Executive Committee Minutes 8/19/92

LAUC-B Executive Committee                                       
1992/93 (1)
August 19, 1992

Present:  E. Byrne, W. Diamond, M. Drabkin, G. Handman (In-coming
Chair), R. Heckart, G. Irving, R. Lhermitte (Out-going Chair), E.
Meltzer, R. Moon, L.  Osegueda, D.  Pitti, A. Sevetson
(Recorder), D. Sommer, P.  Stewart, K. Vanden Heuvel

Absent:  G. Peete


A.  R. Lhermitte and G. Handman reported on their monthly meeting
with D. Gregor.  Issues discussed were the "Guidelines for Peer
Review Timetable" and the strategic planning process.  G. Handman
was asked to participate as LAUC-B representative to the
library's core planning group (comprising dept. heads and
others).  Possible other roles for LAUC-B Executive Committee in
the planning process were discussed.  One possibility is to have
an Executive Committee member serve as part of the working group
on "Library Culture."

B.  R. Heckart announced that the winner of the Distinguished
Librarian Award is Camille Wanat.  She will be invited to attend
the September 16 meeting.  

C.  In regard to the Distinguished Librarian Award, there was
discussion about the nomination process, and the confidentiality
of the nomination records.  The feasibility and desirability of
letting the award winners see the nomination letters was
discussed. It was suggested that LAUC-B generally revisit the DLA 
guidelines to make sure that they reflect current thinking.  The
frequency of the award was discussed; the LAUC-B Secretary will
investigate past minutes to confirm previous Executive Committee
decisions on this point.
Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the August meeting were approved with corrections.

Ongoing Business:

A.  Librarian Series Promotion and Advancement, Policies and
Procedures.  All Affiliated librarians have received copies of
this document package.   J. Burrows has indicated that all
librarians in the University Library who have been up for review
in the last several years have also received the documents.  G.
Handman will post a note in CU News announcing that anyone who
needs a copy should contact J. Burrows, HRD.

B.  Peer Review Timetable - Comment from The Vice Chancellor (via
R. Aasen) are still forthcoming.   D. Gregor has approved the ad
hoc task force recommendations in principle, as has J. Burrows. 
After comment has been received from these parties, the document
will be distributed to LAUC-B membership for comment.  The
guidelines (as finally approved) will hopefully go into effect
this review cycle.  It will consequently be important to discuss
them thoroughly at the peer review workshop which will be
organized by LAUC-B this Fall.  We hope to include the AUL's, D.
Gregor and R. Aasen in this process.

C.  Guidelines for Extension of the Timetable - D. Pitti, K. 
Vanden Heuvel, and D. Sommer (in an advisory capacity) will
develop guidelines for reasonable extension of the timetable (as
specified by APM 360-80(c).  G. Handman will draft a charge which
will be distributed for the next meeting.

D.  Upward Evaluation of Supervisors - In her recent discussion
with B. Lhermitte and G. Handman, D. Gregor expressed a number of
reservations about specific elements of the recent
recommendations of the Task Force on Upward Evaluation of
Supervisors.  Appropriate mechanisms and techniques for gathering
input for the review process was discussed as one area needing
further consideration.  

E.  Statement re: Continuing Affiliated Libraries -- a memo from
G. Polak was received regarding her concerns about the fate of
the CEB Library after she retires.  She asked if LAUC-B had
policy or position statements on the importance of maintaining an
Affiliated Library and recruiting within the Librarian Series.
The matter was held over for further discussion.


R. Lhermitte gave a review of the accomplishments of the year.
The two accomplishments she is most proud of are 
1- finally getting out the paper the "Librarian Series in
the 90's and Beyond."  She noted that we are still receiving
requests for the paper from other campuses and they all comment
on the high quality.
2- 75% of the librarians are on the "LAUC net" (i.e. 

New Business:

A.  Research and Professional Development committee put forth a
Local Lodging Policy.  The policy allows those at level 2 or
higher to apply for support when attending late night/early
morning programs or meetings.  The policy is in accordance with
UC Local Travel Guidelines. The Executive Committee approved the
policy with a minor change in wording.

B.  Meeting schedule:  There were two extra meetings held this
past year.  There are many issues which will be coming forward
this year (Strategic Planning; Upward Evaluation; Cultural
Diversity - 27 issues; Stipends; Librarian V) which will probably
demand extra meetings.  It was decided that Executive Committee
members hold the first Wed 9-11am open.  The Committee will NOT
meet if there is no agenda.  A. Sevetson will check on the
availability of meeting rooms.
C.  G. Handman reviewed some of the programs and projects he
would like LAUC-B to undertake.  He would like us to utilize
faculty expertise and use LAUC-B Program Committee for programs
like speakers from the Coalition for Networked Information;  we
need inspiration and broadening!  Ideas such as speakers on the
popular topic of down-sizing from the Business School (before it
gets into its big new quarters) and S. Chodorow who those who
went to the LAUC Spring Assembly were quite impressed with.

D.  The issue of the Hutchinson Report on Librarian Participation
in University Governance came up.  A. Sevetson will put the
report on Reserve in Main.  Ideas about how to break down the
wall between the faculty and The Library were discussed.  R. 
Lhermitte will check the list of Faculty Senate Committees for 
committees on which Librarians should serve.  R. Lhermitte will
send the names  to E. Byrne, as she has the new Faculty Senate
Chair on her faculty.