LAUC-B 2018 Spring Assembly Committee Reports
I. Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)
Report submitted by Jesse Silva.
Members 2017-2018
- David Eifler (2020)
- Toshie Marra (2020)
- Jason Miller (2018)
- Theresa Salazar (Position Announcement Coordinator) (2019)
- Jesse Silva (Chair) (2018)
- Elliott Smith (2020)
- I-Wei Wang (CAPA Interview Coordinator) (2019)
CAPA interviews all candidates for positions in the Librarian series to share information related to the Librarian review process and evaluate their potential for obtaining career status at Berkeley. Since September 2017, CAPA has conducted 10 interviews for 4 positions:
- Head of Bancroft Public Services (Bancroft Library)
- Digital Project Archivist (Bancroft Library)
- Assistant Librarian/Archivist (Environmental Design Archives)
- Environmental Collections Project Archivist (Bancroft Library)
Job Descriptions
CAPA reviews position descriptions for openings in the Librarian series. To date, CAPA has reviewed two job descriptions:
- Environmental Archivist (The Bancroft Library)
- Digital Archives and Technologies Librarian (The Bancroft Library) (position withdrawn)
- Head of the Arts & Humanities Division (The Library)
Academic Review
CAPA has been meeting weekly since March to review 33 cases, including nine for career status and one for promotion. We have charged four ad hoc committees to review these ten cases. Several cases are still outstanding but we plan to complete the review process in the next couple weeks and turn in all dossiers to LHRD/UL’s office before June 1.
II. Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs (CALA)
Report submitted by chair Dean C. Rowan.
- Lily Castillo-Speed (ex officio) (2018),
- Jane Rosario (ex officio) (2018),
- Dean Rowan (ex officio) (2018)
- Melissa Stoner (ex officio) (Vice Chair) (2019)
Fall 2017 Events
CALA and the Affiliated Libraries cosponsored a Joint Assembly with LAUC-B in the Morrison Library on Friday, Sept. 29, featuring Prof. Safiya Umoja Noble, USC Annenberg School of Communication, on social justice and bias in digital media and the internet. Her talk drew from work on her book, then in progress, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism (NYU Press 2018).
Spring 2018 Events
CALA and the Affiliated Libraries sponsored the Spring LAUC-B Affiliated Libraries Assembly in the Morrison Library on Tuesday, Feb. 13, When the Silicon Meets the Road: A Digital Research Reality Check. Featured presenters included Sine Hwang Jensen, Asian American Studies Librarian and Comparative Ethnic Studies Librarian at the UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library (ESL), who spoke about her preparation for a project, funded by the Council on Library and Information Resources, to facilitate the digitization of a significant portion of the H.K. Yuen Social Movement Audio Archive held by the ESL and the Bancroft Library. Prof. Anne Joseph O’Connell, UC Berkeley School of Law, summarized her research methods and findings in an ongoing study of U.S. Presidential nominations to federal offices requiring Senate confirmation, the data for which she gleans from a database. Michael Lindsey, Director of Library Web Development at the law school, reported on his work developing scripts to “scrape” the data in the absence of an API.
III. Committee on Diversity
Report submitted by José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez.
- José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez (Chair) (2019)
- Natalia Estrada (Staff Representative) (2018)
- Neda Salem (Staff Representative) (2019)
- Kiyoko Shiosaki (2019)
- Naomi Shiraishi (2018)
- Michael Sholinbeck (2017)
- Susan Wong, ex officio (LHRD representative)
- David Faulds, ex officio (LAUC Statewide Committee on Diversity) (2019)
Recent activities
The Committee on Diversity hosted a late fall (Nov. 15) Microaggressions Workshop for the Library. The meeting was very successful (over 40 attendants) and the Committee is planning a follow-up workshop on May 31.
Two Committee members, Naomi Shiraishi and José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, joined the LAUC-B Task Group on Social Justice in Academic Libraries to investigate issues related to search engine bias, questionable metadata assigned to cultural communities and materials in library systems, and the need for critical digital literacy in this context. The Task Force will recommend potential discussion topics and speakers in order to insure that we continue the conversation and expand it to include all library staff. The Committee on Diversity will take these recommendations and schedule a series of lunchtime talks on these issues.
IV. Committee on Research
Report submitted by Anna Sackmann, co-chair.
- Anna Sackmann (co-chair)
- Emily Vigor (co-chair)
- Liladhar Pendse
- Celia Emmelhainz
Recent activities
In spring 2018, the LAUC-B Committee submitted six applications for presentation grants. All submissions were successful.
