Sciences Council Meeting of August 1, 2019

9:00 - 10:30 AM

Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library Conference Room

Guests: Salwa Ismail, Chan Li, Sherry Lochhaas, Molly Rose, Patrick Shannon

Recorder: Susan Powell

Facilitator: Brian Quigley


  1. Announcements

    1. All are invited to Covidence workshop Aug 15, 11am via GoToMeeting: You can also dial in using your phone, United States: +1 (312) 757-3117

  1. Welcome to Salwa Ismail - Guests: Salwa Ismail, Patrick Shannon, Sherry Lochhaas

    1. Patrick & Salwa shared numbers about requests for Elsevier materials thus far

    2. UC Davis model for strategies about sharing with faculty:

      1. Website listing options with one-minute videos for plugins (recommendation to install all plugins to get best coverage)

      2. Offered drop-in sessions

  2. Ideas & feedback:

    1. Researchers are actively discussing on Twitter, so do more interventions there

    2. There are parallel discussions among researchers about boycotting publishing with, serving on editorial boards of, and reviewing for Elsevier journals, and it might be good for Library to have official stance

    3. Do an Ask Me Anything on Reddit?

    4. Agreement that double-checking for OA copies is a good thing to do

    5. Faculty feedback: delay of 2-3 days feels too long

    6. It seems to be unclear to researchers that only 2019 eJournals are affected - Researcher assumption seems to be that if they run into any issue with any Elsevier product, it must be related to the cancellation

    7. Put alert banner on all library pages

    8. Reach out to faculty committee meetings and have leadership team provide talking points to liaisons (including what's happening now and reviewing/publishing)

    9. How do we address SciHub? Faculty are clearly using it. But in using it, Library loses out on information.

    10. Grad students are good target audience for plugin use.

  3. Tableau Library Dashboards feedback - Guests: Chan Li, Molly Rose

    1. Review of what has been published so far (several dashboards) and the feedback received

    2. Feedback and new ideas on dashboard development

    3. Discussion of plan for collection use data analysis and visualization

    4. E-journals: Usage over time, aggregated by publisher, cost per use, how articles are being used and which years of articles are being accessed, more recent data

    5. Molly shared some samples of visualizations she's been working on of collections at ENVI

  1. Fall instruction coordination

    1. Engineering Dissertation support workshop series will run again this fall. It is focused on Engineering grad students, but is open to students in other disciplines

    2. Make shared calendar again -- Becky will create

    3. MailChimp newsletter will go out August 19

    4. Get workshops on calendar by August 14 to get on both calendar handout and MailChimp

  2. A-Z Databases categories - L. Ngo

    1. New materials properties database was acquired that doesn't really fit into any existing database type categories

    2. There is no process for renaming/creating new categories

    3. Proposed: Standard process for making category type changes to the Databases A-Z List, plus three new category proposals ("Materials Properties", "Research Tools", and "Bioinformatics tools"). Lisa will write up proposal to share with PSC and WAG

  1. Function Council & Committee Representative reports and Expertise Group reports were not heard due to lack of time

Next meeting:

September 5, 2019, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library Conference Room