Collection Services Council Meeting of September 3, 2019


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Present: Jean Dickinson, Natalia Estrada, Mohamed Hamed, Mark Hemhauser, Chan Li, Toshie Marra (Minutes), Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez (by voice), Michael Sholinbeck, Jesse Silva, Hannah Tashjian, and Sam Teplitzky

Guest: Salwa Ismail and Timothy Vollmer

Absent: Jim Church, David Faulds, and Stacy Reardon

  1. CSC and Scholarly Communications (Timothy Vollmer) Timothy introduced himself. He's the new Scholarly Communications + Copyright Librarian working in the Office of Scholarly Communication Services with Rachael Samberg and Michael Lange. He shared a few priority areas that OSCS will be working on in 2019-2020, including:

  1. Providing copyright and information policy education and services, such as three events related to scholcomm and copyright during the October publishing series.

  2. Supporting OA publishing through BRII, OER creation and sharing via Pressbooks, exploring and supporting transformative agreements to move to OA.

  3. Further development of copyright and information policy risk assessment for the Digital Lifecycle Program, including documenting workflows.

  4. Hosting the Summer 2020 institute in Berkeley for Building Legal Literacies for Text and Data Mining (made possible as a result of a grant from NEH) to focus education and practice wrt TDM with focus on humanities research.

Jo Anne will share with CSC a 2-page document on OSCS priorities from Rachael.

Tim asked whether there are any ongoing or future initiatives that CSC would like to collaborate on. We briefly discussed the potential CSC working group who will be tasked with developing investment criteria for OA. Jo Anne asked Tim to be on the working group, which he will do.

  1. Choosing CSC Co-Chair: Stacy Reardon or Sam Teplitzky

After confirming that no special qualifications would be required for new co-chair (e. g., subject specialty, relevant experience with particular CSC projects, etc.), the candidates names were placed into a bag and Natalia draw one randomly. Stacy Reardon was elected as CSC co-chair through June 2020.

  1. ILL Reports (Salwa Ismail)

Salwa discussed quarterly ILL borrowing reports provided by Patrick Shannon every quarter to all the Selectors. Patrick gets these reports in a raw format from CDL and they include excessively detailed information (over 80 different fields), Patrick then spends hours cleaning up the spreadsheets into a usable format with fields that might be of relevance to the Selectors. In order to make efficient use of these reports, she asked what kind of information CSC would find useful to have in these spreadsheets? We're limited to the information/fields that CDL provides (which might not be everything we need, as not all data points are collected). Several CSC members answered and there were different fields that many members were asking to have such as subject-related information (such as LC call number), language, the country that we're borrowing from, transaction cost to UCB, and citation of the requested material. Next Steps: Salwa will share with the CSC subject council representatives all fields that we get from CDL and that are available to us, from there the CSC subject council reps will ask their councils for more feedback on which fields should be included. Once we have the finalized fields, Patrick will ensure that the borrowing report spreadsheets that he sends every quarter out have those fields and none of the other unnecessary fields.

A question was asked about lending reports -- it was suggested that once we clean up the borrowing reports, we could turn our focus to the lending reports. It was also suggested to send these to Chan, so she could add up all the quarterly reports and add it to the tableau dashboard where information could be sliced in other ways as needed.

A final question asked was about privacy -- for some departments, because there is very limited data, it might be easier to narrow it down to the borrowing person. Salwa will bring this up with Rachael Samberg to discuss the implications if any.

  1. Gauging interest in potential working group projects for the year (see brief descriptions in last month's minutes)

Jesse asked CSC members about interest in working on any potential working group projects discussed in Aug. meeting and following members expressed their interest:

  1. OA Investments-Sam and Chan

  2. Inventory of Collaborative Action Partnerships-Mohamed and Natalia

  3. Library Policy Guidelines Working Group continues-Hannah

  4. Desiderata Lists

  5. Enhancing record for non-roman script materials in OskiCat-Mohamed, Jean, and Toshie

  6. User-friendly access to major newspapers-Michael, Jim

Jo Anne clarified that the above projects could include non-CSC members. For next steps, Jo Anne and Jesse will draft charges for approval by CDLG and CSC.