Collection Services Council Meeting of April 2, 2019

10:00-11:30251 Doe

Present: Mark Hemhauser, David Faulds, Hannah Tashjian, Toshie Marra, Jim Church, Jeremy Ott, Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz, Chan Li, Stacy Reardon, Sam Teplitsky

JNR minute taker

Guest: Jason Dezember, Matthew Schmitz.

Absent: Jennifer Dorner, Becky Miller


  1. Announcements

    1. Be sure to attend the Celebration of Library Research in Morrison on April 18. Jeremy mentioned there were a number of submissions on assessment of collections.

  2. Licenses and end of year spending guidelines

    1. Mark reported there were 25 new orders per month requiring licensing. Oldest license in queue from August, difficult negotiation. A number of renewals are requiring new licenses. A number of issues are contributing to longer and more difficult negotiations including making sure US and international copyright laws are stipulated, warranty clauses, california jurisdiction and governing law, accessibility language, financial exigency, indemnity clauses, licensor's ability to audit Berkeley etc. Acquisitions tries very hard to be timely but often licenses can take over 6 weeks to negotiate and finalize. Often find publishers/vendors aren't as responsive as we like.

    2. As of today's meeting collections budget is 79% encumbered. By the end of March the encumbrance will be higher. Mark is sending out a report to selectors with this information by selector and fund. 98% of the budget should be spent and encumbered by April 15th . The primary english monograph supplier GOBI requires 48 days to be invoiced for an order. It is alright to be over encumbered by 105%. Serials and standing orders are currently predicted to overspend by $270K this year. That may not be the case at year's end, however.

  3. Discussion of the Binding Guidelines Working Group Report (Hannah)

    1. Report shared with CSC. (See

    2. Hannah provided an overview for CSC of the Binding Working Group charge, the findings and the recommendations.

    3. CSC discussed at length the WG recommendations. Ideas that were brought forward included:

      1. Suggestion that the recommendations could be suggested best practices; unit choices not rules

      2. Questions concerning recommendation #1 to stop binding JSTOR titles (secure perpetual e-access) and whether this would conflict with potential UCB shared print obligations currently or in the future

      3. Discuss ion with Hannah around source funding to cover rebinds for circulating material and sustainability of funding for the future

      4. Discussion around recommendation #2- General agreement that the monetary and space savings does not outweigh the value of preserving the print. Question about UCB pursuing additional publisher package shared print strategy with journal packages such as Project Muse across the UC system. Suggested a next step might be to have a conversation about what collections or publisher titles UCB cares about and would like to take initiative to preserve these selected publishers titles.

      5. Questions around recommendation #3- Perhaps this could be a best practice that units would need to decide on an individual basis. Certainly this would have a major consequence for Main Circulation. It seems clear that space constraints and user accessibility might not make this a guideline that Main Circulation can easily sustain or implement. In regards to the sub-topic in recommendation #3 around single leaf items, it is not clear how many single leaf items are actually acquired but it was agreed these need selector review. Doesn't make sense to catalog individual single sheets and pamphlet bind. Will need to suggest Acquisitions and Cataloging to think thru process to alert selector and treat differently upon receipt.

      6. Currently Cataloging treats each sheet as a separate individual title otherwise there is a concern around access issues. (further, Cataloging doesn't do bound widths because this would involve binding a collection of related titles like a series but as a monograph.)

      7. Comment about boundwidths. Cataloging doesn't do this. This would involve binding collection of possibly related titles, like a series but monograph.

    4. Next steps for sharing report and getting feedback on recommendations for further consideration by CSC.

    5. Send to CDLG, share with Councils and TS Operations Managers; collect feedback for next CSC meeting in May to potentially finalize decisions on recommendations

  4. Report of Offline Digital Assets Phase II Working Group (Jim)

    1. Not enough time remained to discuss report and recommendations. Tabled till next meeting in May.

  5. Future agenda topics and work:

    1. Gifts Working Group- volunteers to help develop and finish charge

    2. Working group to Criteria for collections investment in OA

    3. Future topic of discussion Metadata justice; subject heading bias