LAUCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
- ExComm: Christina Fidler, José Adrián Barragan-Alverez, Becky Miller, Salwa Ismail, Jackie Gosselar, Kristie Chamorro, Nadia Winters, Jessica Tai, Charlotte Daugherty
- Guests: Gisèle Tanasse, Tim Vollmer, Kate Peck, Leah Sylva, Kris Kasianovitz, I-Wei Wang
- Salwa’s last meeting - we appreciate her service on ExComm and wish her well!
- Meeting with the UL (Christina)
- Meeting is next week; will discuss calendaring; will propose to meet with cabinet in February; might discuss theme for LAUC-B conference
- LAUC Statewide (Christina)
- Notes forthcoming
- LIBR Meeting (Salwa)
- See Salwa’s Notes in Drive in LIBR folder.
- Jo Anne was guest and gave good overview of collections and cleared up confusion;
- Treasurer’s Report (Jackie)
- November financials have been added to folder
- LEIC (Gisèle)
- Call for LEIC funding requests for this fiscal year (see Sarah’s recent email and LEIC Funding Proposal & Priorities) - initial review 12/19; final deadline 1/7/25; recent UX project used this funding; has been used for conference attendees in past, but for this fiscal year, aim to include more staff in events and/or do projects that align with LEIC goals
- Programming committee has big event planned for February; see Suzanne’s recent email, more info forthcoming
- Affiliated (Kristie)
- Law Library Social January 15 from 4-6pm; flier coming soon
Continuing Business
- Fall Assembly debrief (Christina)
- See minutes
▪ Well-attended; thank you to Tim, Jeremy, and Ann for the engaging presentation
▪ Will discuss Spring Assembly in January
- See minutes
- Special election results (Christina)
- Shout out and thanks to the Nominating and Elections Committee (NEC) (Kate, Gisèle, Misha, Liladhar) for pulling off the special election
- Congratulations to Tim for being elected Vice Chair!
New Business
- Google Drive access/permissions - document (Becky & Jackie)
- Discussion centered mostly around whether or not ExComm or other groups have restricted files that shouldn’t be open to all of LAUC-B. NEC has some private files - those might be better just shared within NEC (not kept in LAUC-B shared drive).
- Does libstaff need access via the shared drive, or can they just view minutes, reports, etc on the website?
- Christina mentioned a long-term archiving plan once we have a University archivist
- Discussion will continue in January
- LAUC-B Conference theme brainstorming (Christina)
- Past conferences - chairs were appointed by ExComm (not via a call); ExComm usually comes up with general theme; we can do that, then Christina can put a call out for Chairs, who can decide to narrow the theme
- 2021 conference was first one that included librarians from other UCs on the planning committee; since it was virtual, attendance was much wider (geographically, etc.)
- Budget can stretch more with remote format (saving funds for honoraria, etc.)
- Brainstorming themes:
- Decreasing budgets, changes (sub-track for AI)
- Resisting, persisting, evolving
- Academic libraries under austerity
- Ethics of care; view of librarians
- Libraries as a site for intersecting trends - ethics, technology, austerity, social movements, etc
- Cross-library/university dept cooperation in problem-solving research
- DEI - where are we now? (could be worked into other themes)
- Discussion / brainstorming to be continued asynchronously
- Candidate Lunches (Jessica)
- prices at Women’s Faculty Club have gone up due it it being holiday prix fixe - probably OK because should look at overall budget for this and not worry about individual meal; could also do regular Faculty Club (unless can’t charge directly there)
- LibVoices list (Kate)
- Kate requested that we discuss at future meeting
Meeting adjourned at at 10:56