(Compiled November 17, 2008)
I. Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement (Myrtis Cochrane) II. Professional Development (Judy Bolstad)
III. Statewide rep to Diversity Committee (Judy Bolstad)
IV. Statewide rep to Professional Governance (Josh Schneider) V. Research (Virginia Shih)
VI. Affiliated Library Affairs Committee (Seyem Petrites) VII. Nominations and Elections Committee (Kathryn Neal) VIII. 2009 LAUC-B Conference (Pat Maughan & Terry Huwe)
November 17, 2008
To: Corliss Lee, Chair
From: Myrtis Cochran, Chair
Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Advancement
RE: Annual CAPA Report, 11/1/2007 10/31/2008 Review Cycle
LAUC-B Fall Assembly, November 2008
CAPA Members 2007/2008
Myrtis Cochran (2008), Chair
James Eason (2008) Chris Tarr (2009) Manuel Erviti (2009)
Gary Peete (2009; retired June 2008) Lynn Jones (2010)
Nick Robinson (2010)
New Members beginning 2008/2009
Brian Quigley (2011)
Jane Rosario (2011) Virginia Shih (2011)
CAPA Statistics, 11/1/2007 10/31/2008
Total Cases Reviewed: 29
Library 24
Affiliated 5
Cases reviewed by rank:
Assistant Librarian 1
Associate Librarian 14
Librarian 14
CAPA Recommendations:
Merit increases 27
Remain at current step 2
Accelerated merit 2
Career Status 4
Promotion in Rank 5
Distinguished 0
CAPA disagreed w/ Review Initiator: 2
UL disagreed with CAPA: 0
VP disagreed with CAPA 0
Three ad hoc committees were appointed to review career status and promotion candidates.
Dossiers were received on time, and the quality of the dossiers was generally high.
The LAUC-B Professional Development Committee and CAPA co-sponsored a workshop on the academic review process on October 6, 2008, 8:30-10am. Workshop participants included Tom Leonard, University Librarian, Myrtis Cochran, CAPA Chair, James Eason, CAPA member, Barbara Kornstein, Library Human Resources Department and Elizabeth Leavitt, Academic Personnel Office.
Librarian Recruitment
CAPA reviewed 9 position announcements:
E-Learning Librarian, D/M Instructional Services
Project Archivist, Pictorial Stabilization Project, Bancroft Library
Reference/Outreach Librarian, Engineering Library
Head, Education/Psychology and Social Welfare Libraries
Reference, Instruction, Data Librarian, Business and Economics Library
Head, Research and Collections for Humanities and Social Sciences, Doe/Moffitt Head, Research and Collections for International and Area Studies, Doe/Moffitt Electronic Services Librarian, Institute of Governmental Studies Library Manuscripts Cataloger, Bancroft Library
CAPA interviewed 32 candidates for the following 11 positions: E-Learning Librarian (3)
Associate Librarian, Visual Resources Center (3) Bancroft Pictorial Cataloger (3)
Molecular/Cell Biology Informatics Librarian (4) Engineering Reference/Outreach Librarian (5) Head, Music Library (2)
Business Reference, Instruction, Data Librarian (3)
Head, Research and Collections for Humanities, Social Sciences, Doe/Moffitt (3) Head, Education, Psychology, Social Welfare (2)
Head, Research and Collections for International and Area Studies, Doe/Moffitt (1) Bancroft Manuscripts Cataloger (3)
Other Initiatives:
CAPA increased the use of bSpace to post working documents and templates.
CAPA submitted a proposal to the LAUC-B Executive Committee recommending a revision of the Berkeley Procedures and LAUC Position Paper 1.
Additional CAPA Information: CAPA - /capa
Judy Bolstad, Chair (2008) Kai Stoeckenius (2008) Jeanne Gahagan (2009) Jean Dickinson (2009)
Laura Ward, Affiliated Representative (2009)
1. Academic Review: A Program for LAUC-B Members
October 2, 2007, 8:30 10:00 a.m. Childrens Literature Room Education Psychology Library
The Committee hosted the annual Academic Review Program for LAUC-B members. Representatives from the Library Human Resources Department, Academic Personnel Office, CAPA as well as Tom Leonard, the University Librarian, were on hand to offer their perspectives on the review process and what reviewers look for in a dossier. A question and answer period followed the presentation. Over 50 people attended and the consensus was that the program was very helpful, especially for those pursuing reviews in this cycle.
