Sciences Council Meeting of October 1, 2020

9:00 - 10:00 AM, Zoom

Present: Susan Powell (Chair), Kristen Greenland, Debbie Jan (recorder), Shannon Kealey, Becky Miller, Heiko Muhr, Lisa Ngo, Brian Quigley, Michael Sholinbeck, Elliott Smith (facilitator)

Guest: Jane Rosario, Head of the Collection Services Division

  1. Announcements - All

    1. Dr Fauci will be speaking to the Berkeley Forum on Thursday, Oct. 8th at 5 pm,

  1. Jane Rosario, new Head of the Collection Services Division - All

    1. Jane shared her vision along with opportunities for the division

    2. Topics discussed included the Linked Data Project, new Linked Data Interest Group, Copy Cataloging Training Pilot for Staff, metadata collection for digital collections, and UCB participation in national programs such as CONSER, BIBCO, NACO, and SACO.

    3. With the new SILS, Catalog and Metadata Services will be taking on new roles.

    4. If folks have any questions or thoughts about the new division, they can contact Jane.

  1. STAR database library entries - Kristen

    1. Kristen brought this new undergraduate-focused database on STEM Training & Resources to the attention of Sciences Council. Currently there are no library entries in the database.

    2. The council discussed possible approaches to address this. It was agreed that individual libraries will explore creating entries. Kristen will draft a common description of library services that folks can customize for their libraries if they desire. Kristen will explore how to submit our entries to the database.

  1. Check in about the library's actions to address racism & social justice

    1. This discussion continues last month's conversation. One topic that came up was How to create opportunities to create trust? The Virtual SLA Annual Conference will be having two anti-racism sessions. Some folks will be attending meetings that they can share with the council next month. Next month, we'll consider how we want to move forward.

  1. Function Council, Committee Representative, & SILS reports

    1. Brief reports from CSC, CDLG, and SILS were heard.

  2. Around the table

Next scheduled meeting:

November 5, 2020, 9:00 - 10:00 AM