Annual Report, 1992/93


LAUC-B Executive Committee:

Gary Handman, Media Resources Center, Chair
Elizabeth Byrne, Environmental Design Library, Vice Chair/Chair-elect
Andrea Sevetson, Government Information Services, Secretary
Wendy Diamond, Business/Economics Library, Library Representative
Pat Stewart, Public Health Library, Library Representative
Ralph Moon, Astronomy/Math/Stat Library, Library Alternate
Laura Osegueda, Chemistry Library, Library Alternate 
Gary Peete, Business/Economics Library, Library Alternate
Kathleen Vanden Heuvel, Law Library, Affiliated Library Representative
Marian Drabkin, Lawrence Hall of Science Library, Affiliated Library 
Rebecca Lhermitte, Continuing Education for the Bar Library, 
Past-Chair (ex officio)
Alice Youmans, Law Library, Chair, CAPA (ex officio)

Ralph Moon resigned his position on the Committee upon assuming the 
position of AUL for Public Services in April 1993.  

Major Accomplishments and Activities:

I.  Peer Review Process

--Review of existing peer review timetable.

--Development of policies and procedures to ensure more effective 
compliance to timetables (incorporation into Librarian Series 
Promotion and Advancement Policies and Procedures [Berkeley 
guidelines to the APM]).

--Development of policy/procedure for requesting extension to peer 
review timetable (incorporation into Librarian Series Promotion and 
Advancement Policies and Procedures [Berkeley guidelines to the 

--Presentation of two well-attended  peer review workshops 
(LAUC/CAPA, Library Administration) (October/November 1993)

II.  Library Reorganization/Planning

--Participation of LAUC Executive Committee representatives (G. 
Handman, G. Peete) in formal strategic planning retreat.

--Participation of LAUC-B representative (W. Diamond) on working 
group on Library Cultures; review of Library Cultures document by 
LAUC Executive Committee.

--Review of proposed library reorganization scheme (organization 
below the top management level) and discussion with D. Gregor.

--Discussion with members of Library Admin Group regarding the 
process of filling rotational positions created by reorganization, VERIP, 
etc.; participation in developing standardized postings and procedures for 
filling rotational positions.  CAPA input regarding issues pertaining 
to peer review and reorganization.

--Development of  principles/guidelines for branch consolidation 
(task force chaired by E. Byrne).

--Participation in the development of new policy advisory committee 
structure; obtaining LAUC representation on CIRG and PSSC.

III.  Programs

--Peer review workshops (see above).
--Presentation by Jack McCredie (Vice Provost IS&T), February 1993 
(co-sponsored by Library School).
--Guest speakers at LAUC-B Assemblies:  C. Judson King (Provost 
Professional Schools), Fall 1992; Jeremy Waldron (Chair, Faculty 
Senate Library Committee), Spring 1993.
--Brown Bag meeting to discuss  statewide report and recommendations 
re management options paper.

IV.  LAUC Activities Outside of the Library

--Written responses re:
    --Closing of UC Office of the President library (Calvin Moore, 
    Assoc. VP Academic Affairs)
    --Closing of Lawrence Hall of Science library (Marian Diamond, 
    Director, Lawrence Hall of Science)
    --Closing of Berkeley Library School (Chancellor Tien).
    --LA III recruitment, Institute for International Studies Library.

--Meetings of G. Handman and E. Byrne with Michael Teitz (Chair, 
Faculty Senate) re possible LAUC participation on Senate committees; 
review of the issue by a Senate subcommittee is currently pending.

--Solicitation for candidates for the position of Townsend Center 
Librarian Fellow.

V.  LAUC Committee Changes and Reorganizations

--Development of a proposal for establishing a local standing 
committee on Cultural Diversity (ad hoc committee chaired by L. 
Castillo-Speed).  Ballot to vote on bylaws amendments to constitute 
the new committee distributed August 1993.

--Consolidation of Research and Professional Development Funding Committee and
Program Committee in connection with restructuring of travel funding procedures
(see below).  Ballot to vote on these consolidations distributed August 1993.

--Work on restructuring/streamlining procedures and policies for 
travel funding (in progress, August 1993).

VI.  Misc.

--Implementation of a LAUC gopher server

--Acquisition of a LAUC 486 laptop computer for use by Secretary and 
other LAUC members.

VII.  Pending

--Upward evaluation of supervisors--policies and procedures.

--Travel funding restructure

--LAUC/Faculty Senate relationship


Submitted by Gary Handman, LAUC-B Chair
9 September 1993