Sciences Council Meeting of June 6, 2019

9:00 - 10:30 AM

Earth Sciences & Map Library Seminar Room

Present: B Dupuis; D Jan; B Miller; H Muhr; L Ngo (Facilitator); S Powell; M Sholinbeck (Recorder); E Smith (Chair); S Teplitzky; J Dorner (Guest)



ES: July 4 Sciences Council meeting cancelled due to holiday; if anything urgent comes up, we can call a meeting later in July.

DJ: Mentioned Web of Knowledge/Google Scholar cross-linking and integration. Info:

Confirmation of Sciences Council committee representatives - E. Smith

Collection Services Council (LHS representative, 2-year term): Michael Sholinbeck

Cataloging & Metadata Council (2-year term): Heiko Muhr

Conference reports I:

ACRL (S. Powell, S. Teplitzky)

Sessions reported on include Reconceptualizing the Conference Experience: Employing Grassroots Efforts in Conference Planning to Promote Inclusivity and Accessibility; Recoding the Academic Librarian: Our Developing Role as Data Detectives; Challenging the Good Fit narrative; as well as their own posters. Info:

ALA Midwinter (E. Smith)

ES presented on Responsible conduct of research. (ALA logon required to access)

CCLI (B. Miller)

Sessions on exhibits and critical source evaluation. Info: Next year's CCLI: May 29.

D4D (L. Ngo)

Conference centered on user experience, design thinking, design in physical and online spaces. Sessions and workshops on conducting UX research, tools and techniques for scalable survey analysis, etc. LN has a logon available to view any of the recorded sessions. Info:

Ally accessibility tool for bCourses - J. Dorner

Presentation on the Ally tool - see attachment text at the end of these minutes. Ally exists both to raise awareness of accessibility issues among faculty and others who post in bCourses, as well as to allow students to download files into alternative file formats.

Function Council & Committee Representative reports. We heard reports from:

Cataloging & Metadata Council (CMC) - H. Muhr

Public Services Council (PSC) - S. Powell

Expertise Group reports. We heard reports from:

Data Initiatives - B. Miller

Scholarly Communication - D. Jan, S. Teplitzky

Teaching & Learning - M. Sholinbeck

Library Assessment Advisory Group (LAAG) - B. Miller

Around the table

Next meeting: August 1, 2019, 9:00 - 10:30 AM

Bioscience, Natural Resources & Public Health Library Conference Room


For bCourses

ALLY is a tool within bCourses that has 2 purposes: to offer instructors feedback on the accessibility of their online course content, along with advice on how to remediate it; and to provide students with downloadable alternative formats.

What content does ALLY check?

ALLY will look at the accessibility of images throughout the bCourse site, but otherwise it only examines the files uploaded into the FILES folder. It can check these formats:

How does ALLY work?

After uploading a file, ALLY's indicator shows how accessible the files is. (These indicators are not visible to students.)

Clicking on the indicator will bring up a dialog that walks you through any problems. Some problems can be resolved through the dialog, but many require changes be made to a local copy, which can then replace the bad file.

Common changes instructors are prompted to make include:

Alternative Formats

Students see a menu to the left or right of each document that allows them to select an alternative format.

Depending on the original file, options for alternative formats that can be downloaded include:


Adobe Acrobat Make Accessible Wizard Tutorial

Leverage Adobe Acrobat's Make Accessible Feature

WebAIM Articles