Executive Committee Minutes 10/13/2021

LAUC-B Ex Comm
Meeting minutes
10/13/21 10 am -12 pm

Present: Abby Scheel, Susan McElrath, David Eifler, Haiqing Lin, Ramona Collins, Celia Emmelhainz, Kate Peck, Lara Michels, Sine Hwang Jensen, Ann Glusker, I-Wei Wang

I. Announcements

  • UC Libraries Forum Conference, October 26-29. Conference theme is 'Leading with Innovation, Stronger through Collaboration.'
    • Abby will send out announcement listing Berkeley presenters

II. Member questions/concerns - Ideas for encouraging member participation

  • Question: affiliated libraries typically offer fall and spring assemblies/fora. Should we skip this fall given the number of library events already happening? Idea: combine affiliate assembly with LAUC-B assembly or push to spring. There is no requirement to hold an affiliate event in fall.
  • Question: for the mentor program, how do we find out about new LAUC-B members?
    • Current practice: annual update of LAUC-B roster from APO records by secretary; rely on new hire announcements on listserv
    • Ideas: 
      • ask HR to notify CAPA and Mentoring chair of new librarian hires
        • Action: Susan M. will contact HR about this possibility
      • Ask Roundtable about how best to connect new hires with mentoring

III. Reports

  1. Treasurer (L. Michels)
    1. September expenditures: $577.91
      1. Employee development and training: $0
      2. Conferences: $0
      3. Memberships: $286.00
      4. Out-of-State Travel: $464.71
    2. Total September Expenditures: $750.71
    3. Total expenditures FYTD: $1993.86 
    4. 2021/2022 budget still awaiting approval
  2. Meeting with UL (S. McElrath)
    1. Please bring up workload issues with your manager. Non-represented employees whose role has changed greatly can bring requests for title, classification, or pay adjustments to HR.
  3. LIBR meeting (September) (October) (C. Emmelhainz) 
    1. A September report from the library to the LIBR committee suggested that we may be lower on reference librarians for a while.
  4. LAUC statewide conference call (S. McElrath)

IV. Continuing/Outstanding Business

  1. Fall Assembly Planning
    1. Confirm date (poll results?)
      1. 11/17 10:30am-12pm
      2. Abby will send out a save-the-date ASAP
    2. Logistics
      1. 30 min. For business meeting
        1. Abby will send out call for reports and ask if they need time on the agenda
      2. 60 min. For sessions
        1. Two 15 min. Break-out sessions (with 5 min. Break to switch people between rooms)
        2. 20 minutes for group report back - facilitator reports out
      3. Abby will reach out to Library Events for Zoom set up
        1. Ask about best way to set up breakout sessions
      4. Susan will create draft agenda for approval at November ExComm meeting
    3. Breakout sessions
      1. Session topics: Burnout (C. Emmelhainz); Onboarding (K. Peck); Mentoring/Career Development (A. Glusker); CAPA Review Process (L. Ngo, D. Eifler, J. Eason)
        1. Need brief (1 sentence) description of the scope for each of these breakout sessions - session leaders
      2. Discussion Questions - suggestions?
        1. Put in Google doc for notes, do not share before session
      3. Ground Rules
        1. Input on notes will be kept confidential (without names)
        2. Setting common expectations for participation (i.e. use raised hand feature?) - breakout group facilitators will determine these expectations to keep consistent between rooms - Susan will add this to the Google notes document
      4. Note takers - seeking volunteers
        1. How to solicit feedback anonymously? Padlet? Jamboard? Google Doc?
        2. Create notes document(s) in LAUC-B Google folder that is open to the notetaker as well as all attendees
        3. Ramona, Lara, Susan, Abby volunteered as notetakers
    4. Business meeting

V. New Business

  1. Members’ questions from survey re: overlapping responsibilities between LAUC, Union and LHRD responsibilities. How to address?
    1. Idea to develop a matrix to direct to people to best group for a question
    2. Follow-up survey in early 2022 asking for the types of questions they’ve had and been confused where to go
    3. For December meeting: revisit how we want to go about this