Executive Committee Minutes 12/15/93

LAUC-B Executive Committee
December 15, 1993/94   (6)

Present:  E. Byrne (chair), G. Peete, L. Leighton, T. Huwe, G.
Handman, P. Janes, B. Kornstein, M. Burnette, M. Cochran
(recorder), L. Castillo-Speed

Absent:   L. Osegueda, K. Frohmberg

Guest:    Andrea Sevetson

I.   E. Byrne expressed her concerns about absenteeism at Ex Com
meetings.  She noted the importance of attendance and expressed
concern at her difficulty in getting members to volunteer for
task groups.  She pointed out the necessity of having everyone
participate, which is the purpose of serving on the Ex Com. 
Committee members were encouraged to volunteer to serve on LAUC-B
task forces and to follow up on assignments, including review of
minutes, commenting on drafts, etc.

II.  Announcements

1.   E.  Byrne will send a sympathy card from the LAUC-B Ex Com
to Vice-Chancellor Heilbron upon the death of his wife.

2.   Summary of LAUC Executive Board Meeting-  E. Byrne gave a
summary of the Statewide Executive Board Meeting and Assembly.  
The resolution for Dennis Smith from Berkeley was written by Alan
Ritch and approved by the Assembly.  Copies of the resolution
were distributed to Ex Com.

Committee reports accounted for a large portion of the time. The
Committee on Professional Governance has five years of work which
includes adding steps to the librarian series, and streamlining
the survey on the impact of budget cuts, etc.  The committee
would like assistance from LAUC in setting some priorities.

E. Byrne presented a summary of the Curatorial Assistant issue at
Berkeley,  but only UCLA expressed concern.  Every UC library is
using LA's at the Reference Desk, but only UCB is using LAs as
selectors.  The Executive Board asked to be kept informed on this

The next Statewide Executive Board meeting is to be a
teleconference at Harbor Bay, March 16.  

3.   Summary of LAUC Fall Assembly-  Sue Rosenblatt, Deputy
Director of the Library, gave the welcome and talked about the
role of librarians and non-librarians.  Walter Massey, Senior
Vice-President of Academic Affairs was the speaker.  He gave his
perspective on the UC System as an outsider; stressed the
importance of excellence in research and teaching; and described
the long-range planning process undertaken by UC.  

In the afternoon, Susan Jurow, ARL/OMS, conducted a workshop on
creative problem solving.

There were no new reports from the Office of the President.

4.   Travel update-  G. Peete

Late requests will be considered for funding if money is
available after all other requests are filled.  E. Byrne has
submitted a request to the LAG for supplemental funding.  LAUC-B
travel funds will cover approximately 72% of members'
registration and airfare for two meetings.  LAG is being asked to
supplement expenses for librarians in the Library the remainder
up to 100%.  Travel forms will be completed and returned to
librarians in early January.

5.   E. Byrne suggested former CAPA chairs for members of a task
force on streamlining peer review.  The charge will include
coming up with ways to streamline the peer review process,
including upward evaluation, and other related issues as outlined
in the LAUC-B Ex Com list of goals.  It was recommended that the
task force examine the evolution of the peer review process at
Berkeley and review the process at other UC campuses.  Members
are:  Alice Youmans, Chair; Debby Sommer; and Rebecca Lhermitte. 
They will consult with Lily Castillo-Speed, current CAPA chair.

III. Minutes-  November 17 Ex Com minutes were approved and December 1 minutes were approved as corrected.  

IV.  Old Business

1.   Draft Letter to Heilbron (attachment).  A letter urging
immediate recruitment for a new University Librarian, now that
Gregor has retired was reviewed and suggestions for wording that
would strengthen it were provided.

ACTION:   Additional suggestions for the letter are to be sent to
E. Byrne.

Ex Com to discuss names of members for the search

2.   Changing role of the librarian task force charge- E. Byrne
summarized her notes from the Open Forum on Curatorial Assistants
held at the LAUC-B Fall Assembly.  It was suggested that the task
force pursue the issue conceptually and provide a model to handle
this situation in the future.  E. Byrne's handout outlining the
issues will accompany the charge to the task force.  It was also
suggested that an overall assessment for setting priorities to
post and fill positions be recommended.  Task force members are: 
L. Leighton, L. Osegueda, B. Kornstein, G. Peete, and R. Heckart.

ACTION:   E. Byrne will draft a charge and send it to the Ex Com
for review by Friday, 12/17.

3.   Review of goals, creation of action plans, assignments of
tasks-  Goals were postponed until the January 19 meeting.  E.
Byrne handed out a revised version of prioritized goals and asked
that written comments be sent to her.

V.   New Business

1.   Welcome kit for new LAUC-B members- A. Sevetson  

A. Sevetson was present to discuss and receive comments on the
Welcome Kit for new LAUC-B members and the Draft LAUC Handbook. 
The new handbook replaces the 1983 edition and will be
distributed to all LAUC-B members.  New items have been added
such as revised travel guidelines, and gopher-related
information.  E. Byrne suggested adding the research guidelines
and the LAUC-B calendar.  Other corrections, additions for the
handbook should be sent to A. Sevetson.  The handbook will go out
early January.  E. Byrne thanked A. Sevetson for her work on the
welcome kit, handbook and adding items to the gopher.

The new Statewide LAUC brochure was handed out and followed by a
discussion on distribution.  E. Byrne will send copies to
chancellors, vice-chancellors, and senate committee members. 
Additional ideas of candidates to receive the brochure should be
sent to E. Byrne.  

2.   Calendar-  Nominations and Elections Committee would like to
have a calendar to plan its work.

ACTION:   G. Handman will send MC and EB a copy of an earlier
calendar designed by R. Lhermitte.

Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting: January 19, 1993, 10a.m.-12m., Room 322.