LAUC-B Executive Committee
Oxtober 9, 2013
10 am 12 pm
Room 303 Doe Library
Members present: Susan Edwards, Lynn Jones (chair) Rita Evans, Lisa Ngo, Cody Hennesy, Elliott Smith, Jason Miller, Jim Church (recorder).
Guests: Chris Tarr
I. Announcements
- Education-Psychology & Social Welfare Library (S. Edwards). Current plans for the new Education and Psychology building (which will replace Tolman) do not include space for a library with a book collection; they are interested in the model of electronic reading room and pick up location. Discussion is in a very preliminary stage of bringing the high use monographs into a combined social research library in Haviland.
II. Reports
A. Report on Conference Planning: (C.Tarr).
- Preparation for the conference is nearly complete and everything looks great. Attendees include San Jose State Library students and librarians from other institutions. Recruitment for the event was well done. Messages were sent to all users and many state and local lists. Videotaping will be done by LAUC statewide. Graphics for the print programs were prepared by Mary Scott.
- The assessment form has been vetted by the Berkeley Center for Teaching and Learning. There will be a party for speakers the night before. Some speakers will be selling books at the event, which is permitted because the conference is off campus. Chris Tarr will ask speakers to allow hosting of their presentations on the conference web site. Lynn thanked the committee for all their work.
B.Treasurer's Report: (L. Ngo)
- The current balance is $33,689.28. Due to a brief outage of the BAIRS system we do not yet have a record for recent expenditures.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate: (R.Evans)
- The committee met on October 8. The only agenda item was the Commission on the Future of the Library report. The report is in Word doc. format but will be converted to PDF. How and when the report will be disseminated has still not been decided. There was discussion about closing libraries for new space and the effect on students study needs.
- According to campus policy if a library is closed space does not revert to the department: some must be allocated for students. However, in practice, departments often reallocate regained space. A LIBR sub-committee was formed to look at this issue. Other points of discussion included affinity groups. Beth Dupuis noted that people with subject expertise are being hired and formation of affinity groups will not negatively impact subject expertise. Faculty are also encouraged to invite librarians to departmental meetings and to serve as an advisory capacity.
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call: (L. Jones)
- No Call was made.
E.Chairs' meeting with University Librarian: (L. Jones and R. Evans)
- No meeting was held.
III. New Business
A. Professional Development Survey: (R. Evans)
- The results have been tabulated. A total of 52 people took the survey which was an excellent response rate. Members reported spending a median of $2000 per year (range: $0-$6500) on professional activities, and spending a median of $300 (range: $0-$4200) of their own money.
- The comments were informative. Some members responded they did not pursue professional activities. More than half of these (8 people - 57%) said they were too busy and 50% (7 people) said there was insufficient funding. Supervisor/co-worker discouraging participation and lack of available activities were cited by no one.
B. Budget proposal 2013/2014: (L. Jones and L. Ngo)
- Lisa and Lynn presented the draft budget request. The chief item under consideration is allocation for professional development. For the proposed budget the amount requested per librarian is $1029. This figure is derived from the pro-rated share specified in the UC AFT contract of $729 per librarian, plus an additional $300 in supplemental funding. This represents a $225 increase of the current supplemental amount of $75 and was derived from the median amount of personal expenses spent per member as reported in the Professional Development Survey.
- Other items in the budget include funds for the Distinguished Librarian awards. This includes $5500 per recipient, plus $1000 for event expenses such as videotaping and catering. There are four assemblies each year that cost ~$250 each, as well as member programs. Next year LAUC-B anticipates an increased number of interview lunches for new hires. The total budget request is for $118,159.
C. LAUC-B Fall Assembly Planning: (L. Jones)
- Lynn distributed the draft agenda for the fall assembly. There will be several announcements for retirements and resignations but as of yet no new hires. New CAPA members will be announced. Committees will submit their reports in writing.
- Discussion then turned to the fall assembly program and whether to focus on professional development funding or LAUC sponsored research. After some discussion the committee decided on a combined research and professional development program. LAUC grant recipients will be invited to present about their research.
- The professional development discussion will include findings from the recent survey (see above); alternative uses of professional development funding (e.g. classes and membership fees) and tips for wise use of the money. Lynn will contact potential participants.