Executive Committee Minutes 6/15/94

LAUC-B Executive Committee  1993/94  (13)
June 15, 1994

Present:  L. Leighton, P. Janes, M. Burnette, E. Byrne
(chair), M. Cochran (recorder), G. Handman, B. Kornstein, T.
Huwe, L. Castillo-Speed, G. Peete

Absent:  L. Osegueda, K. Frohmberg

I.   Announcements

1.   Update on UL Search- Comments on  candidates are due
June 22 immediately following the interview and Early Bird
presentation of the last candidate.  Comments are to be sent
to ulsearch@library or to E. Byrne and B. Weil.

2.   Update on Omega- L. Leighton

The Task Force will recommend a 10:1 ratio of faculty to
librarians.  Before VERIP  the ratio was 8:1, but had fallen
to 12:1.  Other peer institutions such as Harvard and Yale
have been able to maintain the same level over the last five
years, but Berkeley has dropped considerably.  The group
thinks 10:1 would be a good compromise for Berkeley.  To
achieve this ratio, we would have to hire 33 new librarians
in the next five years.  Recommendations will be given to
the next University Librarian.  It was pointed out that
since Heilbron has retired, a new campus administrative
structure will be in place.  There will be an Executive Vice
Chancellor/Provost and the UL will report to him or her. 
There is hope that more personnel decisions will be made at
the UL level rather than through the Executive Vice
Chancellor/Provost.  The task force will continue to discuss
issues concerning support staff.

Distribution of staff and allocation issues cannot be
addressed until the Academic Planning Board determines which
academic departments will increase and which will decrease. 
In regard to support staff, the task force will recommend
that LAG, LMG, and HRD take a look at distribution of and
levels of staff because the Library is top heavy with
higher-level librarians and support staff due to the lack of
hiring in the last five years.  Any new plan for hiring
should attempt to bring in entry-level librarians and staff
wherever appropriate.  The task force is also looking at the
ratio of librarians to nonlibrarians which would include all
classes of library staff.

The Task Force  expects to complete its charge in one or two
more meetings.  Comments should be sent to L. Leighton.

E. Byrne received from S. Rosenblatt a copy of the Senate
Library Committee's guidelines for consolidating branches,
which were approved by the Faculty Senate.  

ACTION:   Copies of the report will be sent to Ex Com.

E. Byrne distributed a letter from the Office of the
President confirming that UCOP will no longer provide
financial support for the Minority Librarian Internship
Program.  A copy will be sent to the Cultural Diversity

3.   Update on CAPA Issues

D. Gregor will continue to review dossiers after July 1. 
CAPA has five library cases that have not been received in
HRD, and two affiliated cases.  After July 1, CAPA will
continue its efforts to obtain dossiers on time.  This year,
CAPA has decided to include in its written report, in
addition to statistics (number of cases received and
reviewed), how cases were processed.

4.   Update on Meeting with S. Rosenblatt

E. Byrne and B. Kornstein had their regular meeting with S.
Rosenblatt. Issues addressed included background on the new
Minority Intern Grant received by Janice Burrows, and plans
for travel and professional development funding for next

Travel funds,  a treasurer position, and the amount of
clerical work involved in processing travel requests were
other topics discussed.  S. Rosenblatt would like to keep
travel allocation a simple process. She agrees that a flat
rate allocation would help to simplify the procedure.  She
suggested that a line for the supervisor's authorization
should be added to the travel form.  Another potential
problem is that the MOU states that travel money is
allocated on a competitive basis.  

There is a lot of clerical support needed to process travel
requests.  It was suggested that the Library Business Office
may be able to assist with funding procedures.

G. Peete handed out a travel proposal outlining a fixed
allocation.  E. Byrne asked Ex Com to review the proposal
and to come prepared to discuss it at the July meeting.  We
will also talk about the position of treasurer and its

ACTION:   J. Burrows will be invited to a LAUC-B meeting to
talk about the Minority Intern Program.    

LAUC-B members are to review the draft travel
allocation proposal for discussion at the July

S. Rosenblatt agreed to try to get an electrical
outlet installed in the CAPA room. If an outlet
cannot be installed, CAPA may have to move to a
nearby room with electrical outlets.

5.   Election Results

LAUC-B and LAUC Statewide election results were announced
via e-mail.  The turnover meeting for new members will be
held in August.  E. Byrne asked Ex Com officers with major
functions to draft job descriptions including regular dates
for events and to be specific as possible.  The job
descriptions should be ready for review at the July meeting.

E. Byrne sent notices regarding the Ex Com turnover meeting
to the newly elected members.

ACTION:   LAUC-B Ex Com members with major job assignments
are to have drafts of their job for review at the
July meeting.

II.  Minutes-  The minutes of the May 18 meeting were
approved as written.

III. Continuing Business

1.   Goals-  LAUC-B draft goals were assigned to members to
review action steps for additions, deletions, and to assign
individuals or groups to be responsible for implementation. 
Comments to improve the goals will be incorporated.  Goals
one - four were presented and discussed.  The remaining
reports will be continued at the  July meeting.

ACTION:   Assigned goals are to be revised to incorporate
changes then sent to E. Byrne.

2.   Highlights of minutes from other LAUC divisions- 
postponed until July 20  meeting.

3.   Reports from LAUC-B committee liaisons-  postponed
until July 20 meeting.

IV.  New Business

1.   Possibility of creating new Ex Com position of
Treasurer and Corresponding bylaws changes- postponed until
July 20 meeting.

2.  Possibility of reducing size of Ex Com due to decrease
in number of LAUC members, and corresponding bylaws changes- 
postponed until July 20 meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting:  July 20, 1994, 10-12 noon, Rm 322, Doe.