LAUC-B Executive Committee
December 10, 2012
4-5 pm
Room 303 Doe Library
Members present: Susan Edwards (chair), Julie Lefevre, Teresa Mora (recorder), Jim Ronningen, Nick Robinson, Hilary Schiraldi, Susan Xue
I. Announcements
- There were no announcements
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- The 2012-2013 budget has been approved and the current balance is $97,375.16
B. Meeting with the University Librarian(S. Edwards, L. Jones)
- T. Leonard gave an update on the Pacific Rim Digital Library Alliance Conference he attended (
- UC has two new representatives to PORTICO.
- S. Edwards and L. Jones introduced the idea of LAUC providing workshops to its membership. T. Leonard said he would entertain such proposals.
- T. Leonard is interested in hearing if units have had problems with delivery times from SRLF
- T. Leonard clarified that Affiliated libraries would be welcome to attend Affinity Group meetings, as they now attend the Subject Councils.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (L. Jones)
- LIBR does not plan to endorse the draft Open Access Policy proposed by UCSF.
- B. Ogden and B. Dupuis reported to LIBR on the condition of the stacks.
- Discussion of how to get faculty input on the Commission on the Future of the Library. It was also reported that a De-Cal class will be held on the future of the library this Spring.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (S. Edwards, N. Robinson)
- There was discussion of plans for the statewide assembly (see item IV.A.
- The LAUC representative to SOPAG discussed the proposed modifications to the UC Libraries Advisory structure which SOPAG has submitted to the Council of University Librarians. LAUC will be given the opportunity to give input. See for more information and updates.
- LTAG has looked at google hangouts for possible video conferencing but determined it wont work for their needs.
III. Continuing Business
A. Planning for our upcoming meeting with the Commission (name)
- S. Edwards suggested we revisit the outline developed at our November meeting in light of what the co-chairs said at the Fall Assembly. She suggested we state clearly how LAUC-B would like to see an additional 3 million spent . The suggestion was made that we might pull talking points from the CoUL report (
- There was a general discussion of issues to raise including: determining how many professional and support staff the Library would need to hire to re-staff to past levels; what new initiatives have come along that would not be staffed based on the old model (scholarly communication, GIS, digital initiatives); the lack of central funding for major resources; reminding the Commission that even if our collections budget is increased we need to increase amount of instruction and outreach in order to best serve the students; the need for the Library to clarify its mission and to ensure it's aligned with the academic goals of the campus.
- S. Edwards will mine the CoUL report and distribute possible talking points to Executive Committee members no later than Friday (12/14). Each member can then select point/points he or she wishes to discuss and develop.
- Draft presentation to be ready to distribute to LAUC-B membership for comment no later than 12/21. Any feedback from the membership will need to be received by 1/8.
IV. New Business
A. Three ideas of ways to structure campus engagement in statewide Spring Assembly (S. Edwards)
- Brown bag lunch (inviting T. Leonard)
- Discussion in relevant Councils
- Ask for outside expert opinion on the issue (Paul Courant)
B. Migrating from wiki to bSpace (L. Jones)
- L. Jones has created a bSpace page for LAUC-B, migrating over all data from the LAUC-B wiki. She asked Executive Committee members to review and edit as needed.