Executive Committee Meeting 1/13/93

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93 (7) 
January 13, 1993 

Present:  E. Byrne, W. Diamond, G. Handman (Chair), R. Moon, L.  Osegueda, 
G. Peete, A. Sevetson (Recorder), P. Stewart, A. Youmans 
Absent:  M. Drabkin, R. Lhermitte, K. Vanden Heuvel  

Guests:  John Heilbron 

Vice Chancellor's Visit: G. Handman gave a rundown of LAUC-B events of the 
last year for The Vice Chancellor.  Issues and activities described included LAUC's 
work on various peer review time table guidelines; discussions with the Chair 
of the Faculty Senate regarding possible participation of librarians on Senate 
committees; statewide and local discussions of the stipend/management options 
issue; activities connected to the formation of statewide and local cultural 
diversity committees).  What follows is a brief listing of topics discussed 
and comments from TVC.   

Collections:  J. Heilbron talked about consolidation and rational distribution 
of effort and resources for collection building, and commented that we may 
have to coordinate statewide collection building activities more highly in the 
future.  Related to these comments, regional cooperation efforts already in 
place were discussed.  Also discussed were instances in which cooperation 
doesn't work due to overlapping programs, and places where cooperation and 
reliances have broken down (e.g. translation journals). 

Electronic Journals were mentioned as a place where the Library might save 
funds.  L. Osegueda gave a short synopsis of the Electronic Journals Task 
Force.  J. Heilbron also mentioned there was some hope to rework existing 
funding formulas.  

G. Handman discussed the Strategic Planning Process for the Library, and the 
changing nature of the profession.  He also discussed the need perceived by 
LAUC for establishing effective academic partnerships and strengthening 
programmatic ties between the library and academic departments.  The 
possibility of librarian participation on Faculty Senate committees was 
discussed.   J. Heilbron commented that while the closing of programs goes 
through the Academic Planning Board, in issues where the enlarging of programs 
is an issue Librarians could be better placed on dean's councils and 
department committees. 

Startup funds:  E. Byrne brought forth the fact that L&S now had startup funds 
to support the teaching and research activities of new faculty.  She would like to see the
professional schools brought into this program.  J. Heilbron would 
like to see strong demands on Provosts in terms of startup funds.  He 
commented that the money shouldn't be discretionary - demands should be made on 
departmental equipment funds for startup funds for The Library.  

Library Component in Research Grants:  The inclusion of library-related costs 
in research grant proposals was discussed. The difficulty of identifying 
appropriate proposals--the decentralized nature of the grant request process--
was pointed out by J. Heilbron.  While most major grants go through the 
Sponsored Projects Office, the SPO does not monitor the substantive nature of 
the grant and does no coordination of grant requests among departments.  G. 
Peete suggested that J. Heilbron might suggest incorporating the library into 
grant requests whenever appropriate. The idea of J. Heilbron authoring a column about 
this for the Library Faculty Newsletter was brought up, and he was quite 

J. Heilbron gave an overview of the Budget as it stood at that point.  
Basically, after all the "monkeying" there is a $100 million shortfall for new 
fiscal year for UC.  The Berkeley share is 20% of this, or $20,000,000.  He 
mentioned three options: raise fees again, furlough or paycut 5%, and VERIP 
III.  Campus Administration wants to avoid layoffs.  Berkeley has greater 
resources than the other campuses.  W. Diamond raised the question of the 
contracts and what effect they would have.  J. Heilbron responded that that 
would be looked into. 

G. Handman asked what this budget scene boded for cuts in programs.  J. 
Heilbron mentioned that some of the options were to increase fees for 
professional schools or semi-privatize schools. There are already measures in 
place on this campus for the 92/93 budget shortfall (VERIP and 3% holdbacks), 
it is the 93/94 projected shortfall which is a problem.   

G. Handman has asked the Program Committee to coordinate a presentation from 
Jack McCredie sometime in February. 


The minutes of Dec 17 were approved as corrected. 


LAUC-B Server - G. Handman sent a rationale for establishing a 
LAUC gopher/WAIS server to B. Hurley.  R. Moon reported the issue 
came up at Sparkplugs.  B. Hurley will support the idea with LAG. Members of 
Sparkplug have been teamed with Systems people to put up server types and 
experiment to see possible uses.  R. Moon mentioned there is a Gopher 
implementation team in Evans Hall. 


A.  W. Diamond gave an overview on the work of the Library Culture Working 
Group.  They have read articles on Total Quality Management (TQM), the UCLA 
campus administration response to Sustaining Excellence, and the Sustaining 
Excellence document.  The work of the Working Group is continuing and will be 
soliciting input from various groups, including LAUC-B, as work progresses.  
The 6 areas of concentration (which often overlap) are: Administration as 
infrastructure, Planned work environment, Organizational Structure for Service, Current jobs and Motivation Programs, Information on Tap where needed, Culture 
for Adaptation.

B.  Colorado Issue - G. Handman passed out the resolutions from UCLA and UCSC 
about Measure 2 in Colorado.  LAUC-B agrees that the profession is committed to intellectual
and social freedom.  It was decided to see what information could 
be made available to LAUC-B membership before the meeting so membership could 
make informed decisions about actions to take.