Frequently Asked Questions

What is the earliest delivery time for a next-day letter or package through UPS, Federal Express, or the U.S. Postal Service?

The delivery commitment to a large metropolitan area by UPS and Federal Express is by 10:30 am and through the U.S. Postal Services is by 12:00 pm.

What time must an item be brought to the Library Mailroom to be delivered to a subject specialty library the next day?

The mailroom staff departs Moffitt at 9:00 every morning to deliver mail to the subject specialty libraries. Any items for the libraries received after 9:00 am will be delivered the following day on the mail route.

What is the postal rate for a 0.5 ounce air mail letter to Europe?


Does Library Mail Services provide mailing labels for items to be mailed?

No, Library Mail Services does not supply individual staff or departments with labels.

What is the latest time that a next-day letter or letter package can be sent out?

Any next-day letter or letter package (which is 2 lbs. or less) must be delivered to Library Mail Services between the hours of 8:00 am - 1:00 pm to be processed.

What are the largest acceptable dimensions for a mail item to be sent at the post card rate?

The size limit for postcards is 4¼ inches high, 6 inches long, and 0.00095 inches thick.

How long does it take a FedEx ground package to get to the East coast?

It takes 5-7 days for a ground package to reach any east coast city or state.