LAUC-B Executive Committee
August 9, 2012
11 am 1 pm
Room 303 Doe Library
Outgoing and Incoming Members present: Lillian Castillo-Speed, Susan Edwards, Dana Jemison, Lynn Jones, Susan Koskinen, Julie Lefevre, Jeffery Loo (recorder), Jason Miller, Jennifer Nelson, Nick Robinson (Chair), Jim Ronningen, Hilary Schiraldi, Kai Stoeckenius, Susan Xue
I. Announcements
- Introductions around the table of the outgoing and incoming Executive Committee members.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- The account balance is $60,533.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian(S. Edwards, N. Robinson)
- For the meeting of July 5, 2012, there was discussion of the forthcoming Faculty Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library and the progress towards disseminating the Re-envisioning survey results.
- Below are details from the meeting held on July 30, 2012.
- Reports from the University Librarians Conference Call
- Proposals were discussed to extend the time until the Regional Library Facilities (RLFs) are filled. The LAUC representative was not present at the phone, so action was deferred.
- Brian Schottlaender (UCSD University Librarian) is participating with DPN (the Digital Preservation Network,, pronounced deepen).
- UCLAs government documents digitization project is still going forward.
- Other news
- No budget news.
- The Faculty Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library has not yet been appointed.
- The proposal for an AUL position for Collections has not yet been sent to APO. The position announcement will not be reviewed by CAPA since the position is not subject to academic review by CAPA. The future AUL will be a librarian member of LAUC-B.
- New business
- There was discussion about making the LAUC-B/UL monthly meetings as productive as possible in the coming year.
- In a conversation with S Edwards and N Robinson , Tom mentioned that from his perspective some of the most substantive aspects are the opportunity for input and feedback from the Affiliated Libraries and to hear about LAUC-B sponsored conferences and programs. Tom also thought there would be a role for LAUC-B in discussing the recommendations of the Faculty Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library and the Librarys Re-envisioning process.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (S. Edwards)
- No meeting since the last LAUC-B Executive Committee meeting.
- Lynn Jones will be attending the meetings in the coming year as LAUC-B Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect.
- For the coming year, the Committee anticipates:
- Having focused discussions on library issues since technology issues will be handled by a separate technology committee.
- Discussing a Berkeley campus open access mandate
- Responding to Operational Excellence and the Re-envisioning the Library initiative along with issues related to library budget cuts and staff changes
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (N. Robinson)
- The conference call was held on July 5, 2012.
- There was discussion on the planning of the transition meeting for the LAUC Board.
- There were confidential discussions of the nominations for LAUC representatives to Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG), Collection Development Committee (CDC), Heads of Technical Services (HOTS), Resource Sharing Committee (RSC), and Library Technology Advisory Group (LTAG). Non-ranked names were sent to CoUL (Council of University Librarians), who makes the final decisions on representative assignments.
- The LAUC Executive Board charged an Ad Hoc Award Committee to recommend procedures and funding for developing a new award for distinguished service to LAUC.
E. LAUC Transition Meeting, August 6, 2012, UCLA(S. Edwards, N. Robinson)
- Nick Robinson (Incoming Statewide Vice President/President Elect), Susan Edwards (LAUC-B Incoming Chair), Lillian Castillo-Speed (outgoing LAUC secretary), and Dean Rowan (LAUC Parliamentarian) all attended the meeting. Mitchell Brown is the outgoing LAUC President, and Keri Botello is the incoming President.
- President Mitchell Brown reported on the status of 2011- 2012 activities:
- The Committee on Professional Governance has completed its charge on the Next-Gen LAUC Member.
- The Diversity Committee will be analyzing its LAUC member census survey results. Mitchell recommended conducting an updated survey in the future for multi-year comparisons and analyses.
- The LAUC Position Paper No. 5 may be revised (The Academic Librarian in the University of California, Announcement of the project lead is forthcoming.
- Mitchell gave the 2011- 2012 LAUC financial report. The funding for the LAUC Statewide Assembly is facing budgetary pressures.
- The departure of Vice Provost Dan Greenstein at UCOP, who was the primary liaison between LAUC and UCOP, may temporarily complicate communications between the groups. Furthermore, there are concerns that this departure may result in lost momentum for UCOPs Online Instruction Pilot Project (
- Research and Professional Development Committee Chair Keri Botello gave an oral committee report. The final report is forthcoming. This year, UCOP funded all proposals that R&PD recommended. There were discussions of ways to improve the process for presentation grants, particularly with the timing of the applications.
- Incoming President Keri Botello solicited ideas from Incoming Board members on issues for discussion in 2012-13. Issues included the required and preferred qualifications of new UC Librarians, workload, the MLS degree and the librarian series, the role of space in libraries, online education, and succession planning.
- Tentatively, the LAUC statewide assembly will be held in Spring 2013 at UCLA. This is open to revision.
III. Continuing Business
A. Approval of LAUC-B Committee Appointments (N. Robinson)
- The 2012 Nominations and Elections Committee made its recommendations for LAUC-B committee appointments for the term beginning Fall 2012.
- ExComm approved the appointments. The Nominations and Elections Committee will announce them as soon as all nominees have been informed of the outcome.
