Executive Committee Minutes 1/25/96

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1995/96 (5)
January 25, 1996
10:00-12:00, Room 303 Doe Library

Present: R.Brandt, D.Kearney, B.Kornstein, C.Kubota, J.Ober,
G.Peete, K.Vanden Heuvel (Chair), P.Vanderberg (Secretary)

Absent: T.Dean, B.Glendenning, S.McMahon, V.Roumani-Denn

Guest: J.Burrows

I. Announcements
K.Vanden Heuvel plans to contact the chairs of the
LAUC-B Nominating Committee to solicit a slate of candidates for
next year's LAUC committees.  The date of the Copyright
Conference has been set for May 4, 1996 on the Clark Kerr campus. 
The Copyright Conference will be announced on the LAUC Systemwide
home page.

II. Approval of Minutes. 
The minutes of December 21, 1995 were approved as amended.

III. Research and Professional Development Travel Budget
The amount allocated for the LAUC-B Research and
Professional Development budget for 1995/96 was $37,407 which has
been augmented with $8,000 of rollover funds from the previous
year.  This brings the amount per applicant to $557, as compared
with $600 per applicant last year.  The amount of travel funds
available per applicant changes from year to year, depending on
amounts of funds available, and how many librarians apply for

ACTION: K.Vanden Heuvel and C.Kubota will write a memo 
to the LAUC-B membership explaining the funding        
amounts and formulas for use of the LAUC-B Research    
and Professional Development Travel Budget. They will
also remind applicants to request reimbursement of     
travel funds within one month of travel.

IV. Continuing Education for Librarians, a proposal by     
J.Burrows, Head, Library Human Resources Dept.
J.Burrows presented a proposal for a feasibility study
to create a Library Learning Center (an administrative umbrella,
not a physical place) which would address the needs of continuing
education, certification, management development opportunities,
and new roles for librarians. It was anticipated that classes
would be offered for library employees, the campus and others in
collaboration with University Extension. J.Burrows was seeking
sugesstions for possible partnerships and sources of funding for
the feasibility study.

V. Public Image of the Professional Librarian and Role on Campus.
There was a discussion of the image of the professional
librarian and how University administrators tend to view the
digital library without librarians.  Options were discussed for
correcting these perceptions and for librarians taking a greater
leadership role in planning for digital libraries.