Alma/Primo VE Coordination Team

Jackie Gosselar, Head, Systems and Discovery Services Department

Table of Contents

Input groups


The UC Berkeley Alma/Primo VE Coordination Team enables the Library to effectively oversee the transformative development, coordination, and implementation of practices, policies, configurations, and procedures related to the UC Berkeley Alma and Primo VE (UC Library Search) environments.

The UC Berkeley Library stands firmly in opposition to discrimination and systemic oppression. Social justice, equal rights, and equal treatment for all are bedrock principles for the UC Berkeley Library, as we fulfill our public mission. It is clear that we must do more to address racism in the workplace and in the campus community. Without changing the primary purpose of this group, you should carry out your charge in a way that advances the Library's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the context of your group work.


The UCB Alma/Primo VE Coordination Team (APriCoT) is the coordinating body responsible for the oversight, steering, and management of both Alma and Primo VE at UC Berkeley Library.

This group reports to the Division Head, Library IT, who consults with the AUL of Digital Initiatives and Information Technology.

The AUL consults with Library Cabinet and Council appropriately.

  1. Makes decisions, where appropriate and based on their impact and implication, related to the management and implementation of Alma and Primo VE by discussing and understanding Alma/Primo VE related practices and policies and based on feedback received from input groups. When policies and practices have broader implications, the team makes recommendations to the Cabinet for decisions.
  2. Discusses cross-functional Alma/Primo VE issues related to functional workflows or practices in order to design pathways to resolution.
  3. Recommends enhancement requests related to Primo VE (UC Library Search).
  4. Ensures workflows, processes, and input has been considered for all UCB Library units and divisions, including C. V. Starr East Asian Library (EAL), Bancroft Library, NRLF, and Affiliated libraries.
  5. Ensures UCB SILS decisions and workflows harmonize with UC-wide ongoing SILS groups and vice versa.
  6. Creates, initiates, and/or recommends time-limited task forces related to Alma and/or Primo VE composed of members of the Alma/Primo VE Coordination Team and outside membership depending on interest, availability, and expertise.
  7. Is responsible for two-way communication between key relevant groups, including the UC-wide SILS groups; relevant AUL/ Directors, Division Heads/Supervisors; the UC Berkeley councils, committees and other groups directly affected by or with responsibilities for Alma and Primo functions and workflows. Communicates major decisions and policies with UCB Library and affiliated library staff.
  8. Oversees and coordinates central staff site for documentation, information, and trainings/workshops related to UCB Alma and Primo VE from all functional areas.


Members represent various units and functions of the Library. Representatives from some units are identified by virtue of their primary position, functional leadership responsibilities, or participation in ongoing UC-wide SILS ongoing governance structure. Other members may represent groups such as the Affiliated Libraries, and Public Services; these individuals are selected by TALAG and AUL/Director respectively. The membership term is 24 months. Terms can be extended as needed. All members have equal participation rights.

Members are expected to collaborate and communicate closely with their AULs/Directors/Division Heads. UCB members to UC ongoing SILS governance structure will also consult and coordinate with this group and the represented committees outlined below before recommending UCB perspective at the UC-wide ongoing SILS structure, including SILS Operations Teams.

Current members:

Former members:



Ad hoc groups:

Ad hoc groups were created to address the need for ongoing support for the functional areas in addition to the input groups. These groups include representatives from divisions across the Library and affiliated libraries.

Input groups:

As Alma and UC Library Search touch all aspects of library work, a reporting and consulting relationship should exist between the Alma/Primo VE Coordination Team (APriCoT) and the groups listed below. Members of the Coordination Team will confer/consult and seek input with the following committees. Subject council representatives on functional councils play a particularly important role in sharing proposals and providing feedback. Existing groups/councils will be used when present, ad hoc groups will be created for functional areas where there is no direct input group that can be called upon from existing groups.

Project Task Forces

The Alma/Primo VE CoordinationTeam may create additional, time-limited, task forces in addition to those defined below to address targeted issues based on the MVP and other needs as they arise. These task forces will include members of the UCB Alma/Primo VE coordination team as well as outside members based on expertise, as needed. They will report to the Alma/Primo VE CoordinationTeam.

As new task forces are created, they will be added to the list below.



Group Structure/Assessment:

The group structure will be assessed and evaluated every 24 months and changes will be recommended to the structure as appropriate.

Last reviewed on September 1, 2023.