Sciences Council Meeting of September 3, 2020

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Present: Sam Teplitzky (stand-in meeting chair for Susan Powell), Michael Scholinbeck, Elliott Smith, Debbie Jan, Anna Sackmann, Heiko Muhr, Becky Miller, Kristen Greenland (recorder), Brian Quigley (facilitator)


  1. Announcements - All (5 min)

    1. Heiko - EART is working on the soft launch of the German World War II Captured Maps digitization project and associated LibGuide, announcement from Library Communications is coming next week

      1. 17,000+ historically important maps came to Berkeley from the U.S. Army Map Service in the 1950s. We are integrating additional sheets from UCR as part of this project. Sample record for a German World War II military map series:

      2. A secret U.S. Army military intelligence unit collected these maps in Germany from October 1944 to September 1945. Its commander, Floyd W. Hough, worked as U.S. Coast & Geodetic Survey group leader in California. Related Image

    2. Sam - Data Services Librarian job talks start this week

  1. Discussion of librarian support for animal use protocol reviews by the Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) - Elliott (15 min)

    1. Background: Elliott was contacted by Mike Conboy (QB3) from ACUC, they review all animal use protocols for researchers. Researchers do a lit review of alternatives to their animal use protocols as part of the process. Relates to more divisions than just LHS (researchers' departments include psychology, engineering, physics, etc.)

    2. Problem: Many of the animal use lit reviews could be more thorough

    3. Solution: Elliott is working with Mike to have individual consultations with researchers with Mike referring applicants to the library for help with their literature reviews update the guide that researchers use for doing these reviews, will be turned into a Google Doc for ease of updating (Could make it a LibGuide but then it would be owned by the Library and not the ACUC committee)

    4. Timeline: Revise guide first between end of October and end of semester, roll out consultations in the Spring semester

      1. Sciences Council members agreed to be contacted for lit review consultations

    5. Discussion:

      1. Does anyone in LBNL use this process? Yes, they have an animal welfare and research committee

      2. Elliott will include Psychology liaison Margaret Phillips in the discussion of consultations since there are many proposals from that department

      3. What keywords do researchers use for these types of searches? UC Davis animal protocol alternatives searching guide

      4. Does have some documentation of animal use protocols?

      5. Could embed a Google Doc into a LibGuide to broaden audience - Elliott will look into this and contact ACUC

  2. Fall instruction check in - Michael (5 min)

    1. Some instruction sessions are in the Library Events Calendar but not on Library LibCal or vice versa, have we decided on a particular protocol for posting our instruction sessions and where to do that? Discussion:

      1. Some people have moved to the LibCal system to use the registration functions, ability to link LibGuides, and send Zoom links with registration

      2. Library Calendar is useful because you can suggest that items be listed in other campus calendars

      3. Intention of LibCal system - use this for our workshops, use main Library calendar for other types of events primarily

  1. Check in about the library's actions to address racism & social justice - All (5 min)

    1. Sam & Bonita's LibGuide on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Earth and Planetary Science has been useful for reference questions from researchers in other departments. LibGuide platform is not ideal for collaborating with faculty on co-editing the content of a guide.

    2. Critical Librarianship & Pedagogy Symposium - Free over the next few weeks

    3. Science Leadership & Management session - Freeman & Theobald discuss structural inequities in university science programs

      1. "Active learning narrows achievement gaps for underrepresented students in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math" (PNAS, 2020):

      2. "Reducing achievement gaps in undergraduate general chemistry could lift underrepresented students into a "hyperpersistent zone" (Science Advances, 2020):

    4. Could potentially have a more structured check-in for this agenda item (Arts & Humanities Council as model?)

  1. Function Council, Committee Representative, & SILS reports (optional) (10 min)

    1. Brief reports, see minutes for councils and committees

  2. Around the table (5 min)

Next scheduled meeting:

October 1, 2020, 9:00 - 10:00 AM