledging where
librarians are now and where they can be in the future. Librarians should think about what they
should be doing in order to deliver the resources that people need. This discussion and work will
be ongoing. There are regional meetings planned for the Southern UC campuses, so they can
get together and more people can get involved in the discussion. The LAUC Committee on
Professional Governance will post information on this topic on a wiki or blog.

III. Continuing Business

A. LAUC-B Fall Assembly Planning (M. Phillips)
Details about the assembly were reviewed and finalized.

B. Statement of Responsibility (M. Phillips, S. Koskinen)
- M. Phillips and S. Koskinen met with S. Wong from Library Human Resources, and explained
that the Statement of Responsibility should be initiated by librarians. However, an exception
would be when new librarians are hired. S. Wong agreed that librarians and their review
initiators should collaboratively write the Statement. One concern is when to implement the
writing of the Statement. Previously, T. Leonard had suggested that having a template with
boilerplate language might be helpful to the membership. This topic will be discussed at
tomorrows assembly.

C. Next LAUC-B Conference (2011): possible topics
- ExComm will decide on a conference theme/topic by February 2010, so it can charge a
committee to begin planning the conference in March. Possibilities are: library space (library as
a place); proving our worth (accessibility, marketing, project management, outreach); and
developing project management skills. It would be nice to have a theme that speaks to both UC
and non-UC people.

IV. New Business

A. LAUC mentorship program update (S. Tao)
- A brief update on the mentorship program was given. Three newer librarians have been paired
with mentors already.

B. CAPA Task Force (C. Lee)
- ExComm discussed the proposed revision of the Berkeley Procedures document, which
addresses 3 points: 1) the distinguished step, 2) the concept of degree equivalency, and 3)
timeframe for next review in cases of out-of-cycle advancement or cases of denied
- ExComm renamed the CAPA Task Force to the 2010 Task Force on Special Issues.
Recruitment for possible members to the task force is in progress. The task force will be asked
to report to ExComm with results by March 1. ExComm will then further discuss the document
and determine how to inform membership of it.
- C. Lee and J. Eason will redraft section 1 to clarify whether distinguished status exists and
what the procedures for the reviewee and review initiator are.
- M. Phillips will make a brief announcement about the document at tomorrows assembly.

C. Distinguished Librarian Award (M.Phillips, C.Lee)
- Deferred until the next meeting.

D. 2010 ExComm Meetings
- All meetings will still be held on the second Thursday of every month.