Sciences Council Meeting of July 2, 2020

9:00 - 10:00 AM

Present: Debbie Jan, Shannon Kealey, Heiko Muhr, Lisa Ngo, Susan Powell, Brian Quigley, Anna Sackmann, Michael Sholinbeck, Elliott Smith (chair), Samantha Teplitzky (recorder)

Guest: Erin Foster, Research Data Management Service Lead

  1. Announcements - All

    1. The first portion of the WW2 Captured Maps cataloging and digitization project will have a soft launch in August. The maps will be available through TIND and an accompanying LibGuide will provide an overview and context for the maps.

    2. Agnes Concepcion has retired and was thanked for her service. Michael Villareal will take over as circulation supervisor of Math, Physics & Chemistry. Blake Lindsey will become circulation supervisor for Engineering.

    3. Susan Powell will take over as next Sciences Council Chair in August. Elliott Smith was thanked for his leadership of the Council.

  2. Meeting with Erin Foster, Research Data Management Service Lead - All

    1. Website: Research Data Management Service

    2. Introduction and conversation with Erin about potential collaborations and projects.

    3. Brian and Erin described the Ithaka S+R big data project, and invited members to send recommendations for researchers involved in big data who they might interview.

  3. Update on "Call for a Library response" letter to Library Cabinet - All

    1. Call for a Library response on racism and social justice

    2. The Council discussed Library Cabinet's response to our June 5 letter linked above and the expectation that Cabinet will soon follow up with concrete action.

    3. Sciences Council will keep this as a running topic on our future agendas.

  4. Around the table

Next scheduled meeting:August 6, 2020, 9:00 - 10:00 AM