Sciences Council Meeting of April 2, 2020

9:00 - 10:30 AM

via Zoom

Present: Debbie Jan, Becky Miller, Heiko Muhr, Brian Quigley, Michael Sholinbeck, Elliott Smith (chair), Sam Teplitzky, Susan Powell (recorder), Kristen Greenland (facilitator), Lisa Ngo, Anna Sackmann


  1. Announcements - All
  • Sciences Council representatives - E. Smith
  • Volunteers needed; 2-year terms begin July 1:

    current EPS representative: Samantha Teplitzky; incoming EPS representative: Anna Sackmann

    current representative: Susan Powell

    current representative: Lisa Ngo

    Many thanks to the outgoing representatives for their service. People interested in filling the open spots should reach out to Elliott.

    1. Remote resource needs/requests - M. Sholinbeck

    Discussion of requests received for remotely accessible resources such as e-versions of print textbooks on course reserve, lab videos, recorded lectures, news sources, etc. and successes/frustrations in fulfilling the requests.

    1. Sciences Council goals and meeting schedule - All

    Discussion of what makes sense for Sciences Council based on encouragement from Roundtable “to adopt new approaches that still allow their group to accomplish their core goals while also reducing the number of meetings, new projects, and simple reporting out of other groups.”

      Highlights from Function Council & Committee Representative reports & Expertise Group reports were shared
    1. Around the table

    Next meeting:

    May 7, 2020, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

    Earth Sciences & Map Library Seminar Room/Zoom