The Affiliated Libraries Administrative Group (TALAG) Meeting of April 12, 2018

Law Library Conference Room (163)

Attendees: Kathleen Vanden Heuvel, Dean Rowan, Waverly Lowell, Marci Hoffman, Julie Lefevre, Nick Robinson, Kendra Levine, Lillian Castillo-Speed (chair), Nancy Goldman (notetaker)

1. Draft Guidelines Statement Respecting Affiliated Libraries on the Berkeley Campus (Dean, Kendra, and Nancy)--see below.

Discussed Draft Guidelines statement; Dean, Kendra and Nancy reported on their process; group discussed several changes (correcting date of Basis; including definition of MOU). Group voted to accept Guidelines statement with these changes.

Dean will create a shared drive folder for historical documents.

The new Guidelines statement and Basis will be uploaded to LAUC-B. Julie will email Beth Dupuis to get most recent Basis doc and let her know we plan to upload it.

Several libraries have signed MOUs; others (e.g. Law) are still working on theirs.

2. Topics of Discussion at UL Meeting on May 7

A. We will present our Guidelines document and give our rationale. We will also discuss the ongoing process of negotiating the MOUs.

B. Digital lifecycle - what is the future of this project and what kinds of collaboration/opportunities for participation exist? Given Erik Mitchell's departure, what is the Library's current plan for this? Will UL Mackie-Mason be rethinking the plan? Any information on the UC-wide ILS initiative?

C. Communication. How can we get Affiliated Libraries more in the loop? We could possibly be incubators for medium scale proof of concept projects. Suggested avenues for better communication: 1) add Affiliated Libraries to the library staff email list. Currently we miss many emails that might be of interest, for example professional development opportunities. 2) We would also like a more formal approach for appointments to councils. 3) TALAG proposes to map groups/councils and find out whether any TALAG members would like to participate.

Lily will send TALAG the May 7th agenda, and will also send it to the UL in advance.

3. TALAG Chair Succession Process

Lily would like to step down as Chair in July. She would like a task force to propose a structure for a succession process. Waverly, Marci and Julie will serve on task force; Nick will consult on it as well.

>4. Round the Table and Announcements

BAMPFA - Nancy will email TALAG regarding scheduling a tour of the BAMPFA Film Library this summer. BAMPFA received an NEH grant to digitize a collection of videos and papers of 1970s video collective TVTV (Top Value Television).

LAW - Google Books digitized all California bills; they are now on HathiTrust and will be on Google. Instead of eScholarship, Law uses bepress: many documents downloaded.

ITSL - Working on statewide ITS network; new state proposition (gas tax) could affect budget. Getting ORCID membership.

IGSL - Nick retiring at end of June. Has recommended Julie Lefevre as library director; not finalized yet. Also recommends hiring cataloging and metadata librarian. They are working on election guides for June and collaborating with NextTen for publishing on California Choices website.

ESL - Shari Huhndorf has been wonderful chair, very supportive of library; but new chair will be appointed soon. ESL is planning events for Cal Day: drawings, exhibits, etc.

EDA - Waverly is retiring. Chris Marino will take over Waverly's position as curator on a full-time basis. EDA has NHPRC grant to create a virtual Sea Ranch collection. Emily Vigor has been working on getting Wikipedia to recognize primary sources and on adding many entries to Wikipedia, including women designers.

Lily will propose a date for a lunch to celebrate Waverly and Nick's retirements.

Nick has the Affiliated Libraries archives - perhaps it could be digitized and/or relocated to University Archives.

Guidelines Respecting Affiliated Libraries on the Berkeley Campus

In 2003, TALAG revised and LAUC-B approved the document Guidelines for Establishment of Libraries on the Berkeley Campus as Affiliated Libraries, which recommends criteria for evaluation of current and prospective Affiliated Libraries. The Guidelines specify factors indicative of the appropriateness of Affiliated Library status, and therefore of representation in TALAG, for a candidate library. The Guidelines address areas in which a library's viability, stability, and resources recommend Affiliate Library status as a mutual benefit for all stakeholders of the campus library community.

In large part, the more recently drafted University Library's Basis for MOUs 1 with Affiliated Libraries (rev'd Jan. 8, 2018) (hereinafter Basis) echoes and updates the Guidelines. Thus, for example, Basis notes, "The primary mission of the Affiliated Libraries is to support the teaching and research needs of their respective organizations; their collections reflect these specialized concerns." This is a principle with which TALAG is in complete accord, as with many of the "General Commitments" specified in Basis. Accordingly, TALAG hereby adopts by reference Basis as a preliminary source and replacement for the Guidelines. With respect to staffing, TALAG encourages inclusion of at least one LAUC member among the staff of each Affiliated Library.

However, there may be cases where a library lacking or declining to seek formal affiliation with the University Library via an MOU wishes to participate in TALAG. TALAG welcomes contact from such libraries, which LAUC-B and TALAG designate “independent” libraries. The effectiveness and value of TALAG--and by extension, the entire Berkeley library community--increase with the participation of members who serve as partners in our expertise group, and who reflect collegiality and a sense of common good among librarians and library staff.

-- Adopted by TALAG, April xx, 2018

1For purposes of these Guidelines, an MOU consists of the terms outlined in Basis and any additional terms applicable individually to the circumstances of the Affiliated Library that enters into the agreement with the University Library.