Sciences Council Meeting of May 2, 2019

Earth Sciences & Map Library Seminar Room

Present: Beth Dupuis, Debbie Jan, Becky Miller (facilitator), Heiko Muhr, Brian Quigley, Michael Sholinbeck, Elliott Smith (chair), Sam Teplitzky (recorder)


Eric van Dusen, Curriculum Coordinator, Division of Data Sciences

Josh Quan, Data Services Librarian


  1. Announcements (5 min.)
    1. Call for volunteers for representatives
      1. Cataloging and Metadata Council
      2. CSC Life & Health Sciences Representative
  1. Data Science program subject librarian support - E. van Dusen and J. Quan (30 min.)
    1. For background see
      1. Discussion of Data Science division, the integration of data science modules into existing classes, and various data science pedagogy tools including Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Datahub, GitHub, Interact Links, Student Developers (with an emphasis on open source tools & curriculum)
    2. Pedagogy workshop open to librarians - June 3-5, 2019
    3. For examples, see the modules on the Showcase Website:
    4. Connect with Erik if you have ideas for course collaborations
  1. Expertise Groups discussion - All (10 min.)
    1. Discussion of changing roles of expertise group and initial conversations about potential new structures ahead
  1. Function Council & Committee Representative reports (10 min.)

Reports were heard from:

  1. Cataloging & Metadata Council (CMC) - H. Muhr
    1. Reported on Social Justice Metadata Project
    2. CMC Newsletter:
  2. Collection Services Council (CSC) - B. Miller, S. Teplitzky
  3. Collections Development Leadership Group (CDLG) - B. Quigley
  1. Expertise Group reports (10 min.)
    1. Data Initiatives - B. Miller
    2. Scholarly Communications - D. Jan, S. Teplitzky
    3. Teaching & Learning - A. Sackmann (on leave), M. Sholinbeck
    4. Library Assessment Advisory Group (LAAG) - B. Miller
  1. Around the table (5 min.)

Next meeting: Thursday June 6, 2019, 9:00 - 10:30 AM, Earth Sciences & Map Library Seminar Room