Executive Committee Minutes 02/11/2014

LAUC-B Executive Committee
February 11, 2013
10 am – 12 pm
303 Doe Library

Present: Lynn Jones (Chair); Susan Edwards, Rita Evans, Jim Church (Recorder), Elliott Smith, Jason Miller, Cody Hennesy.
Guests – Karen Yu

I.   Announcements

  • Elliott announced the dates and times for candidate presentations for the Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences Librarian position.
  • Elliott has updated two pages on the LAUC –B site concerning the LAUC mentor program.  The pages presented contradictory information about the requirements of mentors, which ExComm resolved over email since our last meeting. The LAUC-B webmaster has uploaded the revised pages. 
  • Cody spoke about the future of bSpace, which is being retired by the campus in favor of new software [bCourses], which will be restricted to course sites. LAUC-B maintains many of our working documents on bSpace project sites which we will need to migrate material off bSpace within two years.  Cody will monitor potential replacement collaborative workspaces, including bDrive and Research Hub. 

II.  Reports

a.  Approve January Minutes (L. Jones).  The minutes were approved.

b.  Treasurer's Report (L. Ngo)

The balance is $99,690.  Much of the expense over the past month was because of professional travel.

c.  Committee on the Library, Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate (LIBR) (R. Evans)

  1. LIBR encourages academic units to have active Faculty-Library committees to which their librarians are invited, to foster collaboration and communication. LAUC-B was asked to survey members and report to LIBR in March about existing committees and librarian participation.
  2. The four LIBR Subcommittees formed in December are taking shape:  The committees include NRLF and Storage of Hard-copy Collections (Victoria Freede (chair), Maggi Kelly, Jeff Skoller, [Paul Grabowicz]); Open Access, Office on Scholarly Communications, and Digital Literacy (Tom Shannon (chair), Todd Hickey, Ray Larson, (consulting, Molly van Houweling); Subject Specialty Libraries (Margaretta Lovell (chair), Jake Dalton, Dan Melia, and Jim Midgley); Staffing and Finance (Jim Midgley (chair), Rita Evans, TBD.
  3. The Report from the Commission on the Future of the UC Berkeley Library and the campus response are viewed as an opportunity and a beginning to the process of supporting libraries, not the solution.  LIBR intends to take up the recommendations in the response and work to have them implemented.
  4. LIBR member Jeffrey Skoller drafted a proposal for a campus Media Archives and LIBR requested additional information.

d.  UL meeting (L. Jones & R. Evans)

Tom presented a summary of campus events.  The campus business office wants the Library to update the budget narrative and urges the Library to become more active in fundraising.  The Operational Excellence initiative provides mechanisms for handling incoming revenue, and the campus would look favorably upon Library projects.  Tom Leonard suggested such possibilities as exam proctoring, MOOCs, and other ideas.  

e.  LAUC B Spring Assembly Planning (L. Jones and K. Yu)

The committee discussed possible venues and decided the first choice would be the Morrison Library from 8:30 to 10:00.  The date will be between April 28th to 30.  Speakers and performers are being recruited from the campus and the Library and will be announced.  Performance themes will include music, dancing and poetry recitation. Mary Scott is helping with graphics and posters.   Lynn will send the Diversity committee the entertainment request form. The Diversity committee will work with Jim Church on the payment process for refreshments.

f.    LAUC system-wide spring assembly planning (L. Jones)

The date is set for April 23rd.  The program will include a small business meeting and three topical sessions, including:

  • Library reorganization – Susan Edwards will represent UC Berkeley. UC Davis and UCSD will also present.
  • Two ULs will talk about updates to the UC system. 
  • Best practices for promoting libraries services and librarian expertise to faculty.

There will also be discussion about LAUC web site redesign which will include information about membership with profiles and photos.

The four LAUC-B delegates will be Lynn Jones, Rita Evans, Jim Church, and Jason Miller (chair, vice-chair, secretary, and affiliated representative). Other UC Berkeley attendees will include Nick Robinson as LAUC President and Dean Rowan as LAUC Parliamentarian. Julie Lefevre may attend as LAUC B Web Administrator.

III.  New Business

a.  Distinguished Librarian Award (S. Edwards).

a. Distinguished Librarian Award (S. Edwards).

The committee will include Lisa Rowlinson de Ortiz (library representative) Waverly Lowell (past award recipient); Marlene Harmon (affiliated library representative) and Susan Edwards (past chair).  The committee is still looking to recruit a faculty member.

The next Ex-comm meeting will on March 12