Executive Committee Minutes 9/21/94

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1994/95 (2)
September 21, 1994

Present:  M.Burnette; E.Byrne; L.Castillo-Speed; C.Eckman (recorder);
D.Fortner; K.Frohmberg; B.Glendenning; P.Janes; D.Kearney; B.Kornstein
(Chair); Lee Leighton; G.Peete (ex officio).

Guests: I.Arguelles; G.Handman; R.Heckart; B.Whitson.

Absent: L.Osegueda; V.Roumani-Denn.

I.      Distinguished Librarian Award.

A. G.Handman introduced the 1994 Distinguished Librarian Award
recipient, Ron Heckart.  The Committee responded enthusiastically to the
Ron's selection.  December 7, 1994 was set as the date for the Award
Ceremony and Reception.

B. Future budgeting for the DLA Reception was discussed.  Several
suggestions regarding reducing the costs of the Reception were made and
will be implemented this year.

II.     Announcements.

A. Committee members were reminded about and encouraged to attend the
reception on September 23rd for the four librarians who have begun work
this year in the Berkeley Library as part of the federally-funded Training
Institute for Science Librarians.

B. The Chair recommended highly an article by Allan Veaner
published in the September 1994 issue of _CRL News_ entitled "Paradigm
Lost; Paradigm Regained", an exploration of the issue of professionalism
in academic libraries today.

C. A flier describing LAUC souvenirs available for purchase was
distributed to the Committee.  These will be distributed to the LAUC-B
membership via a mailing.

III.    Minutes.  The August Executive Committee minutes were approved as

IV.     1994/95 Travel Request Procedures.  The Committee discussed and
approved the latest version of the LAUC-B Travel Guidelines and
Application Form as presented by G.Peete.  Both the Guidelines and the
Form need administrative approval.  Afterward, they should be distributed
as quickly as possible.

ACTION: B.Kornstein will review the Guidelines and Form with Sue
Rosenblatt.  B.Kornstein will ask L.Osegueda to serve as LAUC-B Travel
Coordinator for the 1994/95.  The Forms will be distributed to the
membership as quickly as possible.  

V.      CAPA Chair.  The Committee approved the selection of Ivan
Arguelles as CAPA Chair for 1994/95.

VI.     CAPA Report.  CAPA representatives presented their 1993/94 Report
to the Committee.  

ACTION: Discussion of recommendations contained in the 1993/94
CAPA Report--and appropriate responses--will be continued in closed
session at the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 12, 1pm-3pm, Bancroft Conference Room