Report from Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (CAPA)
Written report submitted to LAUC-B ExComm in advance of the 2016 Fall Assembly; oral report given by outgoing member James Eason.
Jean Dickinson (2017)
James Eason (2016) – outgoing member
Julie Lefevre (2016) – outgoing Chair
Jason Miller (2018)
Margaret Phillips (2017) – incoming Chair
Michael Sholinbeck (2017)
Jesse Silva (2018)
Summary of activities for the period 11/2015-11/2016
Position descriptions reviewed since Spring Assembly (May 4): 6
Learning Research Communities Librarian
Chemical Information Librarian
Law manuscripts cataloger
Art Librarian
Museum Archivist
Head of Archival Processing
2. Candidate Interviews: Since the Spring Assembly, CAPA has interviewed 4 candidates for 2 positions.
Project Librarian for Public Services, Bancroft
Archivist, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
3. Librarian Review
Total cases up for review: 32
The Library: 23, Affiliated Libraries: 9
Types of reviews:
23 Merits, 3 off-cycle
1 Career status
1 Promotion
5 Special
Two ad hoc committees were appointed to review the career status and promotion cases. CAPA was unanimous on all its recommendations. The UL disagreed with CAPA in seven cases, most of which related to 'Greater than Standard' requests. CAPA agreed with the Review Initiator in all cases. Ten candidates requested greater than standard merit increases; four of them made a specific salary point request. CAPA recommended that eight of the ten candidates requesting greater than standard increases receive them. There were three no action decisions.
II. Committee on Diversity
Recent activities of the LAUC-B Committee on Diversity include:
The Staff Mentorship Program sponsored by the Committee on Diversity continues. New matches between LAUC-B members and library staff have occurred; we do need another LAUC-B member to step up and volunteer to be a mentor! Most of the matches made earlier are still ongoing; several staff have moved into new positions elsewhere with greater responsibility (often librarian positions).
The Committee is finalizing the details for a Trans/Inclusion workshop for the library, to be put on by staff from UCB’s Gender Equity Resource Center; we hope to do this in early 2017. Tentative date is January 12, 2017 at 9am.
Fall 2016 saw changes in the Committee membership with Naomi Shiraishi from EAL joining us as Chair, and Natalia Estrada from LHS Division joining us as SDC Representative.
In August 2016, M. Sholinbeck presented a poster at the National Diversity in Libraries Conference, sponsored by ARL and held at UCLA. The poster, titled Rekindling a Librarian Diversity Committee: UC Berkeley’s Experience, described the process for creating the revised charge of the LAUC-B Committee on Diversity, which took effect fall 2014. The poster is available on eScholarship at and was co-authored by the then Committee members as well as the New Charge Task Force members.
The LAUC-B Committee on Diversity plans on presenting to the LAUC-B Executive Committee a bylaws change proposal. We want the membership to vote on a bylaws wording change to allow the Committee on Diversity to have more members. Current bylaws restrict this committee to only 5 members, with only 2 from the general LAUC-B membership.
Respectfully submitted,
LAUC-B Committee on Diversity:
Naomi Shiraishi (Chair)
Corliss Lee ex officio (LAUC Statewide Committee on Diversity)
Michael Sholinbeck
Natalia Estrada (SDC Representative)
III. LAUC-B Committee on Research
submitted by past chair Jean Dickinson.
Liladhar Pendse, Chair (2017)
Anna Sackmann (2018)
Emily Vigor (2018)
Jennifer Dorner, ex officio (LAUC Statewide Research and Professional Development Committee)
Past and Current Statewide LAUC Research, Presentation, and Mini Grants
On September 1, 2016, there was a call for LAUC grant proposals. Five Mini Grant/Presentation Grant applications were received from LAUC-B members, all of which were submitted to the Statewide Committee. Grants for the submitted proposals will be awarded on January 13, 2017.
(The maximum award for a Mini Grant is $500; the maximum award for a Presentation Grant is $600; and maximum for Research Grants is $5,000.)
Townsend Center Fellowship for Library and Museum Professionals
There were no applications for Townsend Library Fellowships last year. For 2017, the deadline for application for the Library & Museum Fellowship has just passed – it was November 10, 2016. (At the time of submission of this LAUC-B report, the date had not yet passed, so there was not yet information on who may have been awarded this fellowship.)