2. Professional Development Spring Event: Academic Writing and
April 11, 2008, 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Alumni House, Toll Room
The Committee planned and hosted an event about academic writing and publishing, where several invited panelists discussed: best ways to get started in writing for publication, submitting your work for publication, and what the challenges and rewards are in writing and getting your work published. The event was informative and there were more than 30 attendees. Featured panelists included: Lucia Diamond (Senior Reference/Collection Development Librarian, The Robbins Collection, School of Law), Terry Huwe (Director of Library and Information Resources, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment Library), John Kupersmith (Reference Librarian, Doe Library, Research & Collections), and Jesse Silva (Federal Documents/Political Science Librarian, Doe Library, Research & Collections).
LAUC COMMITTEE ON DIVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT Judy Bolstad, State-wide Representative, Berkeley (2009)
In 2007, LAUC assigned the following charge to the Committee on Diversity:
Please gather information through a survey or other form of analysis to quantify and/or document the recruitment and retention issues, if any, at the University of California Libraries. Specifically, attempt to establish more than just anecdotally, the number of failed recruitments (with reasons when possible) and the rate of turnover (hiring and retention) within the librarian ranks at the University of California.
Since then, the Committee has been in communication via e-mail and has held one teleconference. There are currently no plans to meet in person. As of summer of 2008, the survey was written and finalized. However, due to pending approval by all AULs at all
the UC campuses, the Committee is waiting to send out the survey to Library Human Resources Departments at all UC campuses. Thus, the timeline below, which was given by LAUC, needs to be re-extended.
Originally, a report to the President on the Committees activities, for the Spring
Assembly, was to be due by April 25, 2008 and presented at the LAUC Spring Assembly
at UC Irvine. The Committee was also supposed to submit a final report by September 12,
2008 and present its final report at the Fall 2008 LAUC Assembly. After this timeline has been revised and the survey has been approved, the Committee can proceed with its charge.
LAUC Statewide Committee on Professional Governance
Annual Report to LAUC-B Membership, 2007-2008
In 2007/2008, the Committee was tasked with fulfilling its standing charge as stated in
Article VIII, Section 1.e.1 of the LAUC Bylaws:
a. Advise the President and the Executive Board on issues that affect librarians, peer review, and other professional governance issues.
b. Serve as a review body for Divisions who may request evaluation of local peer review procedures.
c. Serve as a Bylaws review committee for proposed changes to the LAUC Bylaws. Be available to review the Divisions Bylaws for consistency with the LAUC Bylaws, and to consult with Divisions on request.
d. Address other subjects at the request of the President and consider and develop recommendations on matters of librarian professional governance.
In January 2008, an additional charge to gather data relating to Librarian Peer Review was proposed by the Executive Board. In February 2008, this additional charge was rescinded.
Respectfully submitted, Josh Schneider
LAUC-B Representative to the LAUC Statewide Committee on Professional Governance
LAUC-B Committee on Research Report, 2007-2008
March 11, 2008
I. Roster
Virginia Shih (Chair; term ends fall 2008)
Imadeldin Abualgasim (Library Representative)
Dean Rowan (Townsend Fellow Representative)
Linda Vida, ex-officio (LAUC-B Representative to Statewide LAUC Committee on Research and Professional Development; term ends August 2008)
I-Wei Wang (Affiliated Representative)
II. Townsend Library Fellowship
The LAUC-B Committee on Research sponsored the Townsend Library Fellowship informational brown bag event on October 10, 2007. Teresa Stojkov, Associate Director of the Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities was invited as a guest speaker to share her perspective of the Townsend Fellowship and her experience working with Townsend Fellows as well as relevant application information for the library community applicants.
There are two major changes in the Townsend Library Fellowship application this year:
Expand the fellowship to library academic appointees such as Regional Oral History Office and Mark Twain Project and all library graduate student employees;
Change the librarian application deadline to conform to the faculty and graduate students deadline which is November 16, 2007.
12 participants attended the event to learn more about the Townsend Library Fellowship opportunity. It was a lively discussion that several former Townsend Library Fellows shared their personal worthwhile research experiences with the audience and questions were addressed during the meeting.
III. Statewide LAUC Research Grants
An informational brown bag event on statewide LAUC research grants was convened from noon to 1 pm on November 27, 2007 at 303 Doe Library. Past grant recipients were invited to share their insightful experience with the audience. Only one grant proposal was received in January 2008. The proposal was
well-articulated and worthwhile given the applicants relevant background, subject knowledge, training and experience. The Committee meticulously discussed the contents and format of the proposal. The Chair went over those details with the applicant in person, and the Committee hope that they would be helpful for the applicants reference to revise the grant proposal. The funding request is adequate, and the timetable is clear and
realistic to complete the research, which would lead to a scholarly publication in the applicants field if funding were granted later.
