Executive Committee Minutes 11/4/92

LAUC-B Executive Committee 1992/93(4)
November 4, 1992

Present:  E. Byrne, W. Diamond, G. Handman (Chair),  R. Lhermitte, L. Osegueda,
G. Peete, A. Sevetson (Recorder), D. Sommer, P. Stewart, K. Vanden Heuvel

Absent:   M. Drabkin, R. Moon


A. G. Handman distributed two handouts: 1) a letter to the Chancellors from 
President Peltason re:  Campus Library Budgets, and 2) A. Ritch's letter to 
Vice Chancellor Moore regarding UCOP closing.

B. E. Byrne and G. Handman discussed their recent meeting with M. Teitz.  E. 
Byrne announced she had drafted a letter to M. Teitz (Academic Senate Chair) 
outlining the benefits of Librarian representation on Faculty Senate 

C. A. Youmans, new CAPA Chair and ex-officio member of LAUC-B, was welcomed.

Ongoing business:

A. Guidelines for Extension of the Timetable.  The latest draft of the 
guidelines was discussed and approved with minor revisions. The draft will be 
submitted to D. Gregor and The Vice Chancellor for approval and ultimate 
incorporation into the Berkeley Guidelines to the APM.  It is hoped that the 
guidelines will also be distributed as a separate document to all LAUC-B 
members with dates specific to the 1992/93 review cycle, i.e. including the 
final deadlines for submission of documentation:  February 15 (promotion) and 
March 19 (merit).

B. Management Options - G. Handman gave a short history and synopsis of the 
issues and events leading to the constitution of the LAUC Statewide Ad Hoc 
Committee on Management Options.  He also discussed the current status of the 
document developed by the Committee.  At its last meeting the LAUC Statewide 
Executive Board decided, after lengthy discussion, not to formally send the 
Management Options document forward, but instead to use it as background 
information and as a springboard for further discussion of issues at the LAUC 
divisional level.  LAUC Chair Alan Ritch will gather comments based on local 
discussion and synthesize it into recommendations to be sent to Library 

It was decided to hold a brown bag meeting for discussing the Ad Hoc Committee 
on Management Options 'document.' The meeting will be held on 2 December in 
Room 322, 12-1pm.