The LAUC-B Committee on Research partnered with the LAUC-B Committee on Professional Development to hold the session: “How to not pull out your hair: Practical tips for applying to grants" on April 17, 2018. Waverly Lowell presented on her experience with applying for grants; Anna Sackmann provided resources for the LAUC grant application process; and three people from the Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) provided practical tips for applying for federal and private grants. We had 18 attendees – 3 from SPO, 2 from the Library Business Office, and 13 LAUC-B members.
The LAUC-B Research Committee developed a template for LAUC presentation grant proposals.
V. Nominations and Elections Committee
Report submitted by Manuel Erviti.
- Imad Abuelgasim (2018)
- Manuel Erviti (2018), chair
- Virginia Shih (2018)
- Christina Tarr (2019)
- Susan Xue (2019)
Recent activities
The Nominating and Elections Committee solicited nominations and identified candidates interested in running for office in the upcoming 2018 LAUC-B election. The positions open on ExComm this year are Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, Secretary, two Library Representatives, and an Affiliated Representative. Candidates will be announced at the LAUC-B Spring Assembly on May 2, and further nominations will be sought from the floor during that meeting. Voting will again be through an online ballot for both LAUC-B and LAUC statewide offices and candidate statements will be available on the LAUC-B website. Polls will be open from May 18 until June 8. The Nominating and Elections Committee would like to thank everyone who considered running for office in 2018.
VI. Committee on Professional Development
Report submitted by Becky Miller.
- Becky Miller (Chair; 2018)
- Liladhar Pendse (2018)
- Jean Ferguson (2019)
- Christina V Fidler (2019)
- Jeremy Ott (2019)
Professional Development Fall 2017 Events:
Academic Review: A Program for LAUC-B Members
November 14, 2017, 8:30-9:45 am, Morrison Library
The Committee hosted the annual Academic Review Program for LAUC-B members. Representatives from the Library Human Resources Department, Academic Personnel Office, and CAPA, as well as University Librarian Jeff Mackie-Mason, were on hand to offer their perspectives on the review process and what reviewers look for in a dossier. A question and answer period followed the presentation. The program was well-attended.
Academic Review: A Program for Review Initiators
November 30, 2017, 12:00 am–1 pm, 303 Doe Library
The Committee hosted the second annual CAPA workshop for Review Initiators. CAPA members facilitated an informal conversation among Review Initiators and answered questions.
New(ish) Librarians Event
December 14, 2017, 3-4 pm, 303 Doe Library
Informal event to hear recently hired librarians talk about the interesting work they are doing. These events had previously been conducted as brown bags, but this time we scheduled it right before the LAUC-B Happy Hour, and attendance was high. The following librarians presented:
Anna Sackmann, Science Data and Engineering Librarian
Stacy Reardon, Literatures and Digital Humanities Librarian
Ian Knabe, Electronic Resources Librarian
Professional Development Spring 2018 Events:
The Committee on Professional Development co-hosted an event with the Research Committee:
Workshop: "How to not pull out your hair: Practical tips for applying to grants"
Tuesday April 17 from 10 to 11, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Christina Fidler moderated the event. Waverly Lowell shared insight from her extensive experience with grant applications. Three members of the Sponsored Projects Office shared their perspective on getting grant applications through the U C Berkeley system. Finally, Anna Sackmann spoke about the LAUC Research Grants for Librarians Program. She shared an application template that the Research Committee developed. Also, the Committee on Professional Development and the Research Committee have created a shared folder (available at for grant resources that includes templates, contact information for librarians experienced with grant applications, and other resources.
New(ish) Librarians Event
May 9, 3:30-4:30 pm, 303 Doe Library
Report from Statewide LAUC Committee on Professional Governance
Submitted by Debbie Jan.
- Mitchell Brown, LAUC-I, Chair
- Debbie Jan, LAUC-B
- Elaine Franco, LAUC-D
- Hong Cheng, LAUC-LA
- Cherry Williams, LAUC-R
- Sara Davidson Squabb, LAUC-M
- David Krah, LAUC-SF
- Michael Kim, LAUC-SB
- Rachel Deblinger, LAUC-SC
- Sam Dunlap, LAUC-SD
The focus of CPG this year is to initiate a review of LAUC Position Paper #5 (PP5), “The Academic Librarian in the University of California.” The committee met via conference call to discuss PP5 and how to conduct campus discussions and gather feedback. Campus committee members gathered local campus feedback in preparation for the LAUC Assembly discussion held at UCSF Mission Bay on March 25th. A separate task force was convened to do the actual revision.
Later in the year the committee will review a division’s revisions to its bylaws.