LAUC-B Ex Comm - Meeting Minutes
12/9/20 10am-11:30am
Members Present: Sherry Lochhaas, Ramona Collins, Naomi Shiraishi, Jianye He, Tim Vollmer, Joe Cera, Susan McElrath, Anna Sackmann
Others present: Kate Peck, Corliss Lee, Shannon Kealey
I. Announcements
- Distinguished Librarian awards virtual ceremony: Dec. 10th, 4-6pm. See flyer.
- Congratulations to Anna Sackmann who will transition to her new role as Data Services Librarian on Feb. 1
- New rep to SDC: The rep was previously Stella Tang. Jennifer Dorner will be the new librarian rep for the staff development committee
- Member survey - deadline = Dec. 15th
- Racial Justice Task Force updates (N. Shiraishi)
- Working on a list of recommendations and initiatives. Hoping to submit the first provisional report in February.
- LAUC-B R&P updates (J. He)
- LAUC-B R &P Development Committee received and reviewed one LAUC statewide research grant proposal. It was submitted to the LAUC Statewide R & P Committee on time.
- LAUC-B R &P Development Committee also successfully hosted the Newish Librarian Brown bag online event on 12/3. Salwa Ismail, Frank Ferko and Ann Glusker shared their work.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer (J. He)
- Report
- LAUC-B 2020-2021 budget proposal that is adjusted for $74,039 will be submitted to Jeff for final approval by the Library Business Office soon.
- Current LAUC-B budget balance is $112,058.71 that reflects transfer from Barry Fund. A separate LAUC-B 19900 fund report will be available after the new fiscal year budget is approved.
B. Meeting with UL (R. Collins)
- Q) What came out of the annual meeting between UL & CAPA Chair about merit reviews? UL wants to clarify how committee work fits into various criteria for advancement and create a guide about this. The Library Cabinet has created a subcommittee to work on this. It will not be ready for this review cycle. Cabinet & CAPA will need to approve new guidelines.
C. LIBR meeting (S. McElrath)
- CAPRA - nothing to report.
- Bulk of the meeting discussed the Faculty Friends Initiative, including work on the annual solicitation letter, and how to track & publicize this initiative. The library will also provide giving/donation instructions.
D. LAUC statewide conference call (R. Collins)
- The statewide Chair is finalizing committees & charges.
- New model for chairing committees - when a new chair is selected for any committee, there will also be a vice chair that will step into the role the following year for a smoother transition.
III. Continuing/Outstanding Business
A. LAUC-B Conference Committee budget request (C. Lee and S. Kealey) 10:30am
- Evaluated different platforms for an online 2021 conference and proposed a figure of $7500 and offered two possible scenarios with line items. ExComm suggested there might be an additional line item for security costs. A revised proposal will be submitted to ExComm by 1/5/20. LAUC-B chair will share proposals with UL
- General discussion about conference planning ideas for a virtual environment.
IV. New Business
A. Member questions/concerns?
- How are statewide research funds budgeted year to year, will they rollover? LAUC-B Chair will check with LAUC. Normally the funds do not rollover, but there may be changes this year.