Public Services Council Meeting of March 24, 2020

Attending: Nicole Brown, Michael Campos-Quinn, Tim Converse, Beth Dupuis, Fedora Gertzman, Ann Glusker, Lynne Grigsby, Salwa Ismail, Blake Lindsey, Mark Marrow, Susan McElrath, Steve Mendoza, Susan Powell, Neda Salem, Patrick Shannon, Jami Smith, Dave Wong, Susan Xue

SILS Updates

Remote Resources page

Visit the remote resources page for the most updated information, and let us know what other information is being requested by users so we can continue to revise this page in response. One suggestion is adding the list of open and free resources people can get to; this is in the works and will be shared soon. Another suggestion is moving information about returning materials to the top of the page; this is one of the biggest questions from users. The Library's e-reference and chat staff are meeting this afternoon and are compiling the questions that people are asking most. Another suggestion is revising the title of this page to reflect the broader range of issues it covers now. Another suggestion is adding a more prominent FAQ link to the top level page; we are currently exploring if it is technically feasible to add the yellow banner to more library web pages including libguides.

Service Updates

Zoom experiences

There was an excellent session from the Instruction Services Division on teaching during disruptions earlier this week. There is a useful session for all interested library staff for meetings from Library IT tomorrow. People noted the recent article shared about zoom-bombing and precautions to take to protect your sessions from trolls and abuses of the software. Note the Library emergency news page that has great links under teleworking and technology. Some folks are using zoom for group meditation and related activities like lunches, breaks, and more.

Upcoming events

Campus has changed plans for CalDay to a more extended online experience; details from campus are still being worked out and then we'll figure out how the Library can best contribute. Additionally we are encouraging creative ideas for moving other major events into a virtual format this spring -- such as the DH Faire, Library Prize Ceremony, and Lunch Poems. Library leadership is discussing a helpful way to organize this so we can help sustain a sense of community and engagement with library users while also recognizing that everyone may be feeling too overwhelmed to do too much new at this stage. More to come on this soon to all library staff.