Through October, the UC Berkeley Library is seeking feedback on a significant restructuring of its locations and hours.
In its long-term space plan, the Library lays out a sustainable vision for the future in light of a reduced budget and smaller workforce; evolving needs and preferences of faculty and students; and developing campus priorities.
Key points of the plan
The new vision for the Library’s 23 locations includes:
- 11 hub libraries: Long hours for locations with the most study seats, and comprehensive library services that cover a range of disciplines.
- Six satellite libraries: Smaller spaces for studying and browsing collections, with more limited hours.
- Two by-appointment libraries: Access to specialized collections and in-person services offered on an as-needed basis.
- Three mergers: Bringing expertise and collections together in the hub libraries, and turning the spaces over to other campus units for student-facing services and study spaces.
- Help in person and online: In-depth research and teaching support in long-standing and emerging areas of research and instruction through in-person and online instruction, in-person and online research appointments, 24/7 chat, and online FAQs.
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