Collection Services Council Meeting of February 5, 2019


251 Doe

Present: Jim Church, Jennifer Dorner, Mark Hemhauser, Toshie Marra, Becky Miller, Jeremy Ott, Stacy Reardon, Hannah Tashjian, Sam Teplitsky

Absent: Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, Chan LI, David Faulds

Guest: Trina Pundurs for Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz


  1. Announcements

Trina - CMC is putting out a call to the other Councils about what topics they should be taking up in their meetings. Please let Lisa know.

  1. Report from Offline Digital Assets Phase II Working Group (Jim)

Jim distributed an interim report. The first part of the group's charge is to investigate approaches for dealing with currently owned materials. The group has tentatively concluded that, with the support of systems, the library will preserve everything for selected libraries and let the selectors and Operations Managers set priorities for their respective collections. In regards to the second part of the charge -- to recommend an approach for dealing with newly acquired offline digital assets -- the group believes that different approaches may be required for libraries based on their local priorities.

The group is currently piloting the digitization of Doe Reference offline digital assets and will have more information when that is complete.

Trina asked about whether the digitization project will include materials deposited at NRLF.

Jennifer commented that if the group was not going to propose a workflow for newly ingested materials, then the group should propose a model for the ongoing review of these materials.

  1. Report from Binding Guidelines Working Group (Hannah)Hannah continued (from January meeting) her report. The Summary of findings include:- Pamphlets are a category of materials that are very difficult to replace. Binding protects thin materials from loss and damage, particularly when used. In a recent four-year period, very thin items represented 6% of what circulated.- Reducing the thickness maximum from 3/8" to 1/4" for pamphlet binding is likely to result in savings by one third.- It is feasible to bind together multiple years of serials, however savings are difficult to predict because sizes and thickness vary each year.- There are savings if the Library discontinues binding serials on receipt.

  2. Preservation & News/Micro newspaper microfilming pilot (Hannah)Preservation and News/Micro are beginning a pilot to film three deaccessioned titles from NRLF that had been previously slated for microfilm. The first phase of the pilot consists of three titles: Brecha, Organizer, and Star. The newspapers have been prepared and will soon be shipped. The second phase of this project will be to microfilm the remaining deaccessioned titles from NRLF that had also been previously pulled for microfilming.