November 21, 2024, 10am-11:30am, via Zoom
Business Meeting
Call to Order - 10:04
Special election - election for Vice Chair to replace Salwa when she leaves is open - please vote by 11/27
LAUC-B Winter Social at the Law Library - Save the date: January 15, 4-6pm
APM updates - APM 360 revisions; Jenny Nelson and others from statewide met with UCOP to talk about revisions; UCOP will complete revisions early in 2025; public review period will be 90 days; purpose of revision - resolve internal inconsistencies, during the last revision in 2015, they didn’t follow process correctly which led to inconsistent terms; shouldn’t result in big changes; there will be an announcement when comments are open and LAUC-B members are encouraged to review and comment
Conference Committee - last one was in 2021, virtual, then skipped 2023. Christina will put out a call for a Chair. Timeframe is flexible at this point, but ideally 2025.
Distinguished Librarian Committee - committee members have been found
Retirements and Departures
- Cyrana Dowell (July)
- David Eifler (August)
- Mary Elings (June)
- Jeff Mackie-Mason (June)
- Susan McElrath (September)
- Michele Morgan (June)
- Kathi Neal (June)
- Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz (June)
- Theresa Salazar (June)
- Michael Sholinbeck (June)
- New Librarians
- Krista Anandakuttan (November), Sciences
- Andi Gustavson (September), Bancroft
- Bee Lehman (May), Arts & Humanities
- Leah Sylva (November), Bancroft
- Samantha Teremi (August), Scholarly Communications
- Robyn Weisman (November), Resource Sharing
- Suzanne Wones (July), University Librarian
- Mentorship - seeking volunteers to join the LAUC-B Mentoring Program as mentors. If interested, please fill out the interest form.
Treasurer Report
Professional Development spending
- Updated CF2 training materials from LBS - there are now ways to track your remaining PD fund balances as well as expenditures. Doesn’t include other PD funds from Library, just the LAUC-B funds
- New dashboard!
- Need assistance? Visit jeannine miles’ Financial Literacy office hours on Thursdays between 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Committee Reports
CAPA Report - See linked report.
Also linked, a report from the Committee on Research & Professional Development.
2024 LAUC-B Professional Development Survey
- Report of Results
- Survey was a follow up to a 2018 survey done by Committee on Professional Development; 2024 survey based on that survey but updated to reflect virtual conferences
- Goals were to get a sense of types of Prof Devt activities members were engaged in; roadblocks to participation; how much members are spending; what type of PD activities are of interest
- Jeremy, Ann, and Tim presented the results using these slides.
- After the presentation, there was general discussion. Topics included: ways to spend smaller amounts of money - buying books (still need approval process), membership fees, courses - a list would be helpful (could be part of the LAUC-B new member handout that ExComm is developing); 2-year cycle has been helpful; would be interesting to look more deeply and to look statewide; might be helpful to hear from business or travel people to demystify travel and reimbursement process
- Report of Results
Meeting adjourned 11:24