Executive Committee Minutes 11/12/09

LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting 
Thursday, November 12, 2009

10:00 am - 12:00 pm 
303 Doe Library 
Present: L. Diamond, M. Phillips (Chair), S. Koskinen, L. Jones, M. Burnette, C. Lee, J. Bolstad, S. Tao, I. Wang.

Guests: L. Vida.

I. Announcements

- The LAUC-B budget was submitted and approved by the Executive Vice Chancellor and 
- For members planning to attend the LAUC State-wide Assembly, the deadline to register has 
been extended to Monday, November 16. M. Phillips will send out a reminder to register, 
emphasizing that members have the option of attending only a part of the assembly, depending 
on their interests. 
- The LAUC-B membership received an e-mail about available professional development 
funding for the fiscal year. There will also be a brown bag on November 18 to talk about using 
these funds. 
- Barbara Bohl, Chair of the LAUC-B Committee on Diversity, send out an e-mail about 
upcoming job shadowing and mentorship programs.

II. Reports

A. Treasurer's Report (I. Wang) 
- The current balance is $160,850.77. 
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (M. Phillips, S. Koskinen) 
- There was no mention of any mid-year cuts thus far at the most recent Council of Deans 
- T. Leonard reported on the ULs conference call: there is not much optimism regarding the 
budget for next year; the University Librarian at UC Irvine will be retiring; the UL at UC Davis is 
still out on extended leave. 
- C. Eckman will be attending the LAUC State-wide assembly in T. Leonards place. 
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (S. Koskinen) 
- There were approximately ten attendees at the Moffitt library tour. 
- The next meeting is Tuesday, November 17. S. Koskinen will be unable to attend, so C. Lee 
will try to attend in her place. 
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (L. Diamond) 
- The LAUC Fall Assembly was discussed. 
- The UC Commission on the Future meeting will be held on December 3 on the Berkeley 
campus. There are concerns because the Commission gives no mention of libraries nor 
librarians. LAUC is remaining mindful of whats happening at CDL and collections, and the 
future of libraries and librarians. Since Janet Lockwood from the UCOP Academic Affairs Office 
is planning to attend the assembly, some possible questions for her are concerns about the 
hiring of librarians who are outside of the librarian series, budget issues, and more. 
- LAUC has charged the Committee on Professional Governance to create a wiki to help 
facilitate communication across campuses. 
- L. Diamond will send out an email to the LAUC-B membership to ask for volunteers to attend 
the UC Commission on the Future meeting.

III. Continuing Business

A. Statewide Assembly Planning 
- Registration is in process and everything is running smoothly. 
B. LAUC-B Fall Assembly Planning (M. Phillips) 
- The assembly will be held on Friday, December 11, from 8:30-10am. M. Phillips will send out 
an e-mail announcement. 
- Jason Schultz, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law; Director, Samuelson Law, Technology & 
Public Policy Clinic, will be the featured speaker. 
- The Morrison Library has been reserved, J. Bolstad will organize the catering and contact the 
Library Systems office regarding A/V equipment. 
- Committee reports should be submitted to J. Bolstad a week before the assembly. 
C. Statement of Responsibility (C. Lee) 
- C. Lee obtained redacted copies of UC Daviss Statements of Responsibility from H. Dekker. 
UC Davis has already incorporated the Statement into their review process. At a recent AFT 
meeting, the union implied that it is not going to push this issue any further. M. Phillips and S. 
Koskinen will set up a meeting with S. Wong from Library Human Resources to discuss the 
issue. C. Lee will ask H. Dekker for permission to make copies of the document from UC Davis, 
and then distribute them to ExComm. This will be an ongoing topic for future meetings. 
D. LAUC-B web site/blog 
- This topic will be discussed in more detail at the next ExComm meeting. H. Dekker is working 
on revamping the LAUC-B web site. Individual committees will have control of where to post 
their materials. H. Dekker is willing hold a training session for the LAUC-B Committee Chairs on 
the new website sometime in the new year.

IV. New Business

A. Update on Water Resources Center Archives (L. Vida) 
- The budget for the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) was recently cut, and 
the Water Resources Center Archives (WRCA) is being affected. Currently, ANR has a 
presence on 3 UC campuses: Berkeley, Davis and Riverside. On October 2, it was announced 
that the Water Resources Center (WRC) will be closed as of Dec 31, 2009 and a new academic 
home would be found for WRCA by June 30, 2010. Staff will be kept on until June 30, 2010. 
Several blogs and news articles have been written about this issue. Currently, there are no 
definite plans for the relocation of WRCA because ANR is in the early stages of searching for a 
new home. ExComm suggested that L. Vida contact UCB faculty to write letters of support. 
Another suggestion was for L. Vida to draft a statement for ExComm. If there are any LAUC-B 
members who can think of faculty/students who use the collection at WRCA, please send their 
names and contact information to L. Vida, so she can ask them for support. 
B. Next LAUC-B conference, proposed topics 
- M. Phillips handed out a list of suggested conference topics from evaluations submitted at the 
October LAUC-B conference. 
- ExComm will continue to discuss this issue and come up with general topic for the 2011 
LAUC-B conference by February. Once a general topic is agreed upon, ExComm can consider 
the composition of the Planning Committee. Our goal would be to charge that planning 
committee by March 2010. 
- A separate Task Force will also be created to investigate the holding of online conferences. 
C. CAPA membership nominations (closed)