LAUC-B Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2023, 10am-11:30am
- José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Jen Brown, Kristie Chamorro, Misha Coleman, Cyrana Dowell, Christina Velazquez Fidler, Jackie Gosselar, Michael Sholinbeck, Jesse Silva; Hilary Schiraldi (Outgoing CAPA Chair: guest for closed session), Hannah Tashijan, Mark Hemhauser.
- Hilary Schiraldi (New CAPA nominees) (This was a closed session)
- Check-ins
Treasurer’s Report (Jackie)
- FY23 and FY24 draft budgets received:
- $70025 (FY23); $67745 (FY24 draft).
- Main difference between the two is the Distinguished Librarian Award, which only happens every 2 years, is in FY23 budget.
- FY23 and FY24 draft budgets received:
Meeting with the UL (José Adrián)
- JMM agreed to quarterly meetings as a trial.
- “Best practices” for conversations with Cabinet posted (link - pdf).
- CAPRA and DIVCO are working on response to report on library budget.
- Recommended bringing to Cabinet the idea of lessons learned from Anthropology Library closure. May be too early now; perhaps at a later time. Mentioned asking Susan Edwards (Div. Head) for help writing this up.
- Promote link to survey on new UL: coming soon.
LAUC Statewide (José Adrián)
- Nominating Committee is fully staffed.
- RPD put out first call for proposals.
- Professional Governance has not met yet.
- D&I will be looking at previous surveys. May reword. Hope to have some kind of deliverable by year’s end.
- LAUC-SD may do a get-together during ALA, which will be in San Diego next year. Watch your in box for more.
LEIC Report (Jackie)
- Oct 2 was most recent meeting; welcomed Ruth Haber and Amber Lawrence as new members.
- Looking into continuation of student members.
- Budget planning was a major topic of meeting. Created draft procedures for evaluating funding proposals.
- Subcommittee updates followed.
Affiliated Libraries (Kristie)
- Kristie and Cyrana met to discuss Affiliated Assembly, etc. Also worked to clarify roles.
- Thinking of going back to a fall assembly, probably in December, presentation + discussion, on zoom.
- Like to have a social component as well.
- There is a line item in budget for this.
- Maybe a spring tech & tools lightning talk event too; nothing firm yet.
UL Search updates (Jesse/JA)
- Please complete the survey! (link). It closes Oct. 24.
LIBR Meeting (Christina)
- Library funding report: overall sense that they don’t want library budget to shrink even more.
- Guest: Jennifer Johnson-Hanks Chair of UL Search Committee. Provided some background information. UCLA is using same firm for their UL search. Library staff wanted someone with library experience, and committee understands this.
- Discussion ensured of priorities for the new UL.
- Concern that there’s less selector/faculty engagement and they want that to change.
- They want to make sure new UL is UC Berkeley’s librarian, not just a branch of the systemwide library. Movement towards one UC library not conducive to their research needs.
- LIBR then discussed the EVCP response to the library budget report. Closing libraries to create study spaces is not a viable option.
Continuing Business
- Set the next date for the listening sessions on the Academic Librarian Values Statement/Plan for fall assembly
- Jen and Misha gave updates on feedback received.
- Lots of folks had questions on statement’s purpose, audience, etc.
- Will continue to work on edits.
- Latest revision incorporates the feedback well, and will be presented for more feedback.
- Plan is to schedule another listening session, but timing may be difficult. Could we do listening session at Assembly? Depends on length of business portion of the Assembly, but would have the advantage of not scheduling another meeting.
- Nov. 29 seems good.
- 4 events budgeted for the library and 2 events for affiliated events. Might work if the two assemblies are close to each other with the social component afterwards. Could potentially have them on the same day.
- Set the next date for the listening sessions on the Academic Librarian Values Statement/Plan for fall assembly
New Business
- Need for new webmaster
- Help for Jennifer Dorner with the website. Tim Vollmer has volunteered. José will put them in touch with each other.
- Misha is interested in learning how to do this and would like to be considered a backup.
- Need for new webmaster