Minutes: Public Services Task Force November 5, 1998 Meeting Minutes (meeting #8)

Present: P. Bischof & Corliss Lee (Co-Chairs), N. Brailo, C. Tarr, A. Brandt, R. Tennant, R. Love, A. Concepcion, L. Demsetz, B. Whitson (recorder)


1. Nensi Brailo will be moving from Circulation Dept. to Humanities & Area Studies, to a new set of job responsibilities. The Co-Chairs will discuss with LAUC-B whether there is any reason she should not continue on the committee, and whether someone else should be appointed to represent the D/M Circulation Dept.

2. Ellen Meltzer's talk to the Affiliated Librarians Assembly about the Teaching Library on 11/17 may be of interest to all library staff, and especially to members of the task force.

3. Planning for the next two public programs is progressing. The next forum will still be in the Lipman Room, but we are trying to find an acoustically superior space for the December program. We need someone to do a summary of Regina Minudri's talk on 11/18, and will contact the LAUC-B Research & Professional Committee to see if they can help. Alison volunteered to summarize the talk on 12/15. Bill will record each session.

4. PSTF will nominate one of its members to the new Digital Library Steering Committee, in order to have a liaison between the two groups.


1. User Panel Followup

Everyone agreed the panel was very successful. All the panelists had interesting and useful comments, very well captured in the extensive summary by Alison Brandt.

Reviewing Alison's list of "Themes & Issues" that emerged from the session, the committee decided to forward two suggestions to the Screening Committee soliciting proposals for one-time public service improvement projects. One recommendation would be to hire a consultant to examine the feasibility and costs of alternative arrangements of materials in the Main Stack, that would provide more convenient physical access to high use items and to materials which need to be browsed. The second is for a pilot project to modify 10 of the existing graduate student carrels in the Main Stack to add lockable storage cabinets. Although several other suggestions were discussed, there was no consensus that any of the others could be effectively addressed at this time through applications for one-time grants.

A very thoughtful letter from a faculty member, received in response to a selective distibution of Alison's summary of the user panel comments, will be held for the time being in order to combine it with other user assessments, such as the faculty use surveys being compiled by Laura Demsetz.

2. The report of the Student Employee Task Force has been given to Penny Abell. The report addressed many issues important to our task force. Rick will see about distributing copies as soon as it is possible to do so.

3. Brainstorming Session Followup

The Committee reviewed the summary list of ideas for improvements from our brainstorming session on October 8. While there were many ideas which warrant future consideration, none of them seemed to lend itself to immediate development into a proposal to the Screening Committee for one-time public service improvements.

4. Meeting with Jerry Lowell

Phyllis & Corliss will arrange to meet with the new University Librarian as early as convenient, and present him a one-page precis of our purpose and work to date.

5. Agenda for next meeting, Nov. 19.

a. Report from attendees at RUSA Conference
b. Discussion of points for precis to be given G. Lowell.
c. Discussion of summaries of earlier public services planning documents