Executive Committee Minutes 11/8/2023

LAUCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes. 

Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2023, 10am-11:30am. Zoom.


  • José Adrián Barragán-Álvarez, Misha Coleman, Cyrana Dowell, Christina Velazquez Fidler, Jackie Gosselar, Michael Sholinbeck, Jesse Silva; Hannah Tashijan, Kendra Levine.
  • Regrets: Jen Brown, Kristie Chamorro.


  • Michael: Wished to express thanks to Jennifer Dorner for continuing as web person till very recently, and to Tim Vollmer and Misha Coleman for taking over. Ex Comm heartily agreed.
  • Misha: Expressed thanks to folks hosting the candidate lunches.
  • Check-ins.


Treasurer’s Report (Jackie)

  • No update to reports since last time. Jeanine Miles is now our contact in LBS for budget manners. Question about candidate lunches; suggestion was to send a ticket update.

LEIC Report (Jackie)

  • Met on 11/6/23. New members were confirmed by cabinet, as well as a new student member. Spaces subcommittee has nearly finalized their values stmt/guiding document. There was a mtg with Katrina Naval and Bryant Smith about scholar in residence program and expectations in UCB library’s partnership with Bryant. 
  • Also, the LEIC charge was updated slightly. 
  • Budget proposals procedures discussion; have $25k plus rollover from last year. Discussion ongoing.

  LIBR Meeting (Christina)

  • 11/2/23 LIBR mtg; see notes for exquisite details, link above. Reporting on CAPRA meetings: library finances, campus finances were major topics of conversation. Historically Library has been considered an admin group, like HR, rather than an academic unit, thus easier for them to be a target if there is a reorg or downsize. 
  • LIBR will reach out to see if a rep can be in the new UL interviews. 
  • Much more details behind the link above.

Affiliated Libraries (Cyrana)

  • Affiliated Assembly: Tues Dec. 5; 10-11, likely via Zoom. Probably 2-3 short presentations. 
  • Social event, for all LAUCB: Thurs Dec. 7 near end of day; discussing location possibilities. 

Meeting with the UL (José Adrián)

  • Met on Oct. 27. Discussed CAPA workshop; he confirmed he will finish reviews by his last day, June 30, 2024. 
  • Discuss Cabinet meeting timing; JMM preferred a one per semester meeting. Timing being worked out. Discussion will be values statement, and lessons learned (about library closings). 
  • No final decisions yet on strategic plan. JMM believes the 4 strategic directions are enduring, and work should be on goals within those. 

LAUC Statewide (José Adrián)

  • Have not yet met; will meet on Monday Nov. 13. José Adrián will provide search updates, but will be unable to attend.

UL Search updates (Jesse/José Adrián)

  • First round interviews happening next week. All via Zoom. First round slate was decided upon last week. 

Continuing Business

  • Fall Assemblies and Meet-up
    • Will be 11/27/23, 3-4 pm. Via Zoom. 
    • Michael and José Adrián will discuss logistics etc. within a week or so.
  • Discussion of merit  advancement for  non-represented librarians at or near the top of the salary scale

New Business

  • Sending Draft of Policies and Procedures Manual to Archive
    • José Adrián recommends sending it to LAUC-B archive.
  • Service page (Michael). There is an unpublished LAUC-B Service page on the website. Questions: why unpublished (and non-public), why does it exist, should it be a spreadsheet, why are folks who are no longer LAUCB members on it? 
    • Michael will ask Nominating Committee if they use, and will ask others about the history and use of this page.
  • Website (Misha) - Getting broken links reports from Lisa Weber. Many are old documents/information, eg old assemblies’ pages. Questions are how long to maintain, if we need to keep them, what to do with these pages/docs?
    • Should we ask Kathi Neal how long they need to be up? Misha will pursue with Tim.
    • Christina will ask LIT if they maintain a web archive. 
  • Identify three LAUC-B members to meet with UL candidates in December (ExComm v. Membership at Large?)
    • José Adrián got email from Beth Dupuis, asking for a few names to submit to meet candidates. 
    • Question: just Ex Comm, or all LAUCB members? 
    • Question: would these nominations definitely be included in the process or just potentially invited? Assumption is these are final names. Beth has asked 3 groups for 3 candidates, and the lists are going to EVCP. 
    • Names nominated: M. Sholinbeck; D. Eifler.
    • Jesse asks that one of these be an Affiliated Library librarian, and perhaps the Affiliated folks should come up with a name. Cyrana will ask.
    • Question came up because UCLA UL candidates are giving a public town hall; this is seen as perhaps a substitute for that, in case UCB does not have a public forum.
    • But, suggestion made that LAUC-B submit a letter now to EVCP to advocate for a town hall with final candidates. JABA agreed to work on this. Contact him if you wish to as assist. Letter to go out Monday. Our letter can suggest that folks write individual letters as well, if they so desire.
      • José Adrián has a copy of the email that went out to all UCLA library folks: it has dates, times, Zoom links. No names on the email, but names and CVs are to be distributed prior to the town halls. Opportunity for submitting questions was also provided.
      • [Note: some days after this meeting, we learned that there may indeed be an open forum, if all candidates agree.]