Upcoming Statewide LAUC Research, Presentation, and Mini Grants
The next deadline for proposals for a Research, Presentation, or Mini Grant, will be due to the LAUC-B Research Committee by February 17, 2017.
IV. Nominations and Elections Committee (Debbie Jan and Jennifer Dorner)
2016-2017 Incoming members of the LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee:
Kendra Levine, Institute of Transportation Studies, Affiliated Rep. (2017)
Lynn Jones, Teaching Library (2017)
Imad Abuelgasim, Catalog and Metadata Services (2018)
Manuel Erviti, Music Library (2018)
Virginia Shih, South/Southeast Asia Library (2018)
Outgoing members:
Debbie Jan, co-Chair, Public Health Library (2016)
Jennifer Dorner, co-Chair, Teaching Library (2016)
1. The committee conducted elections for LAUC-B and LAUC statewide offices.
The following LAUC-B members were elected to LAUC-B offices:
Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Brian Quigley
Secretary: Samantha Teplitzky
Treasurer: David Eifler
Library Representatives: David Faulds, Susan Powell
Affiliated Libraries Affairs Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Dean Rowan (will serve as Affiliated Libraries Chair in 2018)
The following LAUC members were elected to LAUC offices:
Vice-President/President-Elect: Carla Arbagey
Secretary: Angela Horne
2. The committee made recommendations to the LAUC-B Chair for appointments to local and statewide committees.
The following members were appointed to LAUC-B and LAUC statewide Committees:
LAUC-B Nominations & Elections Committee
· Imad Abuelgasim (2018)
· Manuel Erviti (2018)
· Virginia Shih (2018)
LAUC-B Committee on Professional Development
· Rebecca Miller (2018)
· Liladhar Pendse (2018)
LAUC-B Committee on Diversity
· Naomi Shiraishi (2018)
LAUC-B Committee on Research
· Anna Sackmann (2018)
· Emily Vigor, Affiliated Rep. (2018)
LAUC Research & Professional Development Committee
· Jennifer Dorner (2018)
LAUC Committee on Professional Governance
· Debbie Jan (2018)
3. Following recent practice, the 2016 LAUC-B elections were conducted online, using Survey Monkey.
V. Committee on Professional Development Report
Report by co-chairs, Lee Adams & Chris Marino
Members: Lee Adams (2017), Christina Marino (2017), Shannon Supple (2017), Becky Miller (2018), Liladhar Pendse (2018)
Professional Development Spring 2016 Events
The Committee on Professional Development hosted/co-hosted two events last May.
Designing Posters Workshop by Diana Lizarraga
230-C Stephens Hall
Wednesday, May 18, 2-3 pm
Diana Lizarraga, the Director of Cal NERDS (Diversity STEM Programs) here at UC Berkeley, led an introduction to poster design and covered the basics of layout, images, font choice and printing.
Along with the Staff Development Committee and the Library Leadership Team, the Committee co-hosted:
Professional Development Panorama
Morrison Library
Wednesday, May 25, 1:30-3 pm,
Library staff gave lightning talks about conferences, workshops, online courses, or other professional development activities they participated in.
Professional Development Fall 2016 Events
Academic Review: A Program for LAUC-B Members
October 27, 2016
Education Psychology Library
8:30 – 10 am
The Committee hosted the annual Academic Review Program for LAUC-B members. Representatives from the Library Human Resources Department, Academic Personnel Office, CAPA, as well as University Librarian Jeff Mackie-Mason, were on hand to offer their perspectives on the review process and what reviewers look for in a dossier. A question and answer period followed the presentation. Over 50 people attended and felt that the program was very helpful, especially for those pursuing reviews this year.
Academic Review: A Program for Review Initiators
November 29, 2016
303 Doe Library
12:00 – 1 pm
The Committee will host the first annual CAPA workshop for Review Initiators. Jeff MacKie-Mason, Susan Wong and CAPA members Julie Lefevre and James Eason will facilitate an informal conversation among Review Initiators and answer questions. Also, Review Initiators can share their experiences and learn from one another.
Professional Development Spring 2017 event
Planning is underway for a professional development event this spring that will be co-hosted by the Research Committee on undertaking research projects that need IRB approval and what to do when you need or want to be a principal investigator (PI). Details to come.