Executive Committee Minutes 9/15/93

LAUC-B Executive Committee   1993/94 (2)
September 15, 1993

Present:  G. Handman,  E.  Byrne (Chair), M. Burnette, P. Janes,  
A. Youmans, K. Frohmberg, L. Osegueda, M. Cochran (recorder)

Absent:  G. Peete, B. Kornstein, L. Leighton, T. Huwe,

I.   Announcements:

1.  LAUC-B Ex Com 1993/94 roster was circulated for corrections.

ACTION:   M. Cochran will make corrections and redistribute at or
before next meeting.

2.  E. Byrne, B. Kornstein and G. Handman critiqued the latest
draft of the travel request form and sent their comments, with a
brief cover letter, to J. Pudewell, who will add his comments
before forwarding the document to D. Gregor.  B. Kornstein and E.
Byrne will meet with D. Gregor, September 20 to discuss this

The question was raised as to whether selectors traveling abroad
for conferences and buying trips would be eligible for
administrative travel funds.

ACTION:   E. Byrne will add to the cover letter that the form
will be reviewed at the end of the cycle, Summer 1994. 
She will also check to see if there is a campuswide
travel policy.

E. Byrne will check to see if administrative funds are
available to selectors.

3.  The call for research proposals was sent out and proposals
are due to E. Byrne on or before October 1.

4.  E. Byrne will review minutes from other UC campuses before
sending them to the assigned reader.  Readers are to review the
minutes and bring to the Ex Com meeting major issues or changes
taking place at other UC campuses.

5.  The Directory for Affiliated librarians is being revised.  

6.  M. Drabkin, laid-off from the Lawrence Hall of Science
Library, has a new job as Children's Services Librarian at the
Oakland Public Library.

7.  The Affiliated Librarians Assembly will be held November 3,
Boalt VIP Room.  All librarians are invited to attend.  The
keynote speaker will be Vice Provost McCredie.

8.  Minutes of the August 25 meeting were approved with

II.  Ongoing Business

1.  Goals for the forthcoming year

E. Byrne summarized goals e-mailed to her from Ex Com members and
added several of her own:  LAUC-B to work with Faculty Senate to
have a librarian appointed to 1 or 2 of their committees; devise
a mechanism to streamline the peer review process; determine if
librarian steps can be expanded beyond 5 to maybe 8 (this may be
a statewide issue). Based on the goals submitted, the Ex Com will
compile an action list of issues to be accomplished this year.

It was also mentioned that there maybe a role for LAUC-B in the
reshaping of the School of Library and Information Studies if the
school remains open.

Additional goals are to be sent to E. Byrne or M. Cochran.

ACTION:   M. Cochran and E. Byrne will distribute a final list of
goals before the next meeting.

2.  Appointment of a treasurer

The LAUC-B treasurer will work closely with the Library Business
Office and will need to pay particular attention to details.  P.
Janes volunteered to assume the role if no one else was

ACTION:   E. Byrne will ask G. Peete and B. Kornstein if either
of them would like to serve as LAUC-B Treasurer.

3.  Appointment of Coordinator of Mentor Program

The Mentor Coordinator connects new librarians with librarians at
a similar rank.  Mentors are expected to meet, as appropriate,
with the new librarian and be prepared to discuss, among other
things, the evaluation process.  M. Burnette and L. Osegueda
volunteered to co-coordinate the program.

4.  Plans for Fall Assembly

The Statewide Fall Assembly will be held on the Berkeley campus,
December 3, 1993, in the University Hall conference room.  There
will be a LAUC Executive Board meeting the Thursday before the
assembly.  E. Byrne asked for suggestions for where the Board
could meet.  Ideas included Bechtel and Stephens Hall.  Other
ideas are to be sent to E. Byrne.

5.  Confirmation of LAUC-B membership

According to the LAUC Statewide Bylaws, a UC librarian, hired by
one UC campus, but located physically at Berkeley, is considered
a LAUC-B member.

ACTION:   E. Byrne will check to see which campus provides travel
funds for individuals with such an assignment.

III. New business

1.  LAUC-B gopher:  policies

LAUC-B position papers are being added to the library gopher. 
This prompted a discussion on policies for adding documents to
the gopher and how to determine which documents to add.

It was decided that documents suggested for the gopher must be
reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee; once approved,
the document is routed to the Secretary for input onto the
gopher.  The following were suggested as an initial list of
documents to mount on the gopher:  peer review documents; list of
library acronyms; and documents from the CAPA notebook.  Other
documents include LAUC statewide papers; and LAUC-B annual
reports and history.  It was suggested that subfiles be
established to separate current documents from archival or
historical information.

A discussion concerning the LAUC and LAUC-B e-mail reflectors
ensued.  It was suggested that policies be developed for what
should and should not appear on the reflectors.  It was proposed
that lauc@ced be a refereed list.  It should only be used for
official LAUC-B communications.  There was some disagreement with
this idea.  Some see the reflector as just another way to reach
LAUC members.  It was recommended that LAUC-B have the Systems
Office set-up laucb@library for use by any LAUC-B member and
another list be established for LAUC-B Ex Com business.

ACTION:   A. Youmans will discuss with the CAPA committee for
consensus and send a list of recommendations.

E. Byrne will talk to Systems and find out feasibility.

2.  Non-librarians as selectors

With a series of vacancies in the librarian series, more non-LAUC
members are being assigned selection responsibilities.  Because
the numbers are growing, LAUC-B was asked to look into this
matter.  This topic will be on the next meeting's agenda.

3.  Ex Com liaisons to Collection Information Resource Group
(CIRG), Public Service Steering Committee (PSSC), Public Service
Advisory Group for Public Service (PSAG-PS)

E. Byrne would like to formalize reports from LAUC-B liaisons to
these groups.  If there are agenda items for LAUC-B, they should
be brought to a meeting.  Also, liaisons can make announcements
to the group via e-mail when appropriate.

The meeting was adjourned.

Action items summary:

1.   M. Cochran will make corrections to Ex Com roster and
redistribute at or before the next meeting.

2.   E. Byrne will add to the travel request cover letter that
the form will be reviewed at the end of the cycle, Summer
1994.  She will also check to see if there is a campuswide  
travel policy.

3.   E. Byrne will check to see if administrative funds are
available to selectors.

4.   M. Cochran and E. Byrne will distribute a final list of
goals before the next meeting.

5.   E. Byrne will ask G. Peete and B. Kornstein if either of
them would like to serve as LAUC-B Treasurer.

6.   E. Byrne will check to see which campus provides travel
funds for individuals working at Berkeley but employed by
another UC campus.

7.   A. Youmans will discuss which CAPA documents are appropriate
for the gopher with the CAPA committee and send a list of

8.   E. Byrne will talk to Systems and find out feasibility of
establishing another LAUC-B reflector.

Next meeting, Wednesday, October 20, 10-12 Noon, Rm 322