Sciences Council Meeting of November 7, 2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library Conference Room

Present: Elliott Smith (Chair), Kristen Greenland, Debbie Jan, Shannon Kealey, Becky Miller (Recorder), Heiko Muhr, Lisa Ngo, Susan Powell , Anna Sackmann (Facilitator), Michael Sholinbeck, Sam Teplitzky

Guest: Chan Li

  1. Announcements

    1. Open Meeting Introducing Dryad: Friday November 8, 11-12 in Doe 303.

    2. Career panel (LAUC-B Committee on Research and Professional Development): Friday November 8, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. in Doe 303. Panel discussion of career paths and decisions.

  2. Welcome to Shannon Kealey, LHS Division Head

    1. Shannon was welcomed to her first Sciences Council meeting.

  1. Strategic Collection Development Funding proposal ranking

    1. Five proposals were discussed and assigned one of three priority tiers (high, middle, lower).

  1. Faculty survey action plan - C. Li

    1. Chan went over the survey action plan and encouraged attendance at the upcoming staff open discussion session on November 14.

    2. Responses of sciences faculty to several survey questions were discussed.

  2. STEM Equity Conference report - M. Sholinbeck

    1. Michael reported back on the STEM Equity Conference he attended.

    2. Here are his notes

  1. Auto-shipping for award winners, key reviews, book lists - B. Miller, S. Teplitzky

    1. There is a spreadsheet containing all the award winners, lists, and reviewed publications we can set up for autoship in GOBI if we choose. Sam and Becky will share the spreadsheet and solicit feedback to bring back to SSRGWG.

  1. Function Council & Committee Representative reports were canceled due to lack of time.

  2. Around the table

Next meeting:

December 5, 2019, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library Conference Room