Cataloging and Metadata Council Meeting of November 19, 2019


303 Doe Library

Attendees: Adnan Malik, Chris Tarr, Frank Ferko, Haiqing Lin, Heiko Muhr, Jim Church, Jo Anne Newyear-Ramirez, Lisa Rowlison de Ortiz (Chair), Lynne Grigsby, Michael Campos-Quinn, Randal Brandt, Robert Talbott, Robert Toyama, Sherry Lochhaas, Tim Converse, Michael Meacham, Salwa Ismail, Jim Latchney, Jane Rosario, Stella Tang, Jean Dickenson, Matthew Schmitz

Minutes: Lynne Grigsby


1. Unit announcements

Jim Latchney will be standing in as serial rep in place of Trina

Randy: two new acquisitions staff have started; a new Cataloging & Metadata Librarian will be starting December 2: Lisa R!

Heiko: thanks to Reza and Imad for transcribing the Ottoman Turkish text and adding the Arabic script for 3 rare Ottoman maps for the Bancroft Library. This really added value, the donor has promised a rare 18th century atlas and a meeting has been set up to talk about additional donations

Randy: CLIR grant to digitize all California Land Case files. Cataloged at collection level, with finding aid. Project will involve preservation & metadata folks. Land Case Maps were digitized in early 2000s.

Round Robins

2. Council reps reports:

  • Social Sciences (Jim Church)
  • Sciences (Heiko Muhr)
  • Public Services (Michael Campos-Quinn)
  • 3. LIT update (Lynne Grigsby)

    4. Web Advisory Group (Sherry Lochhaas)

    5. RDA Update (R. Talbott)

    6. Library Leadership Team Update (Jo Anne Newyear Ramirez)

    7. Systemwide ILS (SILS) Group Update (Randy Brandt & Lynne Grigsby)


    8. ILL report and the CSC Collecting Policy draft - Jean Dickinson

    9. SILS “fix it” list

    10. Future plans for the Council