LAUC-B Executive Committee
April 12, 2012
10 am 12 pm
Room 119 Moses Hall (IGS Harris Room)
Members present: Lillian Castillo-Speed, Dana Jemison, Susan Koskinen, Jeffery Loo (recorder), Jennifer Nelson, Nick Robinson (chair), Kai Stoeckenius, Susan Xue
I. Announcements
- Thank you to the LAUC-B Executive Committee and the Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs for the success of the respective Spring Assemblies. There was good attendance and we received lots of positive feedback.
- The next LAUC-B Executive Committee has been rescheduled for May 3, 2012 due to a conflict with the LAUC Statewide Assembly.
- The Conference Planning Committee 2013 co-chairs, Chris Tarr and Jennifer Nelson, are issuing a call for volunteers. The conference theme will be assessment, and LAUC-B members are encouraged to volunteer for this committee.
II. Reports
A. Treasurer's Report (S. Xue)
- As of April 10, 2012, the LAUC-B budget balance is $102,776.92.
B. Meeting with the University Librarian (N. Robinson)
- The public comment phase of the Re-Envisioning Library Services Initiative will include a survey of faculty and other campus stakeholders.
- Mary MacDonald , the University Counsel in the Office of the General Counsel, will be retiring. Her expertise in intellectual property and libraries has had a significant impact on UC Libraries.
- Currently, all new hires in the librarian series (i.e., initial appointments) are hired as temporary or potential career appointments.
- Article 6.C.1 in the Professional Librarians Unit MOU prohibits the granting of career appointments upon initial hire.
- The article states that: An appointment in this series may be an explicitly temporary appointment, a potential career appointment, or a career appointment, depending on the circumstances as described below. However, an initial appointment to a title at any rank in this series may only be a temporary appointment or a potential career appointment.
- Library Administration is seeking to revise Article 6.C.1 to allow initial appointments to be career appointments. This change may incentivize and facilitate the recruitment of senior-level managers external to the UC system.
- This will be a matter of further discussion and negotiation with AFT.
C. Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (N. Robinson)
- Planning for the new Public Health Psychology Education Building (Tolman Hall replacement) is proceeding on a fast-track. Tom mentioned the campus estimates that the building construction will take 18 months. The architects are keen on open work spaces, akin to whats happening in Silicon Valley. The LIT Committee cautioned that the location is a problem for the library (to be near Shattuck Avenue), particularly if there are no classrooms in the building. Tom mentioned that campus is moving closer to downtown, while acknowledging that it is further from where students live and faculty teach.
- Bernie Hurley and Beth Dupuis presented an update on the Re-Envisioning Library Services Initiative to LIT.
- Molly Van Houewling shared the latest version of the UCOLOASC Open Access Policy ( Some faculty objected to the proscriptive tone of the document, and again raised concerns about version control and impact on citation count (having one article in a journal and another copy in an open access repository might dilute it).
D. LAUC Statewide Conference Call (N. Robinson)
- The slate of nominees for open LAUC Statewide positions was presented. Additional nominations may be submitted by members to LAUC Secretary Lillian Castillo-Speed or LAUC President Mitchell Brown until April 20, 2012.
- LAUC Statewide will not prescribe an electronic ballot system for the LAUC Statewide Elections ballot. The LAUC divisions may use the electronic ballot system that is currently in use at their campus.
- LAUC Statewide is soliciting volunteers to serve as representatives to five of the systemwide advisory groups. For details, refer to the LAUC-B listserv email dated Friday, April 13, 2012, 1:58pm from Nick Robinson.
- SOPAG will be charging a task force to examine the implications of the UC Online Instruction Project on library collections and online resources.
III. Continuing Business
A. Retention Survey Task Force (D. Jemison)
- This discussion was postponed to the next Executive Committee meeting on May 3, 2012.
B. Distinguished Librarian Award planning (S. Koskinen)
- LAUC-B members are encouraged to nominate candidates for the award. Details at /node/600
C. Professional Development Committee Spring Program planning (D. Jemison)
- Please save the date for Library Leaders' Perspectives on Professional Development, a panel discussion where you will hear leaders in libraries and information science talk about the best professional development directions for librarians. The panel will be comprised of Tom Leonard, UCB University Librarian; Denise Stephens, UCSB University Librarian; Laine Farley, CDL Executive Director; and Clifford Lynch, UCB i-School Adjunct Faculty. Nick Robinson, LAUC-B Chair, will moderate the discussion.
- The event will be held on June 4th, from 9:00-11:00, at The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, 2121 Allston Way in downtown Berkeley.
IV. New Business
A. LAUC Assembly
- The Statewide LAUC Assembly will be held on May 10, 2012 at the UCSC Extension Center in Santa Clara. Four Executive Committee delegates will be attending: Susan Edwards, Jeffery Loo, Jennifer Nelson, and Nick Robinson.
- Some speaker highlights from the draft assembly agenda include:
- Dan Greenstein, Vice Provost, Academic Planning, Programs, and Coordination for an update on the UC Online Instruction Pilot Project (speaking via Skype)
- David Hansen, Digital Library Fellow, UC Berkeley School of Law
- Elizabeth Cowell, UC Davis, NGTS Steering Group Chair and Brian Schottlaender, UL UC San Diego, on NGTS at one year
- There are plans for simultaneous broadcasts via ReadyTalk through its web and phone applications. The web version includes a video component with chat and raising hand functionalities.