LAUCB Executive Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
- ExComm: Christina Fidler, José Adrián Barragan-Alverez, Tim Vollmer, Becky Miller, Jackie Gosselar, Charlotte Daugherty, Kristie Chamorro, Nadia Winters, Jessica Tai
- Guests: Jenny Nelson, Robyn Weisman, I-Wei Wang
- LAUC-B social at Law library, January 15, 4-6p. (Kristie and Charlotte)
- Reminder to contribute to the services review by 1/10
Meeting with the UL (Christina)
- Changed meeting with the Cabinet from February to March 12 at 11:30
- Discussed creating a shared calendar for LAUC-B - could create Google Calendar with SPA account and post calendar on website
- Suzanne will be meeting with CAPRA 1/29, then with LIBR in early February - will be talking about budget
Treasurer’s Report (Jackie)
- December financials have been uploaded to folder
- One of the quarterly check-ins with LBS is coming up
Continuing Business
- Google Drive access/permissions - document (Becky & Jackie)
- Consensus is that we just need one shared drive for all of LAUC-B (no separate ExComm drive)
- Excomm can be the managers for the drive, and the rest of LAUC-B can be content managers. libstaff can have viewer permission on the drive. Additional access can be added to committees’ subfolders as appropriate.
- A read-me file can be added to the drive that explains the organization and permissions.
- LAUC-B Conference (Christina)
- We received input that the theme should be positive, not focusing on scarcity / crisis
- After some brainstorming, a higher level theme was chosen: ‘Building community and radical collaboration to address intersecting library trends’. The broad theme could be narrowed to focus on topics including ethics, technology, austerity, and social movements. We could share notes from our theme discussions with the Chairs / Committee, who could use them as they adapt and narrow the theme
- Now that we have a general theme, Christina will put out a call for Chairs.
- A next step would be to create a schedule with deadlines leading up to the conference
- Upcoming Meeting with Cabinet (Tim)
- Cabinet meeting topics - services review; updating Cabinet on Symposium planned for later this semester (our Spring Assembly)
- Discussion of Spring Assembly / Symposium (Christina)
- Timing - May after commencement, before Memorial Day
- We should reach out to Research & Prof Development to get their opinion and help
- Newish Librarian event may also be scheduled around then; helpful to hear from more established colleagues too
- A program from any talks or posters could be circulated to show LAUC-B members’ research topics and presentations
- In 2019 RPD organized a poster session and people brought posters from recent conferences to display in Morrison
- Half day is preferred length; should include time for our business meeting
- Having a social component would be good, but may get social time at other events around then, like the Distinguished Librarian event
- Could also contact LEIC since they are giving out research grants;
- Talks could happen online; could do a combination of formats - lightning talks; longer talks; poster session with socializing. Or could just do lightning talks, which might encourage more participation.
- Christina will reach out to RPD and LEIC for their input
- Sorting out LAUC-B prof dev funding for 2024-25 with HR until new librarian contract kicks in re: PD funding July 1, 2025 - any update? (Jackie)
- Jackie provided some information from Heidi. Information will be added to the website when confirmed.
- Distinguished Librarian award (José Adrián)
- Committee almost finalized, then will send call for nominations; aiming for review in March and event in late May
New Business
- Planning for APM updates conversation (Christina)
- Should be released by end of January, then 90 day comment period
- Do we want to have planned conversation around the updates? Maybe a Brown Bag? We could consider tacking it on to one of our meetings.
- Statewide LAUC will submit comments, guided by statewide Committee on Professional Governance; we could submit comments from LAUC-B (in addition to individual comments), or LAUC-B could add on to statewide comments
- We can decide our approach at our February ExComm meeting (assuming the draft has been released by then)
Meeting adjourned at 11:35
Next meeting: Wednesday, February 12, 10am-12pm