Executive Committee Minutes 12/1/93

Executive Committee Meeting

Present:  E. Byrne (Chair), M. Burnette, G. Handman, G. Peete, L.
Leighton, L. Osegueda, P. Janes, M. Cochran (recorder), L.
Castillo-Speed, T. Huwe

Absent:  B. Kornstein, K. Frohmberg

I.   Announcements

1.   E. Byrne stated that she was pleased with the LAUC-B Fall
Assembly, especially the open forum discussion on curatorial
assistants.  Several points of view on the issue were expressed
by the membership.  

2.   LAUC Statewide Fall Assembly will be held Friday, December 3
at Berkeley, University Hall, Regents Room.  William Massey,
Senior Vice-President for Academic Affairs is the featured
speaker.  Susan Jurow, ARL/OMS, will conduct a workshop in the
afternoon on creative problem solving.  Agenda topics for the
morning business meeting will include the role of retirees in
LAUC, and assisting the Statewide Professional Governance
Committee in establishing priorities for the issues it has to

3.   AULs, ULs, Law Librarians and Associate Law Librarians are
considered members of LAUC.  Therefore, the total number of
librarians on the Berkeley campus now stands at 107 instead of
the previously reported 102.

4.   E. Byrne sent Vice-Chancellor Heilbron an invitation to
attend a future LAUC-B meeting.  In addition, the letter 
mentioned specific issues Ex Com is interested in discussing such
as the loss of 30% of our membership in the last three years,
budgeting, paraprofessionals performing librarian work, and
librarians as members of senate committees.

II.  Minutes

Approval of the November 17 Ex Com minutes were postponed until
the December 15 meeting.

III. Travel- G. Peete

A Travel Funding Report was distributed showing the amount of
travel requests by categories of bargaining unit, non-unit
affiliated and the Library librarian members unit, Affiliated
librarians and non-unit, General Library librarians.  G. Peete
updated Ex Com on meetings he had with  M. Cochran and E. Byrne
to interpret the new travel guidelines in order to simplify the
allocation process.  

Travel requests for this year total $50,000.  The budget
available for travel is around $40,000.  Everyone will be funded
approximately 70% of their request.  A 10% on site transportation
request has been built in, i.e. money for taxis, airport
shuttles, etc.  Allocations will cover airfare and registration
for two trips.  The amount of supplemental funding needed from
LAG totals approximately $11,655.  

ACTION:   G. Peete will send E. Byrne a final list of allocations
next week.

E. Byrne will forward the travel request to S.
Rosenblatt indicating the amount needed from LAG.

E. Byrne will send a letter from the Vice-Chancellor to
Marilyn Shiells, Library Business Office, which aproves
the LAUC-B operating and travel budget.

IV.  Goals

E. Byrne passed out a list of Ex Com goals.  The group was asked
to add new goals, to prioritize the list, and to devise action
plans to be assigned to  Ex Com members or the appropriate LAUC-B
committee or department within the Library.  A lengthy discussion
followed.  New goals were added to the list, and related goals
were grouped.

Other points discussed:  LAUC-B should minimize attention to
"housekeeping" and broaden its vision by focusing on programs
that will involve librarians in the programmatic mission of the
university.  LAUC-B's role with the Chancellor and Vice-
Chancellor was discussed and suggestions were made to strengthen
this relationship.  It was recommended that the EX Com contact
the Vice-Chancellor in a pro-active way regarding Library issues;
for example, LAUC-B's position on the recruitment of a University
Librarian.  Another suggestion was to invite a Senate Library
Committee member to attend Ex Com meetings and faculty to become
members of LAUC-B committees.  

The concern about LAUC-B's lack of visibility was discussed.
Several suggested ways to increase visibility include articles in
CU News, UC Focus and the Berkeleyan to describe the honors,
publications, etc. of LAUC-B members; Ex Com chair or designate
to attend LAG meetings when LAUC related issues are discussed;
and, in addition, LAUC-B members will be encouraged to submit
announcements of their participation in newsworthy events. This
information will be forwarded to the Director of Communications
for press releases to local publications such as the Berkeleyan,
or volunteers could be recruited to write press releases.

The LAUC-B Program Committee was discussed as another way for
LAUC-B to build campus partnerships.  Programs featuring panels
of librarians, library assistants, faculty, administrators, and
students were suggested.

Goals assigned top priority are:  streamline the peer review
process and related goals such as, create a manual with examples
of self-evaluations; revise expectations for merit/promotion for
librarians in view of increased workloads and fewer librarians;
and implement upward evaluations of supervisors.  Other goals
mentioned, strengthen LAUC-B's role in the governance of the
Library; improve LAUC effectiveness in light of downsizing
(branch closures); seek supplemental sources for funding for LAUC
professional development activities; and explore the issue of
"curatorial assistants".

ACTION:   Additional goals should be sent to E. Byrne.

E. Byrne will distinguish on-going goals from those
that are specific and need immediate action and reissue
the list.

E. Byrne will draft a resolution to the Vice-Chancellor
indicating critical times the Library's facing, the 
future of the Library, the recruitment of a UL, etc.  A
draft will be sent to Ex Com next week.

Draft wording for the resolution should be sent to E.

V.   Non-librarians/curatorial assistant task force-  postponed
until the December 15 meeting.

Meeting Adjourned.

Next meeting:  December 15, 1993, 10-12M., Room 322, Doe Library