B. Report of the Diversity and Retention Task Force (N. Robinson)
- Nick received the final report of the LAUC-B Diversity and Retention Task Force for the Member Survey Results and Analysis. Thanks to the committee for conducting the survey and analyses and for preparing the report.
- Nick recommended that Incoming LAUC-B Chair Susan Edwards submit the final report to the incoming LAUC-B Executive Committee for approval, distribution to membership, and action.
IV. Overview of LAUC-B Business and 2011-2012 in Review (N. Robinson)
- 2011 to 2012 was a busy and productive year for LAUC-B.
- The Executive Committee hosted two assemblies with speakers Professor Elaine Tennant, Director of Bancroft Library, and Professor Margaretta Lovell, Chair of the Committee on Library and Information Technology (Academic Senate).
- Thanks to LAUC-B Secretary Jeffery Loo for his for his excellent work in facilitating the assemblies and preparing minutes for LAUC-B meetings.
- The Library Representatives to the Executive Committee coordinated LAUC-B lunches for interview candidates for librarian positions (thanks to Dana Jemison), and coordinated mentoring for new librarians (thanks to Kai Stoeckenius).
- Vice-Chair Susan Edwards served as the liaison to the Library Committee of the Academic Senate.
- Vice-Chair Susan Edwards and Chair Nick Robinson met monthly with the University Librarian.
- Treasurer Susan Xue, Vice-Chair Susan Edwards, and Chair Nick Robinson planned the 2012-2013 budget allocations for professional development funds.
- The Executive Committee issued the following statements
- A response to the final report of the Library Planning Task Force
- An advisory memo titled Peer Review Standards in a Time of Increased Workload
- A memo to campus administration in support of the Academic Senate resolutions on campus responses to non-violent political protest
- The Executive Committee charged an ad hoc Retention Survey Task Force which conducted a survey of LAUC-B members about the aspects of working at UC Berkeley that support librarian retention and recruitment as well as needed improvements in these areas.
- Beyond the Executive Committee, all LAUC-B Committees have done excellent work.
- The Committee on Appointment Promotion and Advancement (CAPA) held its annual Academic Review workshop, reviewed 31 cases and submitted recommendations, commented on new position announcements, and participated in interviews.
- The Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs hosted two assemblies with speakers Janet Broughton, Vice Provost for the Faculty, and David Hansen, Digital Library Fellow at Berkeley Law.
- The Committee on Diversity hosted a discussion on non-traditional MLS positions and promoted campus workshops on diversity-related topics.
- The Committee on Professional Development assisted CAPA in planning the Academic Review Workshop, co-hosted a workshop on managing stress in the workplace with the Staff Development Committee, and hosted a program on Library Leaders Perspectives on Professional Development.
- The Committee on Research held a workshop on how to apply for LAUC grants and for the Townsend Center Library Fellowship.
- The 2011 Conference Planning Committee held the LAUC-B Conference, Fiat Flux: Changing Universities, Challenges for Libraries. The conference was well attended and very well received. The 2013 Conference Planning Committee began planning a conference on the theme of assessment in libraries.
- The Distinguished Librarian Award Committee has received nominations for awards to be presented at a reception in Fall 2012.
- The Nominations and Elections Committee managed the 2012 LAUC-B election and recommended appointments to LAUC-B committees for the term beginning Fall 2012.
- Thank you to all outgoing Executive Committee members for their committed service this past year.
- Thank you to Susan Koskinen for her work with web administrator Julie Lefevre to continue improving the new LAUC-B website.
- Congratulations to Susan Koskinen on completing her 3-year leadership term as LAUC Vice-Chair, Chair, and then Past Chair!
- Nick thanked Past-Chair Susan Koskinen and incoming LAUC Chair Susan Edwards for all their assistance and support this past year.
V. 2012-2013 Preview (S. Edwards)
- Susan Edwards thanked outgoing LAUC-B Executive Committee members and welcomed the incoming team. Special thanks to Nick for his leadership of LAUC-B in the past year!
- Susan Edward suggested some issues that LAUC-B could explore in the coming year:
- Re-envisioning the Library initiative: It will be important to include the Affiliated Libraries into the discussion and planning since Main Library re-configurations will have an impact on the Affiliated Libraries.
- Faculty Blue Ribbon Committee on the Library
- Identifying best practices for diversity in the recruitment of librarians. (The Berkeley Law School conducted a study on the impact of Proposition 209 and found that the California work force demographics and trends do not reflect the diverse population of the state.)
- Succession planning for personnel changes (e.g., upcoming retirements, etc.)
- Afterwards, there was an open discussion of potential areas for exploration. These issues included:
- Examine how Re-envisioning the Library initiative will (a) shape the recruitment process for new positions that arise from the initiative and (b) shape the process for the adjustment of work assignments resulting from the initiative.
- Improved workflow for gathering input from the LAUC-B membership
- Understanding the needs of LAUC members who are temporary librarians on contract positions.
- Fostering opportunities for LAUC-B Executive Committee and the Heads of the Affiliated Libraries to engage with the Faculty Blue Ribbon Committee and the Re-envisioning the Library Initiative.
- Explore the impact of workload on librarian professional development and goals.