June 11, 2014
10:00 a.m. to noon
303 Doe Library
Members Present: Lynn Jones (chair), Jim Church (recorder), Elliott Smith, Lisa Ngo, Rita Evans, Susan Edwards, Cody Hennesy
I. Announcements
There were no announcements.
II. Reports
a) Treasurer (L. Ngo)
The current balance is $80,726. LAUC Excomm is still awaiting word on the LAUC-B FY 15 Budget.
b) UL meeting (L. Jones, R. Evans)
Lynn and Rita met with Tom and discussed the LAUC B election. There was discusson about changes in the review process and whether librarians can/should nominate themselves for accelerations, and the possible ramifications of this. James Eason is chairing a group to revise the Berkeley Procedures and they will examine this issue. During the LAUC-B system-wide meeting Lynn will discuss this with other campuses.
Lynn also informed Tom about the diversity committee charge. Tom mentioned the library will be hiring a diversity committee intern. They also discussed Google digitization. Any librarians with potential collection candidates in the public domain should speak to Erik Mitchell. The Council of University librarians also discussed “distinguished” librarians and is reaching consensus about making this a local option in terms of awards, events, etc.
Lynn asked about possibilities for NRLF expansion. There are currently three space-saving strategies. 1) Digitization of government docs. 2) Compact shelving. 3) Closing subject libraries, weeding stacks, and withdrawing duplicates. Deduplication between the RLFs will be considered. There may be a mixed storage facility at the Richmond Bay Station.
Outcome – Lisa will draft a paragraph on technical issues involved with paging from the RLFs. Lynn will bring it up at LAUC system-wide and copy Tom, Erik and Beth.
c). LIBR meeting (R. Evans)
There was no LIBR meeting this past month. The next meeting will be in September.
d). DLA committee (S. Edwards)
Two candidates have been nominated and the committee is deliberating.
III. Old Business
a). LAUC-B Election results
The election results have been posted. Congratulations to Elliott Smith (Secretary), I Wei Wang (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect); Jesse Silva, and Liladhar Pendse (Library Representatives) and Barbara Bohl (Affiliated representative). Rita has been in touch with I Wei. The Excomm transition meeting will take place in the summer.
b). Diversity Intern Task Force
Jane Rosario, Corliss Lee, and Michael Sholinbeck are charged and have begun work on this. They are looking at potential future internship roles. David Eifler is working with Julie Lefevre and Lynn Jones to revise the LAUC B Diversity web site.
IV. New Business
a). LAUC-B Transition meeting date
The meeting was scheduled for July 23 from 11-1. The event will include a catered lunch. The July 9th ExComm meeting will be cancelled.
b). Presentations on LAUC-sponsored research and professional development.
There was discussion about how LAUC members might best share lessons learned, and findings from conferences. Lynn will convey these ideas to Professional Development Committee for next year.
c). CAPA Room (321 Doe) maintenance
This is on Beth Dupuis’ to-do list and will be done at the opportune time.
d).LAUC-B Social hour
The social in May was such a success that another will be scheduled for August 29 at 3:00 pm at the Faculty Club Bar.