Committee on Affiliated Libraries Affairs (CALA) (Submitted by Seyem Petrites, Chair, 2008/2009))
2007/2008 CALA Roster
Shannon Supple (Chair)
Seyem Petrites (Vice Chair/Chair-Elect) Terry Huwe (TALAG Chair)
Corliss Lee, ex officio (LAUC-B, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect)
Affiliated Libraries Fall Assembly November 7, Goldberg Room, 8:20-9:50 a.m.
The assembly began with announcements and reports from TALAG and the Affiliated representatives to the various LAUC-B committees. The speaker at the assembly was Professor Ben Crow, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, and Chair of the University Committee on Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC). Professor Crow gave an overview of the issues in which UCOLASC is currently engaged, the Committees various duties, and how UCOLASC is actively addressing issues such as digital information and the role of libraries in digital and scholarly communication.
Affiliated Libraries Spring Assembly April 3, 2008, Goldberg Room, 8:30-10:00 a.m.
The assembly began with announcements and reports from TALAG and the Affiliated representatives to the various LAUC-B committees. The speaker at the assembly was Sheldon Zedeck, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Faculty Welfare and Professor of Psychology. Vice Provost Zedeck is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the academic-personnel process at Berkeley. He spoke about his plans for improving recruitment and retention of faculty and other academic positions through the concierge, partner placement, and electronic review projects that his office is undertaking
Get to Know the Affiliated Libraries June 12, 2008, Morrison Library, 8:30-10:00 a.m..
Representatives from each of the eleven Affiliated Libraries gave a short presentation about their libraries and archives. The program, which was open to both Library and Affiliated Libraries staff, was a rousing success. A PowerPoint presentation of the program is available at the CALA web site.
The minutes and reports from the assemblies, as well as presentations, are available on the Committees web site at: /cala/index.html
DATE: October 30, 2008
TO: Corliss Lee, Chair, LAUC-B
FROM: Kathryn Neal, Co-chair, Nominations and Elections Committee
SUBJECT: Annual report of the LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee, October
LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee members, 2007-2008:
Bette Anton
Marlene Harmon, Affiliated Representative
Norma Kobzina, Co-chair
Kathryn Neal, Co-chair
The committee selected LAUC-B candidates for and conducted the LAUC-B and LAUC Statewide annual elections. It also submitted recommendations to the LAUC-B Executive Committee for appointments to local and statewide committees based on self-nominations received and recruitments.
The following members were elected to office: Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Margaret Phillips
Secretary: Paul Atwood
General Library Representatives: David Eifler and Lisa Ngo
Affiliated Libraries Affairs Committee Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Ramona Martinez
The following members were appointed to LAUC-B and LAUC Statewide standing committees: LAUC-B Committee on Research: Marjorie Bryer and Shayee Khanaka (two new members
LAUC-B Committee on Professional Development: Frank Lester (Affiliated Representative to be replaced due to his pending departure from UC Berkeley), Dana Miller, Shannon Supple (1- year term appointment to replace Laura Ward, whose position appointment ended)
LAUC-B Nominations and Elections Committee: Myrtis Cochran and Jason Schultz
LAUC Statewide Committee on Professional Governance: Linda Vida
LAUC Statewide Committee on Research and Professional Development: Susan Garbarino
LAUC-B Representative to the UC Berkeley Library Staff Development Committee: Kai (Karen) Yu*
*LAUC-B Executive Committee conducted the call to fill this vacancy.
TO: Corliss Lee, LAUC-B Chair
FROM: Pat Maughan & Terry Huwe
2009 LAUC-B Conference Co-Chairs
RE: Update on Committee Activity
The "Student Library Users: Deliver what they need the way they want it" LAUC-B conference is scheduled for October 23, 2009 at Clark Kerr. The tentative format will be similar to the 2007 conference (9am-4:15pm): Keynote (Joan Lippincott Associate Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information is confirmed), panel, breakout sessions, lunch, individual presentations, breakout sessions, and final keynote. The afternoon keynote is still being determined.
The theme is influenced by the "pipeline" of students from young adults to undergraduates; their knowledge, experience, and needs of/from libraries. Input from
the LAUC-B membership via an online survey is informing decisions on both format and content.
The website is up and further information (including suggested readings and speaker bios)
will be added shortly.
The planning committee is reporting their work to a wiki, which will be available to inform future conference planning efforts. In addition to the 2009 conference graphic, the committee commissioned a generic "LAUC-B Conference" graphic